TY - BOOK TI - The negotiable instruments act, 1881 (Bare Act) U1 - 340 PY - 2010/// CY - New Delhi PB - Universal Law Publishing N1 - THE NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS ACT, 1881 Introduction Preamble CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY Sections 1. Short title Local extent^ saving of usages relating to Httndis, etc./ Commencement . . 3 3 3 2. [Repealed] 3. Interpretation clause ^ "Banker" ^ CHAPTER II OF NOTES, BILLS AND CHEQUES // 3 4. "Promissory note 5. "Bill of exchange" ^ -6.. "Cheque" ^ 7. "Drawer", "drawee" ^ "drawee in case of need" ^ "acceptor' "acceptor for honour" 5 "Payee" 8. "Holder' 9. "Holder in due course" ^ 10. "Payment in due course" 6 11. "Inland instrument" ^ 12. "Foreign instriunent" 13. "Negotiable instrument" 14. Negotiation 15. Indorsement 16. Indorsement "in blank" and "in full"—"Indorsee" 7 17. Ambiguous instruments ' 7 18. Where amount is stated differently in figures and words 7 19. Instruments payable on demand 7 20. Inchoate stamped instruments 7 21. "At sight", "On presentment", "After sight" 8 22. "Matiu-ity" ® Days of grace ® 23. Calculating matiuity of bill or note payable so many months after date or sight 8 24. Calculating maturity of bill or note payable so many days after date or sight ® 25. When day of maturity is a holiday 8 Ik CHAPTER m PARTIES TO NOTES, BILLS AND CHEQUES Capacity to make, etc., promissory notes, etc. Minor Agency Liabilit>' of agent signing Liability of legal representative signing Liability of drawer Liability of drawee of cheque Liability of maker of note and acceptor of bill Ordy drawee can be acceptor except in need or for honour Acceptance by several drawees not partners Liability of indorser Liability of prior parKes to holder in due course Maker, drawer and acceptor principals Prior party a principal in respect of each subsequent party Suretyship Discharge of indorser's liability Acceptor bound, although indorsement forged Acceptance of bill drawn in fictitious name Negotiable instrument made, etc., without consideration Partial absence or failure of money