TY - BOOK TI - The Energy Conservation Act, 2001 (Bare Act) U1 - 342.54 PY - 2010/// CY - New Delhi PB - Universal Law Publishing KW - Bare Act N1 - THE ENERGY CONSERVATION ACT, 2001 Introduction . Sections CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent and commencement 2. Definitions CHAPTER II BUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY 3. Establishment and incorporation of Bureau of Energy Efficiency 4. Management of Bureau 5. Meetings of Governing Council 6. Vacancies, etc., not to invalidate proceedings of Bureau, Governing Council or Committee 7. Removal of member from office 8. Constitution of Advisory Committees and other committees 9. Director-General of Bureau 10. Officers and employees of Bureau 11. Authentication of orders and decisions of Bureau. CHAPTER III TRANSFER OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES, ETC., OF ENERGY MANAGEMENT CENTRE TO BUREAU 12. Transfer of assets, liabilities and employees of Energy Management Centre CHAPTER IV POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF BUREAU 13. Powers and functions of Bureau CHAPTER V POWER OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT TO FACILITATE AND ENFORCE EFFICIENT USE OF ENERGY AND ITS CONSERVATION 14. Power of Central Government to enforce efficient use of energy and its conservation ' . , CHAPTER VI POWER OF STATE GOVERNMENT TO FACILITATE AND ENFORCE EFFICIENT USE OF ENERGY AND ITS CONSERVATION 15. Power of State Government to enforce certain provisions for efficient use of energy and its conservation w Sections 16. Establishment of Fund by State Government 17. Power of inspection 18. Power of Cejitral Government or State Government to issue directions CHAPTER VII FINANCE, ACCOUNTS AND AUDIT OF BUREAU 19. Grants and Loans by Central Government 20. Establishment of Fund by Central Goverrunent 21. Borrowing powers of Bureau 22. Budget 23. Annual report 24. Annual report to be laid before Parliament 25. Accounts and audit CHAPTER VIII PENALTIES AND ADJUDICATION 26. Penalty 27. Power to adjudicate 28. Factors to be taken into account by adjudicating officer 29. Civil court not to have jurisdiction CHAPTER IX APPELLATE TRIBUNAL FOR ENERGY CONSERVATION 30. Establishment of Appellate Tribunal 31. Appeal to Appellate Tribunal 32. Composition of Appellate Tribunal 33. Qualifications for Appointment of Chairperson and Members of Appellate Tribunal 34. Term of office 35. Terms and conditions of service 36. Vacancies 37. Registration and removal 38. Member to act as Chairperson in certain circumstances 39. Staff of Appellate Tribunal 40. Procedure and power of Appellate Tribunal 41. Distribution of business amongst benches 42. Power of Chairperson to transfer cases 43. Decision to be by majority St'ccr°editPH^"^HV° assistance of Legal pracHtioner auditor and of Government to appoint presentmg officers appunu 45. Appeal to Supreme Court CHAPTER X MISCELLANEOUS«. Power of Ceotel Govem™„, u, bsue dlrecUon, Bure.u 47. Power of Central Government to supersede Bureau 24 48. Default by companies 25 49. Exemption from tax on income 25 50. Protection of action tahen in good faith 25 51. Delegation 26 52. Power to obtain information 26 53. Power to exempt 26 54. Chairperson, Members, officers and employees of the Appellate Tribunal, Members of State Commission, ,, , j Director-General, Secretary, members, officers and employees of the Bureau to be public servants 26 55. Power of Central Government to issue directions 26 56. Power of Central Government to make rules 26 57. Power of State Government to make rules 28 58. Power of Bureau to make regulations 28 59. Rules and regulations to be laid before Parliament and State Legislature 28 60. Application of other laws not barred 29 61. Provisions of Act not to apply in certain cases 29 62. Power to remove difficulty 29 THE SCHEDULE 29 THE BUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY APPOINTMENT AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE OF THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL RULES, 2003 Rules 1. Short title and commencement 30 2. Definitions 30 3. Appointment of Director-General 30 4. Scale of p^y and allowances ^ . 30 5. Resignation and removal of Director-General ' 31 6. Grounds for removal 31 7. Entitlement for staff car 31 THE BUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY (APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY) RULES, 2004 Rules ' ^ 1. Short title and commencement 32 2. Number of post, classification and scale of pay 32 3. Method of recruitment, age limit, qualifications, etc. 32 4. Disqualification 32 5. 32 6. Power to relax 7. Savings SCHEDULE BUREAU OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY (APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS, MANNER OF FILLING VACANCIES, FEES AND ALLOWANCES AND PROCEDURE FOR DISCHARGING THEIR FUNCTIONS) RULES, 2007 1. Short title and commencement 2. Definitions 3. Appointment of members 4. Vacancies 5. Resignation 6. Fees and allowances 7. Procedure to be followed by members in the discharge of their functions THE ENERGY CONSERVATION (THE FORM AND MANNER FOR SUBMISSION OF REPORT ON THE STATUS OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY THE DESIGNATED CONSUMERS) RULES, 2007 Short title and commencement Definitions Submission of Report on the status of energy consumption by Designated Consumer Authentication of Data Supply of Data to the Bureau Annexure FORM 1.—Details of information regarding total ener^ consumed and specific energy consumption per unit or production THE ENERGY CONSERVATION (FORM AND MANNER AND TIME FOR FURNISHING INFORMATION WITH REGARD TO ENERGY CONSUMED AND ACTION TAKEN ON RECOMMENDATIONS OF ACCREDITED ENERGY AUDITOR) RULES, 2008 1. Short title and commencement 2. Definitions 3. Form and time limit for furnishing of information by the designated consumers with regard to energy consumed and action taken on the recommendations of the accredited energy auditor Manner of furnishing information FORM 1.— Details of energy consumed and specific energy based on verified data FOlWvl 2. Details of action taken on recommendations of accredited n auditor for improving energy efficiency .FORM 3. Details of energy efficiency improvement measures implemented, investment made and savings in energy achieved and progress made in the implementation ot ottier recommendations CONSERVATION (MANNER OF HOLDING INQUIRY) RULES, 2009 1. Short title and commencement 2. Definitions 3. Manner of holding inquiry by an adjudicating officer ER -