Lester, Simon

World trade law: Text, materials and commentary/ Simon Lester - New Delhi: Universal Law Publishing, 2010. - 892 p.

PART I: International Economic Law: Introduction to the Legal and Economic Aspects of International Economic Regulation1 Introduction to International Economic Law2 Economic Rationale of TradePART II: History, Institutional Aspects and the Relationship between International Economic Law, International Law and Domestic Law3 The History and Institutions of the International Trading System 4 International Economic Law and International Law5International Economic Law and Domestic LawPART III: Dispute Settlement in the WTO6 Dispute Settlement: Overview, Evolution and ChallengesPART IV: Traditional GATT Obligations7 Border Measures: Tariffs, Customs Rules and Quotas8 The Non-Discrimination PrincipleA. Overview: basic principles and conceptsB. National Treatment ObligationC. Most Favoured Nation Obligation PART V: GATT Exceptions9 Regional Trade Arrangements10 Health, Enforcement and Conservation Measures11 National SecurityPART VI: Remedies for Fair and Unfair Trade12 Subsidies and Countervailing Measures13 Dumping and Anti-Dumping Measures14 SafeguardsPART VII: Beyond Trade in Goods: Domestic Regulation, Services, Investment, Procurement and Intellectual Property15Domestic Regulation of Health Measures and Other Technical Regulations and Standards16 Trade in Services17 Trade and Investment18 Government Procurement19 Intellectual Property RightsPART VIII: Social Policy Issues20 WTO and Developing Countries21 Trade Linkages: Trade and Social PolicyPart IX: The Future22 The Doha Round: Future Challenges


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