Urban politics/ edited by Jonathan S. Davies and David L. Imbroscio - Los Angeles: Sage, 2010. - 347p. 15.6cm.

Volume II; Power and Political Economy

18. Extracts from Who Governs? Democracy and Power
in an American City 1
Robert A. Dahl
19. The Local Community as an Ecology of Games 21
Norton E. Long
20. The Structure of Power in Regional City 35
Floyd Hunter
21. Two Faces of Power 71
Peter Bachrach and Morton S. Baratz
22. The City as a Growth Machine: Toward a Political Economy of Place 81
Harvey Molotch
23. Redefining Urban Politics for the Twenty-first Centiuy 103
Allan Cochrane
24. From Managerialism to Entrepreneurialism: The Transformation
in Urban Governance in Late Capitalism 123
David Harvey
25. City Trenches 147
Ira Katznelson
26. Systemic Power in Community Decision Making: A Restatement
of Stratification Theory 175
Clarence N. Stone
27. The Interests of the Limited City 197
Paul E. Peterson
28. The Urban Basis of Political Alignment: Social Class,
Domestic Property Ownership, and State Intervention
in Consumption Processes 217
Patrick Dunleavy
29. Semisovereign Cities: The Politics of Urban Development 253
Todd Swanstrom
30. The World City Hypothesis 277
John Friedmann
31. Cities in Today's Global Age 291
Saskia Sassen
32. Neoliberal Urbanism: Models, Moments, Mutations 317
Jamie Peck, Nik Theodore and Neil Brenner
33. Six Discourses on the Postmetropolis 335
Edward W. Soja


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