Johnson, Phylis

Second life, media and the other society/ Phylis Johnson - New York: Peter Lang, 2010. - xxii, 284 p. ; 23 cm. - (Digital formations), v. 58 .

Second Life, imagination, and virtual community --
Social networking : extending your circle of friends, virtually --
Identity in-world : self and fantasy in Second Life --
Extending consumer culture : work and economy in the virtual world --
Safe spaces : home sweet home in another world --
The image makers : selling fantasy and reality in Second Life --
Flying to learn : exploring real life through the virtual campus --
Tuned into Second Life : avatar groupies, beer gardens, and soundscapes --
My avatar is watching television : media makers and audiences --
News media across the metaverse : reporting live from a virtual world near you --
The fringe of Second Life : sex, violence and crime --
Diversity in Second Life : virtual expression through color and gender --
Religion in Second Life : virtual gods, spirituality, and fellowship --
Conclusion: A second look at virtual worlds : is the future now? --
Epilogue: The rebaking of Second Life : creating virtual worlds that people inhabit.


Shared virtual environments
Second Life (Game)

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