TY - BOOK AU - Frawley, William TI - Vygotsky and cognitive science:Language and the unification of the social and computational mind SN - 0674943473 U1 - 153 PY - 1997/// CY - London PB - Harvard University Press N1 - Internalism and the Ideolog)^ of Cognitive Science 1.1 Luria's Peasant and the Frame Problem 1.2 The Deprivilegins of External Causes 1.3 Luria's Peasant, Again {and Fodor on Vygotsky) 1.4 Vygotskv and the Frame Problem From Plato's Problem to Wittgenstein's Problem 2.1 Plato's Answer: The Inward Turn 2.2 Universal Grammars 2.3 Troubles in Paradise 2.4 Wittgenstein's Problem Architectures and Contexts: Unifying Computational and Cultural Psycholinguistics 3.1 Ineommensurablity and Unity 3.2 Cognitive Seienee: A Primer 3.3 Vygotskyan Theory: A Primer 3.4 Arehiteetures and Contexts: Three Prospeets for Unity Subjectivity: Consciousness and Metaconsciousness 4.1 Consciousness Regained 4.2 From Information Processing to Self-Conseiousness 4.3 The Orjjnnizntioi! of Subjcetivity 4.4 Vy_qotskynn DcmonstrntioJis of Mctncotiscionsness 5 Control and the Language for Thought 5.1 The Iniportnncc of Rejle.xivity 5.2 Dcfininjj the Lntijjunyjc for lljonyjht 5.3 The Limits of Private Speech Research 5.4 A Conte.xt-Architectnre View of the Laajjiiajje for Thoajjht 5.5 The Linp\aistic Structure of the Laujjtiajje for 'Tljoupht 5.6 Comptitatioual Control and the Symptoms of tJje Machine Self 5.7 Run Tijue and Relativity 6 Control Disorders: Splitting the Computational Lorn the Soeial 6.1 Lopric/Control Dissociations 6.2 A Cataloyjuc of Control Disorders 6.3 Lotjic versus Control 6.4 Private Speech Disruptions 6.5 The Metaconseious Effects of Control Disorders 6.6 Two Final Clarifications Epilogue: Is Everything Cognitive Science? Ajyainst Grand Schemes Sociocornputationalism Two Prospects for Sociocornputationalism Does Internalism Win Outi ER -