Encyclopedia of new religious movements/ edited by Peter B. Clarke. - London; New York: Routledge, 2006. - xxxii, 686 p.; 26 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

12 Tribes -- Abacwezi-Basom -- Abamalaki -- Abiodun Akinsowon, Christiana (Mrs/Captain) -- Abu Sayyaf -- Abyssinian Baptist church -- Adidam -- Aetherius Society -- African Methodist Episcopal Church -- African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church -- African Native Baptist Church -- African-American Pentecostalism (see Azusu Street Revival) -- Agonshu -- Ahl -i-Hadith -- Ahmadiyya Movement -- Aladura Churches -- Alpha Base -- AmaNazaretha -- Ambedkar movement -- Amritanandamayi Ma -- Ananda Community -- Ananda Marga Yoga -- Ansaaru Allah Community -- Anthroposophy -- Anti cult Movement -- Apostolic Church of Johane Masowe -- Apostolic Church of John Maranke -- Armstrongism/Worldwide Church of God -- Arya Samaj -- Asahara Shoko (see also Aum Shrinri-kyo) -- Aumisme -- Aurobindo, Sri -- Azusa Street Revival -- Baba, Sathya Sai -- Bahai -- Bailey, Alice (see also New Age) -- Bamba, Ahmadu (see also Mouridiyya) -- Barelvis -- Bennett, J.G. -- Besant, Annie -- Bethesda Movement -- Big Drum Dance -- Black Hebrews -- Black Jews -- Black Muslims -- Black Spiritual Churches -- Black theology -- Blavatsky, Anna -- Brahma Kumaris Movement -- Brahmo Samaj -- Branch Davidians (see also Waco) -- Breatharianism -- Brotherhood of the Cross and Star -- Buddha's Light Temple -- Buddhism, Mahayana -- Buddhism, Vajrayana -- business and NRMs -- Byakko Shinkokai -- Caddy, Eileen and Peter (see also Findhorn and New Age) -- Candomble -- Caodaism -- Cargo Cults -- Catholic Charismatic Movement -- Celestial Church of Christ (see also Aladura) -- Charismatic Christianity -- Cherubim and Seraphim Churches -- Chidvilasananda -- Children and NRMs -- Chopra, Deepak -- Christ Apostolic Church -- Church for the Spirit of Jesus Christ -- Church of Christ in Japan -- Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Jehovah's Witnesses) -- Church of Satan -- Church of the Lord Aladura (see Aladura) -- Church of the Twelve Apostles (Nackabah) -- Church Universal and Triumphant -- conceptual issues -- consumerist ethic and NRMs -- Costa Chica -- Cross of Christ World Mission -- Cult of Maria Lionza (see also: Alan Kardec, Kardecism and Spiritualism) -- Daimoku -- Daishonin Nichiren (see also Nichiren Shosu and Soka Gakkai) -- Daku Community -- Damanhur -- Dargawiyya Movement -- Defining/characterizing NRMs -- Deguchi, Nao (see also Omotokyo) -- Deguchi, Onisaburo (see also Omotokyo) -- Deima Cult -- Deobandi Movement -- Deprogramming -- Divine Light Mission -- Dream Dance (see also Powwow Cult) -- Dynamic Meditation (see also Rajneesh Movement) -- Earth People of Trinidad -- Easternization thesis -- Eckankar -- Ekuphakamemi (see also amaNazaretha) -- Eleventh Commandment Fellowship -- Emin -- Enneagram -- environment and NRMs -- Erhard, Wener -- Espiritismo (see also Santerismo and Santeria) -- Eternal Order of Cherubim and Seraphim (see also: Aladura churches) -- exit counselling -- Faith Church, The -- Faith Tabernacle Church -- Falun Gong -- Family (Children of God) -- Family Action for Information and Rescue (see also Anti-Cult Movement) -- Father Divine's peace mission -- Fellowship of Isis -- Findhorn (see also Caddy, Eileen and Peter and New Age Movement) -- Forum/est -- Fox, Matthew -- Friends of the Western Buddhist Order -- Gaga (Rara) cult -- Gai'wiio religion -- Garvey, Marcus -- Gedatsu Kai -- gender and NRMs -- Ghost Dance -- Globalization and NRMs -- God Light Association -- Godianism -- God's Army -- God's Salvation Church -- Gohonzon (see also Soka Gakkai) -- Gongyo (see also Soka Gakkai) -- Grace of Jesus Christ Crusade -- Gurdjieff, G.I. -- Gush Emunim -- Hamas -- Harrist Movement -- Hau Hau -- Hay, Louise -- healing (see African independence churches) -- Heaven's Gate -- Heavens Gathering (Korean: Chunjonhoe) -- Hisb-ut-Tahir -- Hizbollah -- Hoa Hau -- Hokekyo (see also Lotus Sutra) -- Honmon Butsuryushu -- House Church Movement -- House of the Goddess -- Hubbard, L.R. (see also Scientology) -- Human Potential Movement -- I AM Movement -- Idris Shah -- Ikeda Daisaku (see also Soka Gakkai and Nichiren Shoshu) -- I-Kuan Tao (Unity Sect) -- Ilion Foss -- independent churches (Aldura, Spiritist, Zionist, Ethiopian) -- Institute for the Harmonius Development of Mankind -- International Church of Christ -- International Society for Krishna Consciousness -- Jamaa movement -- Jamaat-I-Islami -- Jesus Army -- Jesus Christ Lightening -- Jesus Christians -- Jesus Movement -- Jofrum Movement -- John-Roger -- Jung -- Kadec, Alan -- Kala Keo Ku -- Kardec, Alain (see also Kardecism and Spiritism) -- Kardecism -- Karma -- kidnapping -- Kimbangu, Simon (see also Kimbanguist Church) -- Kimbanguist Church Zaire -- Kofuku no Kagaku (see also Okawa Ryuho) -- Konkokyo -- Krishnamurti -- Kurozumikyo -- Kurozumikyo -- law and NRMs -- Layenne Movement -- Lefevre -- Legiao de Boa Vontade (Legion of Good Will) -- Legio Maria Movement -- Lekraj, Dada -- Lenshina, Alice (see also Lumpa Church and Legio Maria) -- Liberation Theology -- Lingsu Exo-Esoterics -- Lord of Universe Church -- Lord's Resistance Army -- Lotus Sutra -- Lou -- Lubavitch Movement -- Lumpa Church of Zambia.
MacLaine, Shirley -- Macrobiotics -- Madame Blavatsky -- Magnificent Meal Movement -- Mahayana Buddhism -- Mahdiyyat Movement -- Mahikari -- Maitatsine Movement -- Maitreya -- Maji-Maji -- Makiguchi, Tsunesaburo -- Malcolm X (see Nation of Islam) -- mantra -- Martinus -- Maslow -- Maulana Maududi -- Meher Baba Movement -- membership -- Messianic Community -- Messianic Judaism -- Miki, Nakayama -- Mohammed, Elijah (see Nation of Islam) -- Mokichi, Okada -- Moon, Reverend Sun Myung -- Moon, Reverend Sun Myung (see also Unification Church) -- Moorish Science Temple (see Nation of Islam) -- moralogy -- Mormon Church -- Mother Meera -- Movement of the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God -- MSIA (Insight) -- Mucker Movement -- Muridiyya (see also Bamba, Ahmadu) -- Musamo Christo Disco Church -- Myochikai Kyodan -- Nakayama, Miki (see also Tenrikyo) -- Nao, Deguchi -- Nation of Islam -- National Church of Africa -- Native American Church -- Neo-Catechumenate Way -- Neopaganism -- Neo-Sufism -- Neturei Karta -- New Age -- New Huniyan Cult -- New Kadampa Cult -- New Native Shamens -- New Thought -- Nirvana -- Niwano Nikkyo -- Noble Ali Drew (see Moorish Science Temple) -- Nueva Jerusalem -- Okada Keiju -- Okada Mokichi (see also Sekai Kyusei Kyo) -- Okada Yoshikazu -- Okawa Ryuho -- Olcott, Henry Steel (see also Madame Blavatsky and Theosphy) -- Omotokyo -- Opus Dei -- Order of Buddhist Contemplatives -- Ordo Templi Orientis (see also anthrosophy) -- Osho -- Ouspensky, P.D. -- Owobusobozi -- Pagan Federation -- Pai Marire -- Peace and NRMs -- People's Temple -- Perfect Liberty Kyodan -- Peyote Cult -- Phra Photirak Phutthatat Bhikkhu (see also Suan Mok) -- Pir Valayat Khan (see also the Sufi Order in the West) -- Powwow Cult (see also Dream Dance) -- Qigong -- Raelian Movement -- Rainbow Coalition -- Rajneesh Movement -- Rak Rakpong -- Ramakrishna Mission (see also Sri Ramakrishna) -- Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh -- Rastafarian Movement -- Real Buddha Dharma -- recruitment (including brainwashing) -- Reformed Church in Japan -- Reiki -- Reincarnation -- Reiukai -- Reiyukai Kyodan -- Religious fundamentalism -- Ringatu faith -- Rissho Kosei Kai -- Sahaja Yoga -- Sai Baba Movement -- Sai Baba, Sathya -- Samsara -- Santeria -- Santerismo -- Santi Asoke -- Santi Asoke (see also Phra Photorak) -- Santo Daime -- School of Economic Science -- Scientology (see also Hubbard, L.R.) -- Secularization thesis and NRMs -- Seicho no Ie -- Sekai Kyusei Kyo -- Selassie, Haile (see Rastafarian Movement) -- self identity -- self, the -- self-transformation -- Servants of the Light -- Shah, Idris -- Shango -- Shembe, Isaiah (see amaNazaretha) -- Shjnnyo'en -- Shoko Asahara (see also Aum Shinrikyo) -- Shrine of the Black Madonna -- Siddha Yoga -- Silva Mind Control -- Society of the Inner Light -- Soka Gakkai -- Solar Temple -- Spirit of Jesus Church (Japan) -- Spiritism (see also Alan Kardec) -- Spiritual Baptist Music -- Sri Ramamkrishna -- Sri Vivekananda -- Starhawk -- Suan Mok (see also Phutthathat Bhikkhu) -- Subud -- Sufi Order in the West -- Sun Dance -- sutra -- Swami, Bhaktivedanta -- Swaminarayan Movement -- Tabligh -- Taliban -- Tambor da Mina (see also Batuque, Candomble, Umbanda and Yoruba Gods in the New World) -- Taniguchi Masaharu -- Teachers, The -- Temple of Set -- Tenrikyo (see also Nakayama, Miki) -- Tensho Kotai Jingu Kyo -- terminological questions -- The Body (Attelboro) -- The Way -- Theology of Glory Movement -- Theosophical Society -- Theravada Buddhism -- Toda, Josie (see also Soka Gakkai) -- Tonghak Movement -- Toronot Blessing -- Toronto Blessing -- Transcendental meditation -- Typologies of new religions -- Tzu Chi -- Unification Church/Moonies -- United Church of Christ in Japan -- United Church of Science and Living Institute -- United House of Prayer for All People -- United Native African Church -- Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches -- Universal Hagar's Spiritual Church -- utopian thought and NRMs -- Vajrayana Buddhism -- violence and NRMs -- Vishwa Hindu Parishad -- Vissarion -- Voodoo (see also Yoruba Gods in the New World) -- Waco (see also Branch Davidians) -- Wat Phra Dhammakaya -- White Brotherhood -- White Eagle -- Wicca (see also Neo-paganism and New Age) -- Winti Cult -- Word of Life -- Work, The -- World Vision International -- Wovoka (see also Ghost Dance) -- Wrekin Trust -- Xango (see also Candomble and Yoruba Gods in the New World) -- yoga -- Yoruba Gods in the New World (see also Candomble, Santeria, Shango and Umbanda) -- Zar Cult -- Zhiguan (centring prayer) -- Zhong Gong -- Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa.

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