Hinduism: Past and present/ Michael, A. - New Delhi: Orient Longman, 2006. - 429 p.

1. Theoretical Foundations
Is India Different?
The Identificatory Habitus
What Is Hinduism?
Hinduism and Hindu-ness
Religion and Dharma
Hindu Religions and Hindu Religiosity
Great and Little Hinduism
Continuity and Change
2. Historical Foundations
Epochs in the History of Religions
First Epoch: Prevedic Religions
Second Epoch: Vedic Religion
Third Epoch: Ascetic Reformism
Fourth Epoch: Classical Hinduism
Fifth Epoch: Sects of Hinduism
Sixth Epoch: Modem Hinduism
Religious Literature
Vedic Literature
The Literature of the Ascetic Reformism
The Literature of Classical Hinduism
The Literatures of the Hindu Sects
Literatures of Modern Hinduism
3. Stages of Life and Rites of Passage
The Salvational Goal of Initiation
The Second Birth
Natural Birth, Ritual Birth, New Birth
The Sacred Thread
Consecration of the Ascetic, Consecration of the
Student, Consecration of the Man
» Childhood and Socialization
The Early Years
Parentage and the "Oceanic Feeling"
Sacred Fatherhood
Wedding and Matrimony
The Wedding
Thf Daughter as Gift
Kinship, Alliance, and Descent
The Situation of the Woman
Death and Life after Death
The Brahmanic Ritual of Dying and Death
Ancestor Worship
Widow-Burning and Religiously Motivated Suicide
The Ban on Killing and Ahimsa
Karma and Rebirth
Mortality and Immortality
4. The Social System
Social Stratification
The Caste Society
Social Contacts
Purity and Impurity
Religious and Social Hierarchy
Priests and the Supremacy of the Brahmans
Religious and Economic Centrali^
Hierarchies of the Gift
5. Religiosity
The Idea of God and the Pantheon
Equitheism and Homotheism
Visnu, Knna, and the Centrality of the Gods
Siva in the Great and Litde Traditions
Gane^a and the Miracle
Wild and Mild Goddesses
Elements of Religiosity
Ritual Acts
The Brahmanic-Sanskritic Morning Ritual
Divine Worship {puj^
Devotionalism and Theistic Traditions
Bhakti Movements
The Grace bf the Gods
Spiritualism and Mysticism
The Identification Doctrine of the Upanisads
The Psycho-Physical Identifications of Samkhya
and Yoga
Samkara's Doctrine of Nonduality
Special Features of Indian Mysticism
Heroism and Kingship
Akhax^: Religious Centers of Strength
Power and Authority of the King
King and Ascetic
6. Religious Ideas of Space and Time
Religious Awareness of Space
Spaces and Directions as Sacred Powers
Pilgrimage Sites and Their Hierarchy
Astrology and the Cosmic Place of Man
Religious and Scientific Concepts of Space
Religious Awareness of Time
Ancient Indian Cosmogonies
Creation in Classical Mythology
The Doctrine of the Ages of the World
Cyclical and Linear Time: The Calendar
Unity of Space and Time: Festivals
Religious and Scientific Ideas of Time
7. Immortality in Life
Asceticism: Life in Transcendence
Ascetic Practice and Sects
Asceticism and Sacrifice
'The Salvation of Identifications
The Socioreligious Function of Norms of Punty
Descent and Autonomy
The Logic of the Identifications
The "Theology" of the Hindu Religions:
Identity of God and Man

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