The Cambridge handbook of personality psychology/ Cors, P.J. - Cambridge: CUP, 2009. - xliii,850 p.

1. Conceptual issues in personality theory

2. Personality psychology of situations

3. Personality: traits and situations

4. Personality and emotion

5. The characterization of persons: some fundamental
conceptual issues
6. The trait approach to personality

7. Methods of personality assessment

8. Structural models of personality

9. The Five-Factor Model of personality traits: consensus and

10. Personality and intelligence

11. Childhood temperament

12. The development of personality across the lifespan

13 Models of personality and health

14. Attachment theory: I. Motivational, individual-differences
and structural aspects

15. Attachment theory: II. Developmental, psychodynamic
and optimal-functioning aspects

16. Evolutionary theories of personality

17. Animal models of personality and cross-species

18. Behavioural genetics: from variance to DNA

19. Neuroimaging of personality

20. Personality neuroscience: explaining individual
differences in affect, behaviour and cognition

21. The Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of Personality

22. Semantic and linguistic aspects of personality

23. Personality and performance: cognitive processes
and models

24. Self-regulation and control in personality functioning

25. Self-determination theory: a consideration of human
motivational universals

26. Traits and the self: toward an integration

27. Personality as a cognitive-affective processing system

28. The storied construction of personality

29. Personality and social relations

30. Personality and social support processes

31. Social pain and hurt feelings

32. Personality in cross-cultural perspective

33. Culture and personality

34. Personality and politics

35. Mood and anxiety disorders; the hierarchical structure
of personality and psychopathology

36. Personality and psychosis

37. Diagnosis and assessment of disorders of personality

K38. Psychopathy and its measurement

39. Personality and eating disorders

40. Personality and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

41. Personality in school psychology

42. Personality in educational psychology

43. Personality at work

44. Workplace safety and personality

45. Personality and crime

46. Treatment of personality disorders

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