Adams, Bridget

Psychology for health care: Key terms & concepts/ Bridget Adams; Barbara Bromley - Houndmills: Macmillan Press, 1998. - xxiv, 368 p. 24 cm.

List of Figures.
Foreword.- Preface.
Using this Book.
Handy Headings.
Historical Background.
Aggression and Aggression Management.
Anxiety and Depression.
Attitudes, Attitude Change and Persuasion.
Behaviourism and Behaviour Therapies.
Biopsychology and Physical Interventions .
Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Therapies.
Health Beliefs, Lifestyle and Health Promotion.
Humanistic Psychology and Counselling.
Language and Therapetuic Communication.
Loss and Grief Therapy.
Memory and Response to Memory Changes.
Mind and Altered States of Consciousness.
Pain and Pain Management.
Perception and Response to Perceptual Changes.- Perception of Self and Others.- Planning, Playing and Problem Solving.
Psychodynamic Psychology and Psychotherapies.
Research, Statistics and Psychometrics.
Social Psychology, Groups and Social Skills.
Stress and Stress Management.
Appendix: Using a Library.


Clinical health psychology

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