Oxford practice grammar/ Eastwood, John - Oxford: Oxford, 2000. - 432 p.

Words and sentences
1 Word classes: nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc 2 2 Sentence structure: subject, verb, object, etc 4 3 Direct and indirect objects 6
4 The present continuous 8 5 The present simple 10 6 Present continuous or simple? 12
I State verbs and action verbs 14
Test 1: Present tenses 16
8 The past simple 18 9 The past continuous 20 10 Past continuous or simple? 22 Test 2: Past simple and past continuous 24
II The present perfect (1) 26 12 The present perfect (2): just, already, yet;
for and since 28 13 The present perfect (3): ever, this week, etc 30 14 Present perfect or past simple? (1) 32 15 Present perfect or past simple? (2) 34 Test 3: Present perfect and past simple 36
16 The present perfect continuous 38 17 Present perfect continuous or simple? 40 18 The past perfect 42 19 Review of the past simple, continuous and
perfect 44 20 The past perfect continuous 46 Test 4: Past and perfect tenses 48
2-1 Review of present and past tenses 50 Test 5: Present and past tenses 54
22 Introduction to the future 56
23 Will and shall 58 24 Be going to 60 25 Will and be going to 62
26 Present tenses for the future 64 2.1 When I get there, before you leave, etc 66 Test 6: The future with will, be going to and present tenses 68
28 Will be doing 70 29 Will have done and was going to 72
30 Review of the future 74
Test 7: The future 76
31 The verb have 78 32 Short forms, e.g it's, don't 80 33 Emphatic do 82
Questions, negatives and answers
34 Yes/no questions 84 35 Short answers, e.g. Yes, it is. 86 36 Wh-questions 88 yi Subject/object questions 90 38 Prepositions in wh-questions 92 39 Who, what or which? 94 Test 8: Questions 96 , '("i
40 Negative statements 98 41 Negative questions 100 42 Question tags, e.g. isn't it? 102 43 So/Neither do I and I think so 104 Test 9: Questions, negatives and answers 106
Modal verbs
44 Ability: can, could and be able to 108 45 Permission; can, may, could and be allowed to 110 46 Possibility and certainty: may, might, could, must, etc 112 47 Necessity: must and have to 114 48 Necessity: mustn't, needn't, etc 116 49 Should, ought to, had better and be supposed to 118 50 Asking people to do things 120 51 Suggestions, offers and invitations 122 52 Will, would, shall and should 124 53 It may/could/must have been, etc 126 Test 10: Modal verbs 128
' The passive
54 Passive verb forms 130 55 Active and passive (1) 132 56 Active and passive (2) 134 57 Special passive structures 136 58 Have something done 138 59 To be done and being done 140 Test M: The passive 142
The infinitive and the ing-form
60 Verb + to-infinitive 144 61 Verb -t- ing-form 146 62 Verb + to-infinitive or verb + ing-form? 148
63 Like, start, etc 150 64 Remember, regret, try, etc 152 Test 12: Verb + to-infinitive or ing-form 154
65 Verb + object + to-infinitive or ing-form 156 66 Question ^vord + to-infinitive 158 67 Adjective + to-infinitive 160
68 For with the to-infinitive 162
69 The infinitive with and without to 164 70 Verb/Adjective + preposition + ing-form 166 71 Afraid to do or afraid of doing? 168 72 Used to do and be used to doing 170 73 Preposition or linking word-I-ing-form J72 74 See it happen or see it happening? 174 75 Some structures with the ing-form 176 Test 13: The infinitive and the ing-form 178
Nouns and articles (a/an and the)
76 Ship and water: countable and uncountable
nouns 180 77 A carton of milk, a piece of information, etc 182
78 Nouns that can be either countable or
uncountable 184 79 Agreement 186 80 Singular or plural? 188 81 Pair nouns and group nouns 190 82 Two nouns together 192 Test 14: Nouns and agreement 194
83 AVan and the (1) 196
84 A/an and the (2) 198 85 A/an, one and some 200
86 Cars or the cars? 202 87 Prison, school, bed, etc 204 88 On Friday, for lunch, etc 206
89 Quite a, such a, what a, etc 208
90 Place names and the 210
Test 15: A/an and the 214
This, my, some, a lot of, all, etc
91 This, that, these and those 216 92 My, your, etc and mine, yours, etc 218 93 The possessive form and of 220 94 Some and any 222 95 A lot of, many, much, (a) few and (a) little 224
96 All, half, most, some, no and none 226 97 Every, each, whole, both, either
and neither 228 Test 16: This, my, some, a lot of, all, etc 230
98 Personal pronouns, e.g. I, you 232
99 There and it 234 100 Reflexive pronouns 236 101 Emphatic pronouns and each other 238 102 The pronoun one/ones 240 103 Everyone, something, etc 242
Test 17: Pronouns 244
Adjectives and adverbs
104 Adjectives 246 105 The order of adjectives 248 106 The old, the rich, etc 250 107 Interesting and interested 252 108 Adjective or adverb? (1) 254 109 Adjective or adverb? (2) 256 Test 18: Adjectives and adverbs 258
110 Comparative and superlative forms 260 111 Comparative and superlative patterns (1) 264 112 Comparative and superlative patterns (2) 266 Test 19: Comparative and superlative 268
113 Adverbs and word order 270 114 Yet, still and already 274 115 Adverbs of degree, e.g. very, quite 276 116 Quite and rather 278 117 Too and enough 280 Test 20: Adverbs and word order 282
118 Prepositions of place 284 119 In, on and at (place) 288 120 In, on and at (time) 290 121 For, since, ago and before 292 122 During or while? By or until? As or like? 294 123 Preposition + noun, e.g. on holiday 296 124 Noun + preposition, e.g. trouble with 298 125 Adjective + preposition, e.g. proud of 300 Test 21: Prepositions 302
Verbs with prepositions and adverbs 126 Prepositional verbs, e.g. wait for 304 127 Verb + object + preposition 306 128 Phrasal verbs (1) 308
129 Phrasal verbs (2) 310
130 Phrasal verbs (3) 312 131 Verb + adverb + preposition 314 Test 22: Verbs with prepositions and
adverbs 316
Reported speech 132 Direct speech and reported speech 318 133 Reported speech: person, place and time 320 134 Reported speech: the tense change 322 135 Reported questions 324 136 Reported requests, offers, etc 326 Test 23: Reported speech 328
Relative clauses
137 Relative clauses with who, which
and that 330 138 The relative pronoun as object 332 139 Prepositions in relative clauses 334 140 Relative structures with whose, what
and it 336 141 The use of relative clauses 338 142 Relative pronouns and relative adverbs 340 143 Relative clauses: participle and to-infinitive 342
Test 24: Relative clauses 344
Conditionals and wish
144 Conditionals (1) 346
145 Conditionals (2) 348 146 Conditionals (3) 350
147 Review of conditionals 352
148 If, when, unless and in case 354 149 Wish and if only 356
Test 25: Conditionals and wish 358
Linking words
150 But, although and in spite of 360 151 To, in order to, so that and for 362 152 Review of linking words 364
153 Links across sentences 366
1 Word formation 368 2 The spelling of endings 370
3 Punctuation 372
4 Pronunciation 374 5 American English 377 6 Irregular verbs 383
Key to the starting test
Key to the exercises
Key to the tests
Index 425


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