Naughton, Barry

Growing out of the plan: Chinese economic reform, 1978-1993/ Barry Naughton - New York: Cambridge, 1999. - x, 379 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

1. The command economy and the China difference
Phase One. The Bird in the Cage, 1979-1983: 2. Crisis and response: initial reorientation of the economy
3. State sector reforms
4. Growth of the non-state sector
Phase Two. Reforms Take Off, 1984-1988: 5. Reformulation and debate: the turning point of 1984
6. The second phase of reform
7. Rapid growth and macroeconomic imbalance
Phase Three. To a Market Economy: 8. The post-Tiananmen cycle of retrenchment and renewed reform
9. Conclusion


Economic history
Economic policy

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