Freifelder, David

Physical biochemistry: applications to biochemistry and molecular biology/ David Freifelder. - 2nd ed. - New York: W. H. Freeman, 1982. - xii, 761 p.: ill. ; 24 cm.

Chapter 1. Characterization of macromolecules
Part One Direct observation
Chapter 2. Light microscopy
Chapter 3. Electron microscopy

Part Two General laboratory methods
Chapter 4. Measurement of pH
Chapter 5. Radioactive labeling and counting
Chapter 6. Autoradiography
Chapter 7. Membrane filtration and dialysis

Part Three Separation and identification of materials
Chapter 8. Chromatography
Chapter 9. Electrophoresis
Chapter 10. Immunological methods

Part Four Hydrodynamic methods
Chapter 11. Sedimentation
Chapter 12. Partial specific volume and the diffusion coefficient
Chapter 13. Viscosity

Part Five Spectroscopic methods
Chapter 14. Absorption spectroscopy
Chapter 15. Fluorescence spectroscopy
Chapter 16. Optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism
Chapter 17. Nuclear magnetic resonance

Part Six Miscellaneous methods
Chapter 18. Ligand binding
Chapter 19. Miscellaneous methods


Molecular biology--Technique
Physical biochemistry--Technique

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