Rao, N.S. Subba

Soil Microbiology: Soil Microorganisms and Plant Growth - 4th Ed. - New Delhi: Oxford & IBH, 1977. - 407p.

1. Introduction. The Origin of Life. The Origin of Land Plants. The Beginnings of Agriculture. The Biosphere. The Beginnings of Soil Science --
2. Soil, the Natural Medium for Plant Growth. Soil in General. Physical Properties of Soil. Chemical Properties of Soil. Soil Water. Soil Atmosphere. Soil pH. Soil Structure --
3. Soil Microorganisms. Development of Soil Microbiology. Significant Developments in Soil Microbiology. Bacteria. Actinomycetes. Fungi. Myxomycetes. Algae. Protozoa. Bacteriophages. Fungal Viruses. Microscopy. Methods Used in Soil Microbiological Studies. Molecular Methods in Soil Microbiology --
4. The Rhizosphere and the Phyllosphere. The Rhizosphere. Rhizosphere Effect. Nitrogen Fixation in the Rhizosphere. Alteration of Rhizosphere Microflora. Associative and Antagonistic Activities in the Rhizosphere. Root Exudates. Fungistasis. Techniques. Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria. The Phyllosphere. Biochemical Reactions in the Phyllosphere --
5. Nitrogen Fixation in Free-living and Associative Symbiotic Bacteria. Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria. Nitrogenase. Genetics. Mechanism of Nitrogen Fixation. Response of Plants to Azotobacter Inoculation. Nitrogen Fixation in the Root Zone of Rice. Nitrogen Fixation in the Rhizosphere of Grasses and Weeds (Associative Symbiosis). Some New Nitrogen-fixing Bacterial Associations. Response of Plants to Azospirillum Inoculation. The Concept of C[subscript 4]-dicarboxylic Acid Pathway. Nitrogen Fixation by Rhizobium in a Free-living State --
6. Nitrogen Fixation by Free-living Blue-Green Algae. General Aspects. Heterocysts. Algal Nitrogenase. Ammonia Assimilation. Genetics. Importance in Rice Cultivation --
7. Nitrogen Fixation by Symbiotic Blue-Green Algae. Lichens. Blue-green Algal Association with Bryophytes. Blue-green Algal Association with Higher Plants. Azolla-Anabaena Associaton --
8. Rhizobium and Legume Root. Leguminous Plants. The Discovery of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. Rhizobium Classification. Cultural Characteristics. Genetics. Novel Approaches to Extend Root Nodulation. Ecology. Infection. Structure of the Nodule. Function of the Nodule. Nitrogenase-Hydrogenase Interrelationship. Stem Nodulating Legumes. Factors Affecting Nodulation. Legume Inoculation. Yield Response to Rhizobium Inoculation in India. Some Common Methods Used in the Study of Legume Root Nodulation. Nodulated Leguminous Trees --
9. Actinorhizal Plants (Frankia-Induced Nodulation). Root Nodules Caused by Frankia (Actinorhizal Symbiosis). Cross-inoculation Experiments. Isolation and Characteristics of Frankia. Cultural Characteristics of Frankia. Taxonomy of Frankia. Entry of Frankia to the Host Plant. Structure of Actinorhizal Nodule. Nitrogen Fixation and Assimilation. Field Experiments on the Benefit of Frankia Inoculation. Mycorrhizae and Actinorhizal Plants. Proteoid Roots. Genetics of Frankia. Rhizobium-induced Root nodulation of Parasponia. Leaf Nodules. Gymnosperm Nodules --
10. Organic Matter Decomposition. Degradation of Plant Residues. Humus. Mineralization and Immobilization Processes. Effects of Residues of Crops on Plant Growth. Soil Sickness. Composting. Vermicomposting. Green Manure. Anaerobic Decomposition of Organic Matter. Degradation of Hydrocarbons --
11. Nitrification and Denitrification. Nitrification. Denitrification. Losses of Nitrogen by Non-biological Ways. Controlled Release Fertilizers and Nitrification Inhibitors --
12. Microbial Products Influencing Plant Growth. Indoleacetic Acid. Gibberellins. Cytokinins. Ethylene. Antibiotics. Aflatoxin. Toxins in Plant Diseases. Bacterial and Fungal Insecticides. Virus Insecticides. Microbial Herbicides. Biological Control of Plant Diseases --
13. Sulphur, Phosphorus and Trace Element Nutrition. Sulphur. Phosphorus. Trace Elements. Bioaccumulation and Mineral Leaching --
14. Biodegradation of Pesticides and Pollutants. Pesticides in General. Insecticides. Herbicides. Fungicides. Fate of Pesticides in Soil (Biodegradation). Bioavailability of Pesticides/Pollutants. Acceleration of Biodegradation. Bioremediation. Herbicides and Plant Disease --
15. Mycorrhizae. Fungal Symbioses with Roots. Ectomycorrihizae. Endomycorrhizae of Orchids. Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (AM) --
16. Biotechnology in Agriculture. The New Green Revolution. Nucleic Acids. Protein Synthesis. Southern and Northern Blot Techniques. Nucleic Acid Hybridization. Recombinant DNA Technology and Gene Cloning. Gene Exchange in Bacteria. The Agrobacterium Mediated Transfer of Genes. Direct DNA-transfer Technologies. Antisense RNA Strategy. Frost Control Biotechnology. Virus Resistance in Transgenic Plants. Tolerance to Herbicides. Gene Protection Technology. Ecological Considerations in the Release of Transgenic Plants. Patents. Tissue Culture. Vaccines. Single Cell Protein. Biopesticides. Biofertilizers. Bioconversion. Futurology.


Soil microbiology
Agricultural microbiology

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