Approaches to peace: a reader in peace studies/ edited by David P. Barash - New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. - vii, 271 p. ; 26 cm.

1. Approaches to War
Why War?, Sigmund Freud
On Aggression, Konrad Z. Lorenz
Warfare is Only an Invention - Not a Biological Necessity, Margaret Mead
War and Other Essays, William Graham Sumner
The Guns of August, Margaret Tushman
Victims of Groupthink, Irving Janis
The Causes of War, Michael Howard
A Structural Theory of Imperialism, John Galtung
National Images and International Systems, Kenneth Boulding
Glamorized Nationalism: Some Examples in Poetry
Redefining Security: The New Global Schisms, Michael T. Klare
Study Questions
Suggested Reading
2. Building "Negative Peace"
The Moral Equivalent of War, William James
Getting to YES, Roger Fisher & William Ury
Disarmament Demands GRIT, Charles Osgood
The Conduct of Just and Limited War, William V. O'Brien
The Game of Disarmament, Alva Myrdal
The Gift of Time, Jonathon Schell
Finding the Future: The Rolse of Economic Conversion in Shaping the Twenty-First Century, Lloyd J. Dumas
International Law, David P. Barash
The Evolution of United National Peacekeeping, Marrack Goulding
Perpetual Peace, Immanuel Kant
Study Questions
Suggested Readings
3. Building "Positive Peace"
The Land Ethic, Aldo Leopold
Human Rights, David P. Barash
The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, P. Friere
An Agenda for Change, Oxfam
Letter From a Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Study Questions
Suggested Readings
4. Nonviolence
Civil Disobedience, Henry David Thoreau
Letter to Ernst Howard Crosby, Leo Tolstoy
Conscientious Objector, Edna St. Vincent Millay
Neither Victims Nor Executioners, Albert Camus
Ahimsa, or the Way of Nonviolence, Mohandas Gandhi
Civilian Resitance as a National Defense, Gene Sharp
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Suggested Readings
5. Religious Inspiration
The Bhagavad Gita, Hindu
Tao De Ching, Taoist
Being Peace: Richt Nhat Hanh, Buddhist
The Old Testament, Jewish
The New Testament, Christian
Holy Disobedience, A.J. Muste
A Devout Meditation on Behalf of Adolf Eichmann, Thomas Menton
A Christian's View of the Arms Race, George F. Kennan
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Suggested Readings
6. Peace Movements, Transformations, and the Future
Peace Movements in History, Nigel Young
Building Utopias in History, Elise Boulding
On Humane Governance, Richard Falk
Sexism and the War System, Betty Reardon
The Politics of Responsibility, Vaclav Havel
A Few Poetic Visions
Study Questions
Suggested Readings


International relations

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