Children as research subjects: science, ethics, and law/ edited by Michael A. Grodin, Leonard H. Glantz - New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. - xii, 258 p. ; 25 cm.

I. History
1. Historical Overview: Pediatric Experimentation, S. Lederer, M. Grodin
II. Science
2. Scientific Issues in Biomedical Research with Children, R. Kauffman
3. Scientific Issues in Psychosocial and Educational Research with Children, G. Koocher
III. Ethics
4. Ethics of Exposing Children to Risks in Research, D. Brock
IV. Law
5. The Law of Human Experimentation with Children, L. Glantz
V. Practical Problems
6. Children's Involvement in Research Participation Decisions: Psychological Considerations, L. Weithorn, D. Scherer
7. Assessment of Risk to Children, E. Wender
8. Vulnerable Children, R. Cooke
Codes of Ethics: Nuremburg Code; WHO Declaration of Helsinki IV; Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects: Notices and Rules; Points to Consider in Proposing or Reviewing Research Involving Children

0195071034 (alk. paper)

Pediatrics -- Research -- Moral and ethical aspects
Children -- Research -- Moral and ethical aspects
Human experimentation in medicine
Children -- Legal status, laws, etc

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