Schoff, Leonard Hastings.

Globalization conviction, conflict, community challenged/ Leonard Hastings Schoff - New York: Columbia University press, 2006. - 114 p.

Part I. Conviction, Conflict, Community
1. Conviction in an Age of Globalization
2. Local Conflict, Global Migration
3. Globalization and the Challenge of Inclusive Community

Part II. Critical Responses to Globalization Challenged
4. Arguing for Pluralism, by Jagdish Bhagwati
5. Secularism and the Limits of Community, by Jeremy Waldron
6. Religious Convictions and Global Justice, by Wayne Proudfoot

Part III. Globalization Challenged-Again
7. Another Look at Conflict, Community, and Conviction


Social conflict
Globalization--Religious aspects
Globalization--Social aspects
Cultural pluralism
Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft (Sociology)

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