Insoll, Timothy.

The land of Enki in the Islamic era: pearls, palms, and religious identity in Bahrain/ Timothy Insoll. - London: Routledge, 2005. - xxvii, 575 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

1. Introduction (Timothy Insoll)
2. Survey and settlement (Timothy Insoll)
3. Stratigraphy and architecture (Timothy Insoll)
4. The pottery (Robert Carter)
5. The faunal and botanical remains
Part 1. The mammal, bird, reptile, and mollusc remains from
Bilad al-Qadim (Ian Smith)
Part 2. Ecofactual analysis of the soil samples (Eden Hutchins)
Part 3. The fish bones (Mark Beech)
6. Agriculture, diet, and the social role of food
(Timothy Insoll)
7. The glass vessel fragments, bracelets, beads, pendants,
and spindle whorls (Timothy Insoll)
8. The coins and other metalwork (Timothy Insoll)
9. The Miscellaneous finds (Timothy Insoll)
10. Trade, exchange, and related processes (Timothy Insoll)
11. Religious and social identity (Timothy Insoll)
12. Conclusions (Timothy Insoll)


Middle East--Persian Gulf Region
Islamic civilization
Enki (Sumerian deity)
Identification (Religion)

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