A history of Asia/ edited by Rhoads Murphey and Kristin Stapleton - 7th ed. - Essex, UK: Pearson, 2015. - 520 p.: ill.,

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Prehistoric Asia -

2. Asian Religions and Their Cultures --

3. The Societies of Asia

4. The Civilization of Ancient India

5. The Civilization of Ancient China

6. The Advent of Muslim Rule in South Asia

7. Early and Medieval Southeast Asia

8. China: A Golden Age

9. Early, Classical, and Medieval Japan and Korea

10. The Rise and Fall of the Mughals in South Asia

11. New Imperial Splendor in China: The Ming and Early Qing Dynasties

12. Tokugawa Japan

13. European Penetration of the Asiatic World

14. India in the Colonial Era

15. The Triumph of Imperialism in Asia

16. Anticolonial Struggle in India and China

17. Japan and the Struggle for Asia, 1920-1945

18. Revival and Revolution in Japan and China

19- Korea and Southeast Asia: Decolonization, Cold War, and After

20. The Making of Modern South Asia

21. Contemporary Asia.



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