Blanchard, O.

Macroeconomics/ O Blanchard - 4th ed. - New Delhi: Pearson Education, 2008. - 587 p.

THE CORE PART I: INTRODUCTION 1. A Tour of the World 2. A Tour of the Book PART II: THE SHORT RUN 3. The Goods Market 4. Financial Markets I 5. Goods and Financial Markets; The IS-LM Model 6. Financial Markets II PART III: THE MEDIUM RUN 7. The Labor Market 8. The Phillips Curve, the Natural Rate of Unemployment, and Inflation 9. Putting All Markets Together: From the Short to the Medium Run PART IV: THE LONG RUN 10. The Facts of Growth 11. Saving, Capital Accumulation, and Output 12. Technological Progress and Growth 13. The Challenges of Growth EXTENSIONS PART V: EXPECTATIONS 14. Financial Markets and Expectations 15. Expectations, Consumption, and Investment 16. Expectations, Output, and Policy PART VI: THE OPEN ECONOMY 17. Openness in Goods and Financial Markets 18. The Goods Market in an Open Economy 19. Output, the Interest Rate, and the Exchange Rate 20. Exchange Rate Regimes PART VII: BACK TO POLICY 21. Should Policy Makers Be Restrained? 22. Fiscal Policy: A Summing Up 23. Monetary Policy: A Summing Up 24. Epilogue: The Story of Macroeconomics Download the detailed table of contents

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