Design and analysis of animal studies in pharmaceutical development/ edited by Shein-Chung Chow, Jen-pei Liu - 1st ed. - New York: Marcel Dekker, 1998. - 407 p.

1. Introduction / Shein-Chung Chow and Jen-pei Liu --
2. Experimental Design Principles for Animal Studies in Pharmaceutical Development / Walter W. Piegorsch and A. John Bailer --
3. Interval Estimation with Small Samples for Median Lethal Dose or Median Effective Dose / Keith A. Soper --
4. Principles in Statistical Testing in Randomized Toxicological Studies / Ludwig A. Hothorn and Dieter Hauschke --
5. Subchronic Toxicity Studies / Steven Bailey --
6. Safety Assessment in Toxicological Studies: Proof of Safety Versus Proof of Hazard / Dieter Hauschke and Ludwig A. Hothorn --
7. The Design of Long-Term Carcinogenicity Studies / R. John Weaver and Marshall N. Brunden --
8. Analysis of Long-Term Carcinogenicity Studies / Hongshik Ahn and Ralph L. Kodell --
9. Design of Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology Studies / R. John Weaver and Marshall N. Brunden --
10. Analysis of Reproductive and Developmental Studies / James J. Chen --
11. The In Vitro Ames Tests / Wherly P. Hoffman --
12. The In Vitro Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Mutagenesis Studies / Jen-pei Liu and Shein-Chung Chow


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