Dostaler, Gilles

Keynes and his battles/ Gilles Dostaler - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2007. - 374 p.

1. Introduction
2. Ethics: The Sources of Keynes's Vision First Interlude: Bloomsbury and the Apostles
3. Knowledge: Uncertainty, Probabilities and the Moral Sciences
4. Politics: Beyond Liberalism and Socialism Second Interlude: The Political History of Great Britain During the Time of Keynes
5. War and Peace: From the Boer War to Versailles
6. Money: Economic Motor and Social Pathology
7. Labour: The Battle Against Unemployment
8. Gold: An International Monetary System in the Service of Humanity
9. Art: Theoretician, Consumer and Patron of the Arts
10. Conclusion: From Keynes to Keynesianism
Appendix 1. Keynes and his Time: Chronology
Appendix 2. Maynard as Seen by his Friends and Contemporaries


Keynes, John Maynard

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