Fair trade: the challenges of transforming globalisation/ edited by Laura T. Raynolds - London: Routledge, 2007. - 240 p.

SECTION I: Introduction
1 - Globalization and its Antinomies: Negotiating a Fair Trade Movement/ Douglas L. Murray and Laura T. Raynolds
2 - Fair / Alternative Trade: Historical and Empirical Dimensions/ Laura T. Raynolds and Michael A. Long
3 - Fair Trade in the Agriculture and Food Sector: Analytical Dimensions/ Laura T. Raynolds and John Wilkinson

SECTION II: Fair Trade In The Global North
4 - Northern Social Movements and Fair Trade/ Stephanie Barrientos Michael E. Conroy and Elaine Jones
5 - Fair Trade Bananas: Broadening the Movement and Market in the United States/ Laura T. Raynolds
6 - Fair Trade Coffee in the U.S.: Why Companies Join the Movement/ Ann Grodnik and Michael E. Conroy
7 - Mainstreaming Fair Trade in Global Production Networks: Own Brand Fruit and Chocolate in UK Supermarkets/ Stephanie Barrientos and Sally Smith

SECTION III: Fair Trade In The Global South
8 - Fair Trade in the Global South/ John Wilkinson and Gilberto Mascarenhas
9 - Fair Trade Coffee in Mexico: At the Center of the Debates/ Marie-Christine Renard and Victor Perez-Grovas
10 - The Making of the Fair Trade Movement in the South - The Brazilian Case/ John Wilkinson and Gilberto Mascarenhas
11 - Fair Trade and Quinoa from the Southern Bolivian Altiplano/ Zina Caceres, Aurelie Carimentrand and John Wilkinson
12 - Reconstructing Fairness: Fair Trade Conventions and Worker Empowerment in South African Horticulture/ Sandra Kruger and Andries du Toit

SECTION IV: Fair Trade As An Emerging Global Movement
13 - Fair Trade: Contemporary Challenges and Future Prospects/ Laura T. Raynolds and Douglas L. Murray


International trade

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