Silverstein, R. M.

Spectrometric identification of organic compound/ R. M. Silverstein Francis X. Webster and David J. Kiemle - 6th ed. - New Delhi: Wiley India, 2007. - 482 p.

Chapter 1. Mass Spectrometry
1.1 Introduction.1.2 Instrumentation.1.3 Ionization Methods.1.4 Mass Analyzers.1.5 Interpretation of El Mass Spectra.1.6 Mass Spectra of Some Chemical Classes.

Chapter 2. Infrared Spectrometry
2.1 Introduction.2.2 Theory.2.3 Instrumentation.2.4 Sample Handling.2.5 Interpretations of Spectra.2.6 Characteristic Group Absorption of Organic Molecules

Chapter 3. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
3.1 Introduction.3.2 Theory.3.3 Instrumentation and Sample Handling.3.4 Chemical Shift.3.5 Spin Coupling, Multiplets, Spin Systems.3.6 Protons on Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Atoms. Exchangeable Protons.3.7 Coupling of Protons to Other Important Nuclei (19F, E, 31P, 29Si, and 13C.3.8 Chemical Shift Equivalence.3.9 Magnetic Equivalence (Spin-Coupling Equivalence).3.10 AMX, ABX, and ABC Rigid Systems with Three Coupling Constants.3.11 Confirmationally Mobile, Open-Chain Systems. Virtual Coupling.3.12 Chirality.3.13 Vicinal and Geminal Coupling.3.14 Low-Range Coupling.3.15 Selective Spin Decoupling. Double Resonance.3.16 Nuclear Overhauser Effect, Difference Spectrometry, 1H 1H Proximity Through Space

Chapter 4. Carbon-13 NMR Spectrometry
4.1 Introduction.4.2 Theory.4.3 Interpretation of a Simple 13C Spectrum: Diethyl Phthalate.4.4 Quantitative 13C Analysis.4.5 Chemical Shift Equivalence.4.6 DEPT.4.7 Chemical Classes and Chemical Shifts

Chapter 5. Correlation NMR Spectrometry; 2-D NMR
5.1 Introduction.5.2 Theory.5.3 Correlation Spectrometry.5.4 Ipsenol: 1H-1H COSY.5.5 Caryophyllene Oxide.5.6 13C-13C Correlations: Inadequate.5.7 Lactose.5.8 Relayed Coherence Transfer: TOCSY.5.9 HMQC TOCSY.5.10 ROESY.5.11 VGSE.5.12 Gradient Field NMR

Chapter 6. NMR Spectrometry of Other Important Spin 1/2 Nuclei
6.1 Introduction.6.2 15N Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.6.3 19F Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.6.4 29Si Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.6.5 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.6.6 Conclusion

Chapter 7. Solved Problems
7.1 Introduction

Chapter 8. Assigned Problems
8.1 Introduction

Spectrum analysis
Nuclear physics--Physicochemistry
Spectrometric and optical chemical analysis
Organic compounds

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