Desai, S.A.

Mulla Principles of Hindu Law; Vol. 2. - 20th ed. - New Delhi: Lexis Nexis, 2007. - 656p.

The Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Introductory Note
Marriage, a sacrament
Need for codification
Divorce, a thorny question
Wide and extensive application of the Act
Special Marriage Act 1934
Ceremonial marriage: 'Hindu marriage'
Marriage Laws (Amendment) Act 68 of 1976
Conditions for a valid marriage
Ceremonial requirements
Conception of Hindu Marriage under the Act
Marriage void ipso jure
Voidable Marriage
Distinction between void and voidable marriage
Marriage Laws (Amendment) Act 68 of 1976
Decree for judicial separation instead of divorce
Divorce by mutual consent
Judicial separation
Distinction between divorce and judicial separation
Scheme of the Act in respect of the above reliefs
Changes in law brought about by the Act
Decision of courts in England
Duty of the court
Irretrievable Estrangement

The Hindu Marriage Act 1955
Codifying Act
Decisions of courts in England
Rules of interpretation of statutes
Reference to previous law
Marginal notes
Recent enactments

Chapter I: Preliminary -- Application of Act -- Definitions -- Overriding effect of the Act -- Chapter II: Hindu Marriage -- Conditions for a Hindu marriage -- Guardianship in marriage -- Ceremonies for a Hindu marriage -- Registration of Hindu marriages -- Chapter III: Restitution of Conjugal Rights and Judicial Separation -- Restitution of conjugal rights -- Judicial Separation -- Chapter IV:
Nullity of Marriage and Divorce -- Void Marriages -- Voidable Marriages -- Divorce -- Alternate relief in divorce proceedings -- Divorce by mutual consent -- No petition for divorce to be presented within one year of marriage -- Divorced persons when may marry again -- Legitimacy of children of void and voidable marriages -- Punishment of bigamy -- Punishment for contravention of certain other conditions for a Hindu marriage -- Chapter V: Jurisdiction And Procedure -- Court to which petition shall be presented -- Content.s and verification of petitions -- Application of Act 5 of 1908 -- Power to transfer petitions in certain cases -- Special provision relating to trial and disposal of petitions
under the Act -- Documentary evidence -- Proceedings to be in camera and may not be printed or published -- Decree in Proceedings -- Relief for respondent in divorce and other proceedings -- Maintenance pendente lite and expenses of proceedings -- Permanent alimony and maintenance -- Custody of children -- Disposal of property -- Appeal.s from decrees and orders -- Enforcement of decrees and orders -- Chapter VI: Savings And Repeals -- Savings -- Repeals

The Hindu Succession Act 1956
Introductory Note
The Hindu Succession Act 1956
Chapter I: short title and extent -- Application of Act -- Definitions and interpretations -- Overriding effect of Act -- Chapter II: Intestate Succession -- Act not to apply to certain properties -- Devolution of interest in coparcenary property -- Devolution of interest in the property of a tarwad, tavazhi
kutumba, kavaru or illom -- General rules of succession in the case of males -- Order of succession among heirs in the Schedule -- Distribution of property among heirs in Class I of the Schedule -- Distribution of property among heirs in Class II of the Schedule -- Order of succession among agnates and cognates -- Computation of degrees -- 14. Property of a female Hindu to be her absolute property -- 15. General rules of succession in the case of female Hindus -- Order of , succession and manner of distribution among heirs of a female Hindu -- Special provisions respecting persons governed by marumakkattayam and aliyasantana laws -- Full-blood preferred to half-blood -- Mode of succession of two or more heirs -- Right of child in womb -- Presumption in cases of simultaneous deaths -- Preferential right to acquire property in certain cases -- Special provisions respecting dwelling houses -- Certain widows re-marrying may not inherit as widows -- Murderer disqualified -- Convert's descendants disqualified -- Succession when heir disqualified -- Disease, defect, etc. not to disqualify -- Failure of heirs -- Chapter III: Testamentary Succession -- Testamentary succession -- Chapter IV: Repeals --

The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act 1956
Short title and extent -- Act to be supplemental to Act 8 of 1890 -- Application of the Act -- Definitions -- Overriding effect of Act -- Natural guardians of a Hindu minor -- Natural guardian.ship of adopted son -- Powers of natural guardian -- Testamentary guardians and their powers -- Incapacity of minor to act as guardian of property -- De facto guardian not to deal with minor's property -- Guardian not to be appointed for minor's undivided interest in joint
family property -- Welfare of minor to be paramount consideration --

The Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act 1956


Hindu law

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