Freifelder, David

Essentials of molecular biology / David Freifelder; edited by George Malacinski - 2nd ed. - New Delhi: Panima, 1996. - 478 p.

1. Systems of and Analytical Approaches to Molecular Biology /George M. Malacinski
Animal Cells
Genetics and Molecular Biology
Genetic Analysis of Mutants
Rapid Progress in Molecular Biology

2. Macromolecules /George M. Malacinski
Chemical Structures of thp Major Classes of
Noncovalent Interactions that Determine the
Three-dimensional Structures of Proteins and
Nucleic Acids
Macromoleculc Isolation and Characterization

3.Nucleic Acids Robert Cedergren
Physical and Chemical Structure of DNA
Alternate DNA Structures
Circular and Superhelical DNA
The Structure of RNA
Hydrolysis of Nucleic Acids
Sequencing Nucleic Acids
Synthesis of DNA

4.The Physical Structure of Protein Molecules /Alexandra Newton
Basic Features of Protein Molecules
The Folding of a Polypeptide Chain
The a Helix and BETA Structures
Protein Structure
Proteins with Subunits

5. Macromolecular Interactions and the Structure of Complex Aggregates /George M. Malacinski
A Complex DNA Structure: The E. Coli
Chromosomes and Chromatin
Interaction of DNA and Proteins that Recognize a Specific Base Sequence
Biological Membranes

6. The Genetic Material /Robert L. Sinsheimer
Identification of DNA as the Genetic Material
Properties of the Genetic Material
RNA as the Genetic Material

7. DNA Replication /Kenneth Marians
Semiconservative Replication of Double-stranded DNA
Enzymology of DNA Replication
DNA Ligase
Discontinuous Replication
Events in the Replication Fork
A Summary of Events at the Replication Fork
Initiation of Synthesis at the Leading Strand
Bidirectional Replication
Replication of Eukaryotic Chromosomes

8. DNA Repair /Philip C. Hanawalt
Alterations of DNA Molecules
Repair of Incorrect Bases
Repair by Direct Reversal
Excision Repair
Inducible Responses

9. Transcription /John Richardson
Enzymatic Synthesis of RNA
Transcription Signals
Classes of RNA Molecules
Transcription in Eukaryotes
Means of Studying Intracellular RNA

10. Translation /Joseph Ilan
Outline of Translation
The Genetic Code
The Wobble Hypothesis
Polycistronic mRNA
Overlapping Genes
Polypeptide Synthesis
Stages of Polypeptide Synthesis in Prokaryotes
Complex Translation Units

11. Mutagenesis, Mutations and Mutants /Thomas Lindahl
Types of Mutations
Biochemical Basis of Mutants
Mutational Hot Spots
Reversion as a Means of Detecting Mutagens and Carcinogens

12. Plasmids and Transposons /Barry Polisky
Plasmid-borne Genes
Plasmid Transfer
Plasmid DNA Replication
Transposable Elements
Transposable Elements in Eukaryotes

13. Recombinant DNA and Genetic Engineering: Molecular Tailoring of Genes /Dorothy M. Skinner and Christie A. Holland
Plasmids Act as Nature's Interlopers
Restriction Enzymes Function as Nature's Pinking Shears
Genetic Interlopers; Vectors Function as Vehicles for Transferring Genes
Applications of Genetic Engineering
Problems and Future of Recombinant DNA

14. Regulation of Gene Activity in Prokaryotes /Sankar L. Adhya
Principles of Regulation
Transcriptional Regulation
Post-Transcriptional Control
Control by Proteolysis
Feedback Inhibition and Allosteric Control

15. Bacteriophage /David Parma and Larry Gold
Steps in the Lytic Life Cycle of a Typical Phage
Specific Phage
Transducing Phage


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