Srimad Bhagavad Gita/ Singh, G.B. - New Delhi: M/S Gupta Printer, - 64 p.

1. Dejection of ArjUna
2. Transcendental Knowledge
3. KaramYog
4. Gyan Karam Sanyas Yog
5. Of the two Karam Yog is better
6. Transcendental Meditation
7. GyanVigyan
8. The Immortal God
9. Royal Knowledge and Royal Mysteries
10. Divine Smjprerqacy
11. Glimpse of Divlilfi^Form
12. Spiritual GrowI|i >fiir,ough Devotion
13. The Field and.One who knows it
14. Three Modes^of»|;dnctioning of Mind and Intellect
15. Purush tJttami^g
16. Virtues to be imbibed and Vices to be avoided
17. Three-fold classification of Faith
18. Moksh - Sanyas Yog

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