Squire, Peter Wyatt

British pharmacopœia, comparing the strength of its various preparations with those of the United States, and other foreign pharmacopœias, to which are added not official preparations, and practical hints on prescribing / - Delhi: Asiatic publishing house, 2009. - V.1,(4 v. set);

Symbols and Equivalent Weights ofthe Elementary Bodies
Weights and Measures ofthe British and other Pharmacopoeias
Metric Measures and Standards
Weights Avoirdupois compared with the Metric.
Imperial Weights and Measures with the Metric Equivalents
Thermometers-Fahrenheit, Centigrade, and Reaumurcompared
Alcohol Table
Beaume's Hydrometer Table for Liquids heavier than Water
Table of Materia Medica of the Organic Kingdom, showing from what
source the Drugs are obtained, and into what Preparations they enter ..
A tabulated comparison of the chief Standardised Potent Preparations of
the British, United States, German and French Pharmacopoeias
Materia Medica arranged in Alphabetical Order, under which are
given-first, all the Pharmacopoeial Preparations, with the medicinal
properties and doses, each ofwhich iscompared with those ofthe
Continental Pharmacopoeias and of the United States Pharmacopoeia;
then follow the Not Official Preparations, such as are frequently
prescribed, but are not found in the British Pharmacopoeia.
Therapeutic Agents of Bacterial Origin
Chemical Reagents, etc., used in Qualitative Testing.
Volumetric Analysis
Indicators of Neutrality
Thermometric Memorandaand Special Tests
Spas of Europe, enumerating first those of Britain, afterwards the
Continental, giving the Locality, Temperature, Season, and Medicinal
Spas classified as to their Temperature and Properties..
Therapeutical Classification of Remedies
Remedies for Special Ailments.
General Inde


Medicine--Formulae, receipts, prescriptions.
Pharmacopoeias--Great Britain.

615.11941 / SQB/B