Programming with Java: a primer / (Record no. 2745)

MARC details
fixed length control field 08557nam a2200169 4500
International Standard Book Number 0074635425 (pb)
Transcribing agency CUS
Classification number 005.2752
Item number BAL/P
Personal name Balagurusamy, E.
Title Programming with Java: a primer /
Statement of responsibility, etc. E. Balagurusamy
Edition statement 2nd ed.
Place of publication, distribution, etc. New Delhi :
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Tata Mcgraw-hill ,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 199.
Extent xxv, 453 p.
Other physical details ill. ;
Formatted contents note I FUNDAMENTALS OF OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING<br/>I. I Introduction<br/>1.2 Object-Oriented Paradigm<br/>1.3 Basic Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming<br/>Objects and classes 3<br/>Data abstraction and encapsulation 4<br/>Inheritance 5<br/>Polymorphism 6<br/>Dynamic binding 6<br/>Message communication 7<br/>1.4 Benefits of OOP<br/>1.5 Applications of OOP<br/>1.6 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>Z JAVA EVOLUTION<br/>2.1 Java History<br/>2.2 Java Features<br/>Compiled and interpreted 13<br/>Plcufcnrn4ndependent and portable 14<br/>Object-oriented 14<br/>Robust and secure 14<br/>Distributed 14<br/>Simple, small and familiar 15<br/>Multithreaded and interactive 15<br/>High performance 15<br/>Dynamic and extensible 15<br/>2.3 How Java Differs from C and C+ +<br/>Java and C 16<br/>Java and G+ + 16<br/>2.4 Java and Internet<br/>2.5 Java and World Wide Web<br/>2.6 Web Browsers<br/>HotJava 20<br/>Netscape Navigator 21<br/>Internet Explorer 21<br/>2.7 Hardware and Software Requirements<br/>2.8 Java Support Systems<br/>2.9 Java Environment<br/>Java development kit 22<br/>Application Programming Interface 23<br/>2.10 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>OVERVIEW OF JAVA LANGUAGE<br/>3.1 Introduction<br/>3.2 Simple Java Program<br/>Class declaration 28<br/>Opening brace 28<br/>The main line 28<br/>The output line 29<br/>3.3 More of Java<br/>Use of math functions 30<br/>Comments 30<br/>3.4 An Application with Two Classes<br/>3.5 Java Program Structure<br/>Documentation section 32<br/>Package statement 32<br/>Import statements 33<br/>Interface statements 33<br/>Class definitions 33<br/>Main method class 33<br/>3.6 Java Tokens<br/>Java character set 35<br/>Keywords 35<br/>Identifiers 36<br/>Literals 37<br/>Operators 37<br/>Separators 37<br/>3.7 Java Statements<br/>3.8 Implementing a Java Program<br/>Creating the program 40<br/>Compiling the program 40<br/>Running the program 41<br/>Machine neutral 42<br/>3.9 Java Virtual Machine<br/>3.10 Command Line Arguments<br/>3.1 1 Programming Style<br/>3.12 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>CONSTANTS, VARIABLES, AND DATA TYPES<br/>4.1 Introduction<br/>4.2 Constants<br/>Integer constants 47<br/>Real constants 48<br/>Single character constants 49<br/>String constants 49<br/>Backslash character constants 49<br/>4.3 Variables<br/>4.4 Data Types<br/>Integer types 51<br/>Floating point types 52<br/>Character type 53<br/>Boolean type 53<br/>4.5 Declaration of Variables<br/>4.6 Giving Values to Variables<br/>Assignment statement 54<br/>Read statement 55<br/>4.7 Scope of Variables<br/>4.8 Symbolic Constants<br/>Modifiability 58<br/>Understandability 58<br/>4.9 Type Casting<br/>Automatic conversion 59<br/>4.10 Getting Values of Variables<br/>4.1 1 Standard Default Values<br/>4.12 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>OPERATORS AND EXPRESSIONS<br/>5.1 Introduction<br/>5.2 Arithmetic Operators<br/>Integer arithmetic 67<br/>Real arithmetic 67<br/>Mixed-mode arithmetic 68<br/>5.3 Relational Operators<br/>5.4 Logical Operators<br/>5.5 Assignment Operators<br/>5.6 Increment and Decrement Operators<br/>5.7 Conditional Operator<br/>5.8 Bitwise Operators<br/>5.9 Special Operators<br/>instanceof operator 75<br/>Dot operator 75<br/>5.10 Arithmetic Expressions<br/>5.1 1 Evaluation of Expressions<br/>5.12 Precedence of Arithmetic Operators<br/>5.13 Type Conversions in Expressions<br/>Automatic type conversion 78<br/>Casting a value 79<br/>5.14 Operator Precedence and Associativity<br/>5.15 Mathematical Functions<br/>5.16 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>6 DECISION MAKING AND BRANCHING<br/>6.1 Introduction<br/>6.2 Decision Making with if Statement<br/>6.3 Simple if Statement<br/>6.4 The if...else Statement<br/>6.5 Nesting of if...else Statements<br/>6.6 The else If Ladder<br/>6.7 The switch Statement<br/>6.8 The ?: Operator<br/>6.9 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>7 DECISION MAKING AND LOOPING<br/>7.1 Introduction<br/>7.2 The while Statement<br/>7.3 The do Statement<br/>7.4 The for Statement<br/>AddUioncd features of for loop 119<br/>Nesting of for haps 121<br/>7.5 Jumps in Loops<br/>Jumping out of a hop 123<br/>Skipping a part of a hop 123<br/>7.6 Labelled Loops<br/>7.7 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>8 " CLASSES, OBJECTS AND METHODS<br/>8.1 Introduction<br/>8.2 Defining a Class<br/>8.3 Adding Variables<br/>8.4 Adding Methods<br/>8.5 Creating Objects<br/>8.6 Accessing Class Members<br/>8.7 Constructors<br/>8.8 Methods Overloading<br/>8.9 Static Members<br/>8.10 Nesting of Methods<br/>8. i I Inheritance: Extending a Class<br/>Defining a subclass 142<br/>Subclass constructor 145<br/>Multilevel inheritance 145<br/>Hierarchical inheritance 146<br/>8.12 Overriding Methods<br/>8.13 Final Variables and Methods<br/>8.14 Final Classes<br/>8.15 Finalizer Methods<br/>8.16 Abstract Methods and Classes<br/>8.17 Visibility Control<br/>public access 150<br/>friendly access 150<br/>protected access 151<br/>private access 151<br/>private protected access 151<br/>Rules of Thumb 152<br/>8.18 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>ARRAYS, STRINGS AND VECTORS<br/>9.1 Arrays<br/>9.2 One-Dimensional Arrays<br/>9.3 Creating an Array<br/>Declaration of arrays 157<br/>Creation of arrays 157<br/>Initialization of arrays 158<br/>Array length 160<br/>9.4 Two-Dimensional Arrays<br/>Variable size arrays 164<br/>9.5 Strings<br/>String arrays 166<br/>String methods 166<br/>StringBuffer class 167<br/>9.6 Vectors<br/>9.7 Wrapper Classes<br/>9.8 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>'l" INTERFACES: MULTIPLE INHERITANCE<br/>10.1 Introduction<br/>10.2 Defining Interfaces<br/>10.3 Extending Interfaces<br/>10.4 Implementing Interfaces<br/>10.5 Accessing Interface Variables<br/>10.6 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>*|T " PACKAGES: PUTTING CLASSES TOGETHER<br/>1 1.1 Introduction<br/>1 1.2 Java API Packages<br/>1 1.3 Using System Packages<br/>1 1.4 Naming Conventions<br/>1 1.5 Creating Packages<br/>1 1.6 Accessing a Package<br/>1 1.7 Using a Package<br/>1 1.8 Adding a Class to a Package<br/>1 1.9 Hiding Classes<br/>1 1.10 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>"i" " multithreaded programming<br/>12.1 Introduction<br/>12.2 Creating Threads<br/>12.3 Extending the Thread Class<br/>Declaring the class 204<br/>Implementing the run( ) method 205<br/>Starting new thread 205<br/>An example of using the thread class 205<br/>12.4 Stopping and Blocking a Thread<br/>Stopping a thread 208<br/>Blocking a thread 208<br/>12.5 Life Cycle of a Thread<br/>Newborn state 209<br/>Runnable state 210<br/>Running state 210<br/>Blocked state 212<br/>Dead state 212<br/>12.6 Using Thread Methods<br/>12.7 Thread Exceptions<br/>12.8 Thread Priority<br/>12.9 Synchronization<br/>12.10 implementing the 'Runnable' Interface<br/>12.11 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>13 MANAGING ERRORS AND EXCEPTIONS<br/>7'<br/>13.1 Introduction<br/>13.2 Types of Errors<br/>Compile-time errors 223<br/>Run-time errors 225<br/>13.3 Exceptions<br/>13.4 Syntax of Exception Handling Code<br/>13.5 Multiple Catch Statements<br/>13.6 Using finally Statement<br/>13.7 Throwing Our Own Exceptions<br/>13.8 Using Exceptions for Debugging<br/>13.9 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>14 APPLET PROGRAMMING<br/>V""<br/>14.1 Introduction<br/>Local and remote applets 237<br/>14.2 How Applets Differ from Applications<br/>14.3 Preparing to Write Applets<br/>14.4 Building Applet Code<br/>14.5 Applet Life Cycle<br/>Initialization state 244<br/>Running state 244<br/>Idle or stopped state 244<br/>Dead state 245<br/>Display state 245<br/>14.6 Creating an Executable Applet<br/>14.7 Designing a Web Page<br/>Comment section 246<br/>Head section 246<br/>Body section 247<br/>14.8 Applet Tag<br/>14.9 Adding Applet to HTML File<br/>14.10 Running the Applet<br/>14.1 1 More About Applet Tag<br/>14.12 Passing Parameters to Applets<br/>14.13 Aligning the Display<br/>14.14 More About HTML Tags<br/>14.15 Displaying Numerical Values<br/>14.16 Getting Input from the User<br/>Program analysis 261<br/>14.17 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>15 GRAPHICS PROGRAMMING<br/>15.1 Introduction<br/>15.2 The Graphics Class<br/>15.3 Lines and Rectangles<br/>15.4 Circles and Ellipses<br/>15.5 Drawing Arcs<br/>15.6 Drawing Polygons<br/>15.7 Line Graphs<br/>15.8 Using Control Loops in Applets<br/>15.9 Drawing Bar Charts<br/>15.10 Summary<br/>Review Questions<br/>16 MANAGING INPUT/OUTPUT FILES IN JAVA<br/>16.1 Introduction<br/>16.2 Concept of Streams<br/>16.3 Stream Classes<br/>16.4 Byte Stream Classes<br/>Input stream classes 285<br/>Output stream classes 28 f<br/>16.5 Character Stream Classes<br/>Reader stream Classes 289<br/>Writer stream Classes 289<br/>16.6 Using Streams<br/>16.7 Other Useful I/O Classes<br/>16.8 Using the File Class<br/>16.9 Input / Output Exceptions<br/>16.10 Creation of Files<br/>16. I I Reading / Writing Characters<br/>16.12 Reading / Writing Bytes<br/>16.13 Handling Primitive Data Types<br/>16.14 Concatenating and Buffering Files<br/>16.15 Random Access Files<br/>16.16 Interactive Input and Output<br/>Simple Input and Output 313<br/>Graphical Input and Output 315<br/>16.17 Other Stream Classes<br/>Object streams 323<br/>Piped streams 323<br/>Pushback streams 323<br/>Filtered streams 324
650 ## - SUBJECT
Keyword Computer Programming
Koha item type General Books
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