Programming with C (Record no. 2369)

MARC details
fixed length control field 11747nam a22001817a 4500
International Standard Book Number 9788173717710
Transcribing agency CUS
Classification number 005.133
Item number BIC/P
Personal name Bichkar, R. S.
Title Programming with C
Statement of responsibility, etc. R. S. Bichkar
Place of publication, distribution, etc. Hyderabad:
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Universities Press,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 2012.
Extent 653 p.
General note Includes index
Formatted contents note 1 Introduction to Computers, Programming and the C Language<br/>1.1 Computer Architecture<br/>1.2 Program Development Process<br/>1.3 Structured and Modular Programming<br/>1.4 Flowcharts<br/>1.4.1 Flowchart Symbols<br/>1.4.2 Flowcharts for Sequencing<br/>1.4.3 Flowcharts for Selection<br/>1.4.4 Flowcharts for Loops<br/>1.5 The C Programming Language<br/>1.5.1 C Language Standards<br/>1.5.2 C Programs<br/>1.6 Program Development Environments<br/>1.6.1 Turbo C/C++<br/>1.6.2 Dev-C++<br/>1.6.3 Code: :Blocks<br/>1.7 Advanced Concepts<br/>1.7.1 A Quick Tour of the C Language<br/>1.7.2 Main Memory Organization<br/>1.7.3 Binary Number System<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>2 Representing Data<br/>2.1 Character Set<br/>2.2 Keywords<br/>2.3 Basic Data Types<br/>2.4 Constants<br/>2.4.1 Integer Constants<br/>2.4.2 Floating Constants<br/>2.4.3 Character Constants<br/>2.5 String Literals<br/>2.6 Identifiers<br/>2.7 Variables<br/>2.7.1 Variable Declaration<br/>2.7.2 Variable Initialization<br/>2.8 Symbolic Constants<br/>2.9 Advanced Concepts<br/>2.9.1 Type Suffixes<br/>2.9.2 Type Modifiers<br/>2.9.3 Type Qualifiers<br/>2.9.4 Character Strings<br/>2.9.5 Constants in Octal and Hexadecimal Form<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>3 Arithmetic Operators and Expressions<br/>3.1 Operators<br/>3.1.1 Arithmetic Operators<br/>3.1.2 Precedence and Associativity of Operators<br/>3.2 Expressions<br/>3.2.1 Simple Arithmetic Expressions<br/>3.2.2 Parenthesized Expressions<br/>3.2.3 Initializing Variables Using Expressions<br/>3.2.4 Constant Expressions<br/>3.2.5 Avoiding Common Mistakes-While Writing C Expressions<br/>3.3 Assignment<br/>3.3.1 Simple Assignment Expressions<br/>3.3.2 Simple Assignment Statement<br/>3.3.3 Compound Assignments<br/>3.3.4 Nested Assignments<br/>3.3.5 Explicit Type Conversion<br/>3.3.6 Assignments Containing Increment and Decrement Operators<br/>3.4 Advanced Concepts<br/>3.4.1 Expressions<br/>3.4.2 Assignments<br/>3.4.3 The Comma Operator<br/>3.4.4 Operations on Strings: Element Access and Assignment<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>4 The C Standard Library<br/>4.1 About the C Standard Library<br/>4.1.1 Header Files<br/>4.1.2 Functions<br/>4.2 Input and Output Facilities<br/>4.2.1 Formatted Output - the printf Function<br/>4.2.2 Formatted Input - the scanf Function<br/>4.2.3 Character I/O<br/>4.2.4 String I/O - the gets and puts Functions<br/>4.3 Mathematical Library<br/>4.3.1 Powers and Logarithms<br/>4.3.2 Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions<br/>4.3.3 Other Mathematical Functions<br/>4.4 Advanced Concepts<br/>4.4.1 Streams<br/>4.4.2 Function Prototypes<br/>4.4.3 Formatted Output using the printf Function<br/>4.4.4 Character Classification and Conversion<br/>4.4.5 Manipulating Strings<br/>4.4.6 Utility Functions<br/>4.4.7 Miscellaneous Functions<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>5 Conditional Control<br/>5.1 Relational and Equality Operators<br/>5.1.1 Relational and Equality Expressions<br/>5.1.2 Evaluation of Relational and Equality Expressions<br/>5.2 The if Statement<br/>5.2.1 Using Block Statements in the if Statement<br/>5.3 Logical Operators<br/>5.3.1 Logical AND Operator<br/>5.3.2 Logical OR Operator<br/>5.3.3 Logical NOT Operator<br/>5.3.4 Evaluation of Boolean Expressions<br/>5.4 Character Test, Classification and Conversion<br/>5.5 The switch Statement<br/>5.6 Conditional Expression Operator (? :)<br/>5.7 Advanced Coneepts<br/>5.7.1 Common Mistakes in if Statements<br/>5.7.2 Common Mistakes in Boolean Expressions<br/>5.7.3 Alternative Forms of Boolean Expressions<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>6 Looping Control<br/>6.1 The for Loop<br/>6.1.1 Using Compound Statements in the for Loop<br/>6.2 The while Loop<br/>6.2.1 The while Loop for Known Number of Iterations<br/>6.2.2 Text Input Using a Loop and the getchar Function<br/>6.3 The do ... while Loop<br/>6.4 Advanced Concepts<br/>6.4.1 Variations in for Loops<br/>6.4.2 Variations in the while and do ... while Loops<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>7 Nested Control Structures<br/>7.1 Nested if Statements<br/>7.1.1 Two-Level Nested if Statements<br/>7.1.2 Higher Level Nested if Statements<br/>7.1.3 if-eise-if Statement<br/>7.2 Using if Statements within Loops<br/>7.2.1 Using if Statements within a for Loop<br/>7.2.2 Using if Statements within while and do ... while Loops<br/>7.3 Nested Loops<br/>7.4 Nested Control Structures involving switch Statement<br/>7.5 Loop Interruption<br/>7.5.1 The break Statement<br/>7.5.2 The continue Statement<br/>7.6 Advanced Concepts<br/>7.6.1 Logical Operators and Nested if Statements<br/>7.6.2 Nested Conditional Expression Operators<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>8 Functions<br/>8.1 About Functions<br/>8.1.1 Function Call<br/>8.1.2 Advantages of Functions<br/>8.2 User-defined Functions<br/>8.2.1 Function Definition<br/>8.2.2 The return Statement<br/>8.2.3 Function Declaration or Prototype<br/>8.3 Program Structure<br/>8.4 Methods of Parameter Passing<br/>8.5 Recursion<br/>8.6 Advanced Concepts<br/>8.6.1 Function Parameter as a Loop Variable<br/>8.6.2 const Parameters<br/>8.6.3 Storage Classes<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>9 Vectors or One-dimensional Arrays<br/>9.1 Introduction<br/>9.2 One-dimensional Arrays<br/>9.2.1 Array Declaration<br/>9.2.2 Accessing Array Elements<br/>9.2.3 Operations on Array Elements<br/>9.2.4 Operations on Entire Arrays<br/>9.2.5 Array Initialization<br/>9.3 Arrays as Function Parameters<br/>9.4 Advanced Concepts<br/>9.4.1 const Vectors<br/>9.4.2 Static Arrays<br/>9.4.3 External or Global Arrays<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>10 Matrices and Multidimensional Arrays<br/>10.1 Two-dimensional Arrays or Matrices<br/>10.1.1 Declaration<br/>10.1.2 Accessing Matrix Elements<br/>10.1.3 Operations on Matrix Elements<br/>10.1.4 Operations on Entire Matrices<br/>10.1.5 Initialization<br/>10.1.6 Matrices as Function Parameters<br/>10.2 Multidimensional Arrays<br/>10.2.1 Declaration<br/>10.2.2 Element Access and Operations on Elements and Entire Arrays<br/>10.2.3 Initialization<br/>10.2.4 Multidimensional Arrays as Function Parameters<br/>10.3 Advanced Concepts<br/>10.3.1 const, static and extern Arrays<br/>10.3.2 Memory Allocation<br/>10.3.3 Eliminate the Row and Column of a Square Matrix<br/>10.3.4 Determinant of a Square Matrix<br/>10.3.5 Cofactor of a Matrix<br/>10.3.6 Inverse of a Matrix<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>11 Pointers<br/>11.1 Pointer Basics<br/>11.1.1 What is a Pointer?<br/>11.1.2 Declaring Pointer Variables<br/>11.1.3 Address Operator (&) and Dereference Operator (*)<br/>11.1.4 Pointer Assignment and Initialization<br/>11.1.5 Simple Expressions Involving Pointers<br/>11.2 Call by Reference<br/>11.3 Vectors and Pointers<br/>11.3.1 Operations with Pointers to Vector Elements<br/>11.3.2 Accessing Vector Elements by Using Array Name as a Pointer<br/>11.3.3 Accessing Vector Elements Using Another Pointer Variable<br/>11.3.4 Passing a Vector to a Function Using a Pointer<br/>11.4 Advanced Concepts<br/>11.4.1 The Typecast and sizeof Operators<br/>11.4.2 Returning a Pointer from a Function<br/>11.4.3 Matrices and Pointers<br/>11.4.4 Multidimensional Arrays and Pointers<br/>11.4.5 Pointer to a Pointer<br/>11.4.6 Array of Pointers<br/>11.4.7 Dynamic Memory Management<br/>11.4.8 Dynamic Arrays<br/>11.4.9 Pointer to a Function<br/>11.4.10 Polymorphic Functions using void Pointer<br/>11.4.11 Complex Declarations Involving Pointers<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>12 Strings<br/>12.1 Processing Strings<br/>12.1.1 Processing Strings Using Loops<br/>12.1.2 Writing Functions for String Processing<br/>12.2 Library Functions for String Processing<br/>12.2.1 ANSI C Standard Library Functions for String Processing<br/>12.3 Advanced Concepts<br/>12.3.1 Nesting String Manipulation Functions<br/>12.3.2 Avoiding Pitfalls in String Processing<br/>12.3.3 Working with Words in a String<br/>12.3.4 ANSI Functions for Advanced String Processing<br/>12.3.5 Non-ANSI Functions for String Processing<br/>12.3.6 Dynamic Memory Allocation<br/>12.3.7 Command-Line Arguments<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>13 Structures<br/>13.1 StRictures<br/>13.1.1 Declaring Structures<br/>13.1.2 Defining Structure Variables<br/>13.1.3 Accessing Structure Members - the Dot Operator<br/>13.1.4 Structure Initialization<br/>13.1.5 Structure Assignment<br/>13.1.6 Other Operations on Structures<br/>13.2 Structures and Functions<br/>13.2.1 Passing a Structure to a Fimction<br/>13.2.2 Structure as a Function Value<br/>13.3 Structure Containing Arrays<br/>13.3.1 Declaring Structures Containing Arrays<br/>13.3.2 Initializing Structures Containing Arrays<br/>13.3.3 Accessing Member Arrays<br/>13.3.4 Accessing Elements of Member Arrays<br/>13.3.5 Using Structure Containing Arrays as Function Parameter and Return Value<br/>13.4 Nested Structures<br/>13.4.1 Deelaration of Nested Struetures<br/>13.4.2 Initializing Nested Structures<br/>13.4.3 Processing Nested Struetures<br/>13.5 Advaneed Concepts<br/>13.5.1 Memory Organization of Structures<br/>13.5.2 Pointer to a Strueture<br/>13.5.3 Array of Structures<br/>13.5.4 Representing Complex Data Using Arrays and Structures<br/>13.5.5 Strueture Containing Pointer Members<br/>Exereises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Coneepts)<br/>14 Files<br/>14.1 File Basics<br/>14.1.1 What is a File?<br/>14.1.2 Streams<br/>14.1.3 Standard Library Support for File Processing<br/>14.2 File Aeeess Funetions<br/>14.2.1 The fopen Function<br/>14.2.2 The fciose Funetion<br/>14.3 Charaeter I/O<br/>14.3.1 The fgetc Function and the getc Macro<br/>14.3.2 The fputc Funetion and the putc Macro<br/>14.3.3 The fgets and fputs Funetions<br/>14.3.4 The ungetc Function<br/>14.4 Formatted I/O<br/>14.5 Advanced Concepts<br/>14.5.1 FILE Structure<br/>14.5.2 Pagination Control in Display of Text Files<br/>14.5.3 Direct Input/Output<br/>14.5.4 File Positioning<br/>Exereises<br/>Exereises (Advaneed Coneepts)<br/>15 Searching and Sorting<br/>15.1 Searching<br/>15.1.1 Linear (or Sequential) Search<br/>15.1.2 Binary Search<br/>15.1.3 Recursive Binary Search<br/>15.2 Sorting<br/>15.2.1 Bubble Sort<br/>15.2.2 Selection Sort<br/>15.2.3 Insertion Sort<br/>15.3 Advanced Concepts<br/>15.3.1 Alternative/Efficient Implementations for Sorting Functions<br/>15.3.2 Sorting Strings<br/>15.3.3 Standard Library Functions for Searching and Sorting<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>16 Miscellaneous Concepts<br/>16.1 Bitwise Operators<br/>16.2 Enumerated Types<br/>16.2.1 Declaring Enumerated Types<br/>16.2.2 Variables of Enumerated Types<br/>16.2.3 Specifying Values for Enumerated Constants<br/>16.2.4 Working with Enumerated Data<br/>163 Renaming Types Using typedef<br/>16.3.1 Using typedef with Structures<br/>16.3.2 Using typedef with Enumerated Types<br/>16.4 More on Library Functions and Facilities<br/>16.4.1 The printf Function<br/>16.4.2 modf, frexp and idexp Functions<br/>16.4.3 Ranges of Integral Data Types<br/>16.4.4 Traditional Math Constants<br/>16.5 Advanced Concepts<br/>16.5.1 Bitwise Operators<br/>16.5.2 Renaming Types with typedef<br/>16.5.3 Unions<br/>16.5.4 Writing Multi-File Programs<br/>Exercises<br/>Exercises (Advanced Concepts)<br/>17 Graphics in Turbo C and Turbo C-h-<br/>17.1 Preliminaries<br/>17.1.1 Capabilities of the Graphics Mode<br/>17.1.2 Graphics Support in TC/TC-H-<br/>17.1.3 Pixels and Resolution<br/>17.1.4 Colours and Palettes<br/>17.1.5 Graphics View Ports and Pages<br/>17.1.6 Graphics Adapters, Drivers and Modes<br/>17.1.7 Graphics Coordinate System and CP<br/>17.2 Invoking the Graphics System<br/>17.3 Setting Colours and the Current Position (CP)<br/>17.4 Drawing Graphics Entities<br/>17.4.1 Drawing Points and Lines<br/>17.4.2 Drawing Rectangles and Polygons<br/>17.4.3 Drawing Circular and Elliptical Shapes<br/>17.4.4 Setting Line Styles and Fill Styles<br/>17.4.5 Drawing Filled Rectangles and Polygons<br/>17.4.6 Drawing Filled Circular and Elliptical Objects<br/>17.5 Displaying Text<br/>17.5.1 Functions to Display Text<br/>17.5.2 Setting Text Characteristics<br/>17.5.3 Enquiring Text Attributes<br/>17.6 Animation<br/>17.6.1 Animation of Simple Objects<br/>17.6.2 Animation of Complex Objects
650 ## - SUBJECT
Keyword Computer language
650 ## - SUBJECT
Keyword C Programming
Koha item type General Books
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