Programming in C ++: a primer / (Record no. 2266)

MARC details
fixed length control field 09350nam a2200181 4500
International Standard Book Number 97800707025073 (pb)
Transcribing agency CUS
Classification number 005.114
Item number BAL/P
Personal name Balagurusamy,
Title Programming in C ++: a primer /
Statement of responsibility, etc. E Balagurusamy
Edition statement 3rd ed.
Place of publication, distribution, etc. New Delhi ;
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Mc Graw Hill ,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 2010.
Extent xvi, 508 p.
Other physical details ill. ;
General note includes index
Formatted contents note 1. Introducing C#<br/>1.1 What is C#? 1<br/>1.2 WhyC#? 1<br/>1.3 Evolution of C# 3<br/>1.4 Characteristics of C# 4<br/>1.5 Applications of C# 5<br/>1.6 How does C# Differ from €++ ? 6<br/>1.7 How does C# Differ from Java ? 7<br/>Ca^e Study 8<br/>Review Questions 9<br/>2. Understanding .NET: The C# Environment<br/>2.1 The .Net Strategy 11<br/>2.2 The Origins of .NET Technology 12<br/>2.3 The .NET Framework 13<br/>2.4 The Common Language Runtime 13<br/>2.5 Framework Base Classes 15<br/>2.6 User and Program Interfaces 15<br/>2.7 Visual Studio .NET 15<br/>2.8 .NET Languages 15<br/>2.9 Benefits of the .NET Approach 16<br/>2.10 C# and the .NET 16<br/>Case Study 17<br/>Review Questions 17<br/>3. Overview of C#<br/>3.1 Introduction 18<br/>3.2 A Simple C# Program 18<br/>3.3 Namespaces 20<br/>3.4 Adding Comments 21<br/>3.5 Main Returning a Value 22<br/>3.6 Using Aliases for Namespace Classes 22<br/>3.7 Passing String Objects to WriteLine Method 23<br/>3.8 Command Line Arguments 23<br/>3.9 Main with a Class 25<br/>3.10 Providing Interactive Input 26<br/>3.11 Using Mathematical Functions 2 7<br/>3.12 Multiple Main Methods 28<br/>3.13 Compile Time Errors 28<br/>3.14 Program Structure 29<br/>3.15 Program Coding Style 30<br/>Case Study 30<br/>Common Programming Errors 31<br/>Review Questions 32<br/>Debugging Exercises 32<br/>Programming Exercises, 33<br/>Literals, Variables and Data Types<br/>4.1 Introduction 34<br/>4.2 Literals 36<br/>4.3 Variables 39<br/>4.4 Data Types 39<br/>4.5 Value Types 40<br/>4.6 Reference Types 43<br/>A.l Declaration of Variables 43<br/>4.8 Initialization of Variables 44<br/>4.9 Default Values 44<br/>4.10 Constant Variables 45<br/>4.11 Scope of Variables 46<br/>4.12 Boxing and Unboxing 48<br/>Case Study 49<br/>Common Programming Errors 50<br/>Review Questions 51<br/>Debugging Exercises 52<br/>Programming Exercises 53<br/>Operators and Expressions<br/>5.1 Introduction 55<br/>5.2 Arithmetic Operators 55<br/>5.3 Relational Operators 57<br/>5.4 Logical Operators 58<br/>5.5 Assigmnent Operators 59<br/>5.6 Increment and Decrement Operators 59<br/>5.7 Conditional Operator 60<br/>5.8 Bitwise Operators 61<br/>5.9 Special Operators 62<br/>5.10 Arithmetic Expressions 62<br/>5.11 Evaluation of Expressions 63<br/>5.12 Precedence of Arithmetic Operators 64<br/>5.13 Type Conversions 65<br/>5.14 Operator Precedence and Associativity 69<br/>5.15 Mathematical Functions 72<br/>Case Study 73<br/>Common Programming Errors 75<br/>Review Questions 75<br/>Debugging Exercises 77<br/>Programming Exercises 77<br/>6. Decision Making and Branching<br/>6.1 Introduction 80<br/>6.2 Decision Making with if Statement 80<br/>6.3 Simple if Statement 81<br/>6.4 The if... else Statement 82<br/>6.5 Nesting of if... else Statements 86<br/>6.6 The else if Ladder 88<br/>6.7 The Switch Statement 90<br/>6.8 The ? : Operator 95<br/>Case Study 96<br/>Common Programming Errors 97<br/>Review Questions 98<br/>Debugging Exercises 99<br/>Programming Exercises 100<br/>7. Decision Making and Looping<br/>7.1 Introduction 102<br/>7.2 The while Statement 103<br/>7.3 The do Statement 104<br/>1A The for Statement 108<br/>7.5 The foreach Statement 113<br/>7.6 Jiunps in Loops 114<br/>Case Study 118<br/>Common Programming Errors 120<br/>Review Questions 120<br/>Debugging Exercises 123<br/>Programming Exercises 124<br/>8. Methods in C#<br/>8.1<br/>Introduction 125<br/>8.2<br/>Declaring Methods<br/>125<br/>8.3<br/>The Main Method 126<br/>8.4<br/>Invoking Methods 127<br/>8.5<br/>Nesting of Methods 128<br/>8.6 Method Parameters 129<br/>8.7 Pass by Value 129 |<br/>8.8 Pass by Reference 130 i<br/>8.9 The Output Parameters 131<br/>8.10 Variable Argument Lists 132<br/>8.11 Methods Overloading 135<br/>Case Study 137<br/>Common Programming Errors 140 .<br/>Review Questions 141<br/>Debugging Exercises 142<br/>Programming Exercises 143<br/>Handling Arrays<br/>9.1 Introduction 145<br/>9.2 One-Dimensional Arrays 145<br/>9.3 Creating an Array 146<br/>9.4 Two-Dimensional Arrays 150<br/>9.5 Variable-Size Arrays 152<br/>9.6 The System.Array Class 153<br/>9.7 ArrayList Class 154<br/>Case Study 160<br/>Common Programming Errors 163<br/>Review Questions 163<br/>Debugging Exercises 164<br/>Programming Exercises 165<br/>10. Manipulating Strings<br/>10.1 Introduction 168<br/>10.2 Creating Strings 168<br/>10.3 String Methods 170<br/>10.4 Inserting Strings 171<br/>10.5 Comparing Strings 173<br/>10.6 Finding Substrings 174<br/>10.7 Mutable Strings 174<br/>10.8 Arrays of Strings 177<br/>10.9 Regular Expressions 179<br/>Case Study 182<br/>Common Programming Errors 184<br/>Review Questions 185<br/>Debugging Exercises 186<br/>Programming Exercises 188<br/>11. Structures and Enumerations<br/>11.1 Introduction 7 90<br/>11.2 Structures 190<br/>11.3 Structs with Methods 192<br/>11.4 Nested Structs 194<br/>11.5 Differences between Classes and Structs 197<br/>11.6 Enumerations 198<br/>11.7 Enumerator Initialization 201<br/>11.8 Enumerator Base Types 202<br/>11.9 Enumerator Type Conversion 203<br/>Case Study 204<br/>Common Programming Errors 206<br/>Review Questions 206<br/>Debugging Exercises 208<br/>Programming Exercises 210<br/>12. Classes and Objects<br/>12.1 Introduction 212<br/>12.2 Basic Principles of OOP 212<br/>12.3 Defining a Class 213<br/>12.4 Adding Variables 213<br/>12.5 Adding Methods 214<br/>12.6 Member Access Modifiers 216<br/>12.7 Creating Objects 217<br/>12.8 Accessing Class Members 218<br/>12.9 Constructors 219<br/>12.10 Overloaded Constructors 221<br/>12.11 Static Members 222<br/>12.12 Static Constructors 223<br/>12.13 Private Constructors 223<br/>,12.14 Copy Constructors 223<br/>12.15 Destructors 224<br/>12.16 Member Initialization 224<br/>12.17 The this Reference 225<br/>12.18 Nesting of Classes 225<br/>12.19 Constant Members 227<br/>12.20 Read-only Members 227<br/>12.21 Properties 228<br/>12.22 Indexers 230<br/>Case Study 233<br/>Common Programming Errors 235<br/>Review Questions 236<br/>Debugging Exercises 240<br/>Programming Exercises 242<br/>13. Inheritance and Polymorphism<br/>13.1 Introduction 244<br/>13.2 Classical Inheritance 244<br/>13.3 Containment Inheritance 245<br/>13.4 Defining a Subclass 245<br/>13.5 Visibility Control 247<br/>13.6 Defining Subclass Constructors 250<br/>13.7 Multilevel Inheritance 252<br/>13.8 Hierarchical Inheritance 256<br/>13.9 Overriding Methods 256<br/>13.10 Hiding Methods 257<br/>13.11 Abstract Classes 259<br/>13.12 Abstract Methods 259<br/>13.13 Sealed Classes: Preventing Inheritance 260<br/>13.14 Sealed Methods 260<br/>13.15 Polymorphism 261<br/>Case Study 266<br/>Common Programming Errors 268<br/>Review Questions 268<br/>Debugging Exercises 271<br/>Programming Exercises 272<br/>14. Interface: Multiple Inheritance<br/>14.1 Introduction 275<br/>14.2 Defining an Interface 275<br/>14.3 Extending an Interface 276<br/>14.4 Implementing Interfaces 277<br/>14.5 Interfaces and Inheritance 280<br/>14.6 Explicit Interface Implementation 281<br/>14.7 Abstract Class and Interfaces 284<br/>Case Study 287<br/>Common Programming Errors 289<br/>Review Questions 289<br/>Debugging Exercises 291<br/>15. Operator Overloading<br/>15.1 Introduction 295<br/>15.2 Overloadable Operators 295<br/>15.3 Need for Operator Overloading 296<br/>15.4 Defining Operator Overloading 296<br/>15.5 Overloading Unary Operators 297<br/>15.6 Overloading Binary Operators 298<br/>15.7 Overloading Comparison Operators 300<br/>Case Study 307<br/>Common Programming Errors 309<br/>Review Questions 309<br/>Debugging Exercises 310<br/>Programming Exercises 314<br/>16. Delegates and Events<br/>16.1 Introduction 315<br/>16.2 Delegates 315<br/>16.3 Delegate Declaration 316<br/>16.4 Delegate Methods 316<br/>16.5 Delegate Instantiation 317<br/>16.6 Delegate Invocation 319<br/>16.7 Using Delegates 319<br/>16.8 Multicast Delegates 320<br/>16.9 Events 322<br/>Case Study 329<br/>Review Questions 331<br/>Debugging Exercises 333<br/>17. Managing Console I/O Operations<br/>17.1 Introduction 336<br/>17.2 The Console Class 336<br/>17.3 Console Input 336<br/>17.4 Console Output 337<br/>17.5 Formatted Output 339<br/>17.6 Numeric Formatting 340<br/>ll.l Standard Numeric Format 340<br/>17.8 Custom Numeric Format 342<br/>Case Study 345<br/>Review Questions 348<br/>Debugging Exercises 348<br/>Programming Exercises 350<br/>18. Managing Errors and Exceptions<br/>18.1 Introduction 352<br/>18.2 What is Debugging? 352<br/>18.3 Types of Errors 352<br/>18.4 Exceptions 354<br/>18.5 Syntax ofException Handling Code 355<br/>18.6 Multiple Catch Statements 357<br/>18.7 The Exception Hierarchy 358<br/>18.8 General Catch Handler 359<br/>18.9 Using Finally Statement 360<br/>18.10 Nested Try Blocks 361<br/>18.11 Throwing Our Own Exceptions 363<br/>18.12 Checked and Unchecked Operators 368<br/>18.13 Using Exceptions for Debugging 368<br/>Case Study 368<br/>Common Programming Errors 371<br/>Review Questions 372<br/>Debugging Exercises 3 73<br/>Programming Exercises 376<br/>19. Multithreading in C#<br/>19.1 Introduction 377<br/>19.2 Understanding the System.Threading Namespace 377<br/>19.3 Creating and Starting a Thread 380<br/>19.4 Scheduling a Thread 382<br/>19.5 Synchronising Threads 384<br/>19.6 Thread Pooling 386<br/>Case Study 388<br/>Common Programming Errors 390<br/>Review Questions 390<br/>Programming Exercises 390<br/>20. WindowForms and Web-based Application Development on .NET<br/>20.1 Introduction 392<br/>20.2 Creating WindowForms 392<br/>20.3 Customizing a Form 394<br/>20.4 Understanding Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 398<br/>20.5 Creating and Running a SampleWinApp Windows Application 402<br/>20.6 Overview of Design Patterns 407<br/>20.7 Creating and Running a SampleWinApp2 Windows Application 408<br/>20.8 Web-based Application on .NET 418<br/>Case Study 433<br/>Common Programming Errors 43 7<br/>Review Questions 437<br/>Programming Exercises 438
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Keyword Computer Programming
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        Central Library, Sikkim University Central Library, Sikkim University General Book Section 04/06/2016 005.114 BAL/P P33302 04/06/2016 General Books
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