Organizational Behavior (Record no. 163904)

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fixed length control field 16634nam a2200253Ia 4500
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International Standard Book Number 9788131721216
Transcribing agency CUS
Classification number 658.3140235
Classification number 658.3140235
Item number ROB/O
Personal name Robbins, Stephen P.
9 (RLIN) 1269
Title Organizational Behavior
Edition statement 13th ed.
Place of publication, distribution, etc. New Delhi:
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. Pearson,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 2009.
Extent xxxv, 782p.
Other physical details ill.
Dimensions 29 cm.
Formatted contents note What Is Organizational<br/>Behavior? 2<br/>The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 4<br/>What Managers Do 6<br/>Management Functions 6 • Management Roles 6 • Management<br/>Skills 8 • Effective Versus Successful Managerial Acti\dties 8 • A Review of<br/>the Manager's Job 10<br/>Enter Organizational Behavior 10<br/>Complementing Intuition with Systematic Study 11<br/>Disciplines That Contribute to the OB Field 13<br/>Psychology 13 • Social Psychology 13 • Sociology 14 • Anthropology 14<br/>There Are Few Absolutes in OB 15<br/>Challenges and Opportunities for OB 16<br/>Responding to Globalization 16 • Managing Workforce<br/>DivERSity 19 • Improving Quality and Productivity 24 • Improving Customer<br/>Service 25 • Improving People Skills 26 • Stimulating InnovaUon and<br/>Change 26 • Coping with'n Temporariness" 26 • Working in Networked<br/>96 • Coninffwith'Temporariness" 26 • Working in Networked<br/>Organizations 27 • Helping Employees Balance Work-Life<br/>ConHicts 27 • Creating a Positive Work Environment 29 • Improving<br/>Ethical Behavior 29<br/>Coming Attractions: Developing an OB Model 30<br/>-An Overview 30 • TheDependent Variables 30 • The Independent<br/>Variables 35 • Toward a Contingency OB Model 36<br/>Global Implications 37<br/>Summary and Implications for Managers 38<br/>Self-Assessment Library How/ Much Do I Know about Organizational Behavior? 4<br/>Myth or Science? "Preconceived Notions Versus Substantive Evidence" 12<br/>OBin the News Other Disciplines Make Use of OB Concepts 15<br/>OBin<br/>the News Bracing for Disaster and Terror 18<br/>OBin <br/>the News Working with People with Disabilities 21<br/>OBin the News Asians inthe United States 22<br/>International OB Transfer Pricing and International Corporate Deviance 34<br/>Point/Counterpoint In Search ofthe Quick Fix 39<br/>Questions for Review 40<br/>Think and Do 40<br/>Experiential Exercise 40<br/>Ethical Dilemma 41<br/>Case Incident 1 "Data Will Set You Free" 42<br/>Case Incident 2 Workplace Violence 42<br/>viii Contents<br/>Ability 48<br/>Chapter 2<br/>Foundations of Individual<br/>Behavior 46<br/>Intellectual Abilities 49 • Physical Abilities 51<br/>Biographical Characteristics 52<br/>Age 52 • Gender 54 • Race 55 • Social Group 55 • Other Biographical<br/>Characteristics: Tenure, Religion, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity 55<br/>Learning 57<br/>A Definition of 57• Theories of Learning 58 • Shaping: A<br/>Managerial Tool<br/>61<br/>Global Implications 67<br/>Intellectual Abilities 68 • Biographical Characteristics 68 • Learning 68<br/>Summary<br/>and Implications for Managers 68<br/>Self-Assessment Library What's My Attitude Toward Older People? 48<br/>International OB The Benefits of Cultural Intelligence 50<br/>OB in the News Are You More Biased Than You Think? 56<br/>Myth or Science? "You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks!" 62<br/>Self-Assessment Library How Good Am Iat Disciplining Others? 63<br/>Point/Counterpoint All Human Behavior Is Learned 70<br/>Questions for Review 71<br/>Think and Do 71<br/>Experiential Exercise 71<br/>Ethical Dilemma 72<br/>Case Incident 1 The Flynn Effect 72<br/>Case Incident 2 Professional Sports: Rewarding and Punishing the Same Behavior? 73<br/>Chapter 3<br/>Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 76<br/>Attitudes 79<br/>What Are the Main Components of Attitudes? 79 • Does Behavior Always<br/>Follow from Attitudes? 80 • What Are the Major Job Attitudes? 83<br/>Job Satisfaction 88<br/>Measuring Job Satisfaction 88 • How Satisfied Are People in Their<br/>Jobs? 89 • What Causes Job Satisfaction? 89 • The Impact of Satisfied and<br/>Dissatisfied Employees on the Workplace 90<br/>Global Implications 95<br/>Is Job Satisfaction a Global Concept? 95 • Are Employees in Western<br/>Cultures More Sadsfied withT heir Jobs? 96 • How Do Asian Employees Fare<br/>in Terms ofJob Satisfaction and Engagement? 96<br/>Summary and Implications for Managers 97<br/>Self-Assessment Library How Satisfied Am I with MyJob? 78<br/>International OB Chinese Employees and Organizational Commitment 84<br/>Self-Assessment Library Am I Engaged? 87<br/>OBin<br/>the News Why Is Job Satisfaction Falling? 88<br/>Myth or Science? "Happy Workers Are Productive Workers" 91<br/>Point/Counterpoint Managers Can Create Satisfied Employees 98<br/>Questions for Review 99<br/>Think and Do 99<br/>Experiential Exercise 99<br/>Ethical Dilemma 100<br/>Case Incident 1 Albertsons Works on Employee Attitudes ^01<br/>Case Incident 2 Long Hours, Hundreds of E-Mails, and No Sleep: Does This Sound Like a<br/>Satisfying Job? 101<br/>Chapter 4<br/>Personality and Values los<br/>Personality 110<br/>\^at Is Personality? Ill • The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 115 • The Big<br/>Five Personality Model 116 • Sixteen Personality Factor<br/>Questionnaire 118 • Other Personality Traits Relevant to OB 119<br/>Values 126<br/>The Importance of Values 127 • Terminal Versus Instrumental<br/>Values 127 • Generational Values 128<br/>Values and Ethical Behavior in Asian Countries 130<br/>India 130 • China 134 • Thailand 134<br/>Linking an Individual's Personality and Values to the Workplace 135<br/>Person-Job Fit 135 • Person-Organization Fit 137<br/>Global Implications 137<br/>Personality 137 • Values 138<br/>Summary and Implications for Managers 141<br/>Self-Assessment Library Am Ia Narcissist? 110<br/>OB in the News Emerging Trends in Assessment 119<br/>Myth or Science? "Entrepreneurs Are a Breed Apart" 124<br/>International OB A Global Personality 125<br/>OB in the News Are U.S.Values Different? 135<br/>Point/Counterpoint Traits Are Powerful Predictors of Behavior 142<br/>Questions for Review 143<br/>Think and Do 143<br/>Experiential Exercise 143<br/>Ethical Dilemma 143<br/>Case Incident 1 The Rise of the Nice CEO? 144<br/>Case Incident 2 A Diamond Personality 145<br/>Case Incident 3 Right Man, Wrong Job? 146<br/>Contents ix<br/>Contents<br/>Chapter 5<br/>Perception and Individual<br/>Decision Making 154<br/>What Is Perception? 157<br/>Factors That Influence Perception 157<br/>Person Perception: Making Judgments About Others 159<br/>Attribution Theory 159 • Frequently Used Shortcuts inJ udging<br/>Others 160 • Specific Applications of Shortcuts in Organizations 163<br/>The Link Between Perception and individual Decision Making 164<br/>Decision Making in Organizations 165<br/>The Rational Model, Bounded Rationality, and Intuition 165 • Common<br/>Biases and Errors in Decision Making 168<br/>In fluenceson Decision Making: Individual Differences and Organizational<br/>Constraints 171<br/>Individual Differences 172 • Organizational Constraints 173<br/>What About Ethics in Decision Making? 174<br/>Three Ethical Decision Criteria 175 • Improving Creativity in Decision<br/>Making 176<br/>Global Implications 178<br/>Summary and Implications For Managers 180<br/>Self-Assessment Library What Are My Gender Role Perceptions? 157<br/>international OB Can Negative Perceptions Dampen International Business<br/>Relationships? 162<br/>Myth or Science? "No One Thinks They're Biased" 170<br/>Self-Assessment Library Am Ia Deliberate Decision Maker? 171<br/>OBin the News Google and the Winner's Curse 172<br/>Self-Assessment Library How Creative Am I? 178<br/>OBin the News Perception Leading to Decision Making—McDonald's in Controversy 179<br/>Point/Counterpoint When in Doubt, Do! 182<br/>Questions for Review 183<br/>Think and Do 183<br/>Experiential Exercise 183<br/>Ethical Dilemma 184<br/>Case Incident 1 Natural Disasters and the Decisions That Follow 184<br/>Case Incident 2 Whistle-Blowers; Saints or Sinners? 185<br/>Chapter 6<br/>Motivation Concepts 190<br/>Defining Motf Vdtfon 193<br/>EarlyTheories of Motivation 193<br/>Hierarchy of Needs Theory 194 • Theory X and Theory Y 195 • Two-Factor<br/>Theory 196 * McClelland's Theory of Needs 198<br/>Contemporary Theories of Motivation 199<br/>Cognitive Evaluation Theory 200 • Goal-Setting Theory 204 • Self-Efficacy<br/>Theory 207 • Reinforcement Theory 210 • Equity Theory 210 • Expectancy<br/>Theory 215<br/>integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation 217<br/>Globallmplications 219<br/>Summary and Implications for Managers 221<br/>Self-Assessment Library How Confident Am I in My Abilities to Succeed? 192<br/>Myth or Science? "Women Are More Motivated to Get Along, and Men Are More<br/>Motivated to Get Ahead" 196<br/>OB in the News Paying Employees Not to Work 200<br/>OB in the News How Do Organizations Balance Extrinsic and Intrinsic Rewards? 202<br/>International OB How Managers Evaluate Their Employees Depends on Culture 203<br/>Self-Assessment Library What Are My Course Performance Goals? 206<br/>Point/Counterpoint Failure Motivates! 222<br/>Questions for Review 223<br/>Think and Do 223<br/>Experiential Exercise 223<br/>Ethical Dilemma 224<br/>Case Incident 1 Do Workers "Live to Work"? 224<br/>Case Incident 2 Bullying Bosses 225<br/>Chapter 7<br/>Motivation: From Concepts<br/>to Applications 230<br/>Motivating by Job Design:The Job Characteristics Model 233<br/>The <br/>• Alternative Work Arrangements 239 • Ability and Opportunity 243<br/>Employee Involvement 244<br/>Examples of Employee Involvement Programs 244 • Linking Employee<br/>Involvement Programs and Motivation Theories 246<br/>Using Rewards to Motivate Employees 246<br/>What to Pay: Establishing a Pay Structure 246 • How to Pay: Rewarding<br/>Individual Employees Through Variable-Pay Programs 247 • Flexible Benefits-<br/>Developing a Benefits Package 254 • Intrinsic Rewards: Employee Recognition<br/>Programs 254<br/>Globallmplications 258<br/>Summary and Implications for Managers 260<br/>Self-Assessment Library What's My Job's Motivating Potential? 232<br/>Myth or Science? "Everyone Wants a Challenging Job" 237<br/>OB in the News CEO Compensation 250<br/>OBin the News Motivating with Performance Reviews 253<br/>OB in the News Fun at the Workplace 257<br/>International OB Cultural Differences In Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction 259<br/>Point/Counterpoint Praise Motivates 262<br/>Contents xi<br/>Contents<br/>Questions for Review 263<br/>Think and Do 263<br/>Experiential Exercise 263<br/>Ethical Dilemma 264<br/>Case Incident 1 Reducing Travel Costs at Applebee's 265<br/>Case Incident 2 Thanks for Nothing 265<br/>Chapter 8<br/>Emotions and Moods 272<br/>What Are Emotions and Moods? 275<br/>The Basic Emotions 276 • Tlc Basic Moods; Positive and Negative Affeci 277<br/>• The Function of Emotions 278 • Sources of EmoTions and Moods 280<br/>Emotional Labor 284<br/>Affective Events Theory 287<br/>Emotional Intelligence 289<br/>The Case for El 290 • The Case Against El 291<br/>OB Applications of Emotions and Moods 292<br/>Selection 292 • Decision Making 292 • Creativit)' 293 • Motivadon 293<br/>• Leadership 294 • Negotiation 294 • CUstomer Service 295 • Job<br/>Attitudes 295 • Deviant Workplace Behaviors 296 • Forgiveness in<br/>Organizations 296 • How Managers Can hi fluence Moods 296<br/>Global Issues 297<br/>Summary and Implications For Managers 298<br/>Self-Assessment Library How Are You Feeling Right Now? 274<br/>Self-Assessment Library What's My Affect Intensity? 280<br/>Myth or Science? "People Can't Accurately Forecast Their Own Emotions" 282<br/>International OB Emotional Recognition; Universal or Culture Specific? 284<br/>OB in<br/>the News Cathay Pacific SmileS strike 285<br/>OB in the News Emotional Intelligence Beneficial for Organizations 290<br/>Self-Assessment Library What's My Emotional Intelligence Score? 292<br/>OB in the News Crying at Work Gains Acceptance 297<br/>Point/Counterpoint The Costs and Benefits of Organizational Display Rules 299<br/>Questions for Review 300<br/>Think and Do 300<br/>Experiential Exercise 300<br/>Ethical Dilemma 300<br/>Case Incident 1 The Upside of Anger? 301<br/>Case Incident 2 Abusive Customers Cause Emotions to Run High 302<br/>Chapter 9<br/>Foundations of Group<br/>Behavior 308<br/>Defining and Classifying Groups 310<br/>Stages of Group Development 312<br/>'. he Five-Stage Model 312 o An Alternative Model for Temporary Groims<br/>\ ith Deadlines 313<br/>Group Properties: Roles, Norms, Status, Sizeand Cohesiveness 315<br/>(>roup Property 1: Roles 313 <* Group Properdes 2 and 3: Norms and<br/>Status 318 • Status 323 • Group Propert)'4: Size 325 • Group Propert}'5:<br/>Gohesiveness 327<br/>Group Decision Making 328<br/>Groups Versus die Individual 328 • Groupthink and Groupshift 330 • Group<br/>Decision-Making Techniques 332<br/>Group Behavior:<br/>An Asian Perspective 335<br/>Global Implications 335<br/>Summary and Implications for Managers 337<br/>Self-Assessment Library Do IHave aNegative Attitude Toward Working<br/>in Groups? 310<br/>Self-Assessment Library Do ITrust Others? 318<br/>International OB Group Cohesiveness Across Cultures 328<br/>Myth or Science? "AreTwo Heads Better Than One?" 329<br/>OB inthe News Groupthink for an Enron Jury? 331<br/>Point/Counterpoint All Job Should Be Designed Around Groups 338<br/>Questions for Review 339<br/>Experiential Exercise 339<br/>Ethical Dilemma 340<br/>Case Incident 1 "If Two Heads Are Better Than One, Are Four Even Better?" 341<br/>Case Incident 2 The Dangers ofGroupthink 341<br/>Chapter 10<br/>Understanding Work Teams 346<br/>Why Have Teams Become So Popular? 348<br/>Differences Between Groups and Teams 349<br/>Types ofTeams 350<br/>Problem-Solving Teams 350 • Self-Managed Work Teams 351<br/>• Cross-Functional Teams 352 • Virtual Teams 353 • Creating Effecdve<br/>Teams 354 • Context: What Factors Determine Whether Teams are<br/>Successful 355 • Team Composition 357 • Work Design 362<br/>• Team Processes 363<br/>Turning Individuals into Team Players 365<br/>Team Building and Team-Based Work 367<br/>Beware!Teams Aren't Alwaysthe Answer 368<br/>Global Implications 368<br/>Summary and Implications forManagers 369<br/>Self-Assessment Library How Good Am Iat Building and Leading<br/>a Team? 348<br/>OB in the News Teams Work to Save Lives in Tsunami-Striken Asia 349<br/>Contents xiii<br/>xiv Contents<br/>OB in the News Hero Group: Teams in Action 353<br/>International OB Global Virtual Teams 354<br/>OB in the News SurgicalTeams Lack Teamwork 357<br/>Myth or Science? "Old Teams Can't Learn New Tricks" 362<br/>Self-Assessment Library What Is My Team Efficacy? 365<br/>Point/Counterpoint Sports Teams Are Good Models for<br/>WorkplaceTeams 370<br/>Questions for Review 371<br/>Think and Do 371<br/>Experiential Exercise 371<br/>Ethical Dilemma 372<br/>Case Incident 1 AVirtualTeam at NanawatiAssociates 372<br/>Case Incident 2 Team-Building Retreats 373<br/>Chapter 11<br/>Communication 378<br/>Functions of Communication 382<br/>The Communication Process 383<br/>Direction of Communication 384<br/>Downward Communication 384 • Upward Communication 385 • Lateral<br/>Communication 385<br/>Interpersonal Communication 386<br/>Oral Communication 386 • Written Communication 387 • Nonverbal<br/>Communication 388<br/>Organizational Communication 389<br/>Formal Small-Group Networks 389 • The Grapevine 390 • Electronic<br/>Communications 391 • Knowledge Management 396<br/>Choice of Communication Channel 398<br/>Barriers<br/>to Effective Communication 400<br/>Filtering 400 • Selective Perception 401 • Information<br/>Overload 401 • Emotions 401 • Language 402 • Communication<br/>Apprehension 402 • Gender Differences 402 • "Politically Correct"<br/>Communication 403<br/>Global Implications 404<br/>Summary and Implications for Managers 407<br/>Self-Assessment Library Am Ia Gossip? 381<br/>Mythor Science? "People Are Good at Catching Liars atWork" 386<br/>OB in the News Communication in Organizations: Oral or Written? 387<br/>OBin the News Factors Driving Adoption of InternetPolicy 393<br/>OBin the News Internet Gripe Sites: AChallenge forManagement? 395<br/>OB in the News Starbucks'Great Communicator 397<br/>OB in the News Out-of-the-Box Thinking in the Choice of Communication Channels 400<br/>International OB Lost in Translation? 406<br/>Self-Assessment Library How Good Are My Listening Skills?. 407<br/>Point/Counterpoint KeepIt a Secret 409<br/>Questions for Review 410<br/>Think and Do 410<br/>Experiential Exercise 410<br/>Ethical Dilemma 411<br/>Case Incident 1 Dianna Abdaia 411<br/>Case Incident 2 DoYou Need a Speech Coach? 412<br/>Chapter 12<br/>Basic Approaches to Leadership 4i6<br/>What Is Leadership? 419<br/>Trait Theories 420<br/>Behavioral Theories 422<br/>Ohio State Studies 423 • University of Michigan Studies 424 • Summary of<br/>Trait Theories and Behavioral Theories 424<br/>Contingency Theories: Fiedler Model and Situational Leadership Theory 425<br/>Fiedler Model 426 • Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Theory 429 •<br/>Path-Goal Theory 430 • Path-Goal Variables and Predictions 431 •<br/>Summary of Contingency Theories 432<br/>Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory 432<br/>Decision Theory: Vroom and Yetton's Leader-Participation Model 434<br/>Global Implications 435<br/>European Leadership Style 435 • Asian Perspective 436 • The GLOBE<br/>Project 436<br/>Summary and Implications for Managers 438<br/>Self-Assessment Library What's My Leadership Style? 418<br/>OB in the News Bad Bosses Abound 421<br/>Myth or Science? "Narcissists Make Better Leaders" 422<br/>Self-Assessment Library What's My LPC Score? 426<br/>
Topical term or geographic name as entry element Organizational Behavior
9 (RLIN) 677
Topical term or geographic name as entry element Personnel Management
9 (RLIN) 1278
Personal name Judge, Timothy A
9 (RLIN) 1275
Personal name Sanghi, Seema
9 (RLIN) 1277
Koha item type General Books
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          Central Library, Sikkim University Central Library, Sikkim University General Book Section 29/08/2016 11 1 658.3140235 ROB/O P18814 06/11/2019 06/11/2019 29/08/2016 General Books
          EduPsy Library, Sikkim University EduPsy Library, Sikkim University EduPsy Library 29/08/2016 9 3 658.3140235 ROB/O P18815 31/10/2019 31/10/2019 29/08/2016 General Books
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