Encyclopedia of politics: the left and the right/ (Record no. 158219)

MARC details
fixed length control field 10337cam a22002174a 4500
International Standard Book Number 1412904099
Transcribing agency CUS
Classification number 320.03
Item number CAR/E
Title Encyclopedia of politics: the left and the right/
Statement of responsibility, etc. Rodney P. Carlisle, general editor.
Place of publication, distribution, etc. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. SAGE Reference,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. c2005.
Extent 2 v. (xxvi, 1052 p.):
Other physical details ill., maps;
Dimensions 29 cm.
Bibliography, etc Includes bibliographical references and index.
Formatted contents note v. 1. The left -- v. 2. The right.
Formatted contents note Abolitionism -- Abortion/Pro-Choice -- Affirmative Action -- Africa -- African National Congress -- Alienation -- American Civil Liberties Union -- American Civil War -- American Revolution -- Anarchism -- Anarcho-Syndicalism -- Animal Rights -- Anthony, Susan B. (1820-1906) -- Anti-Globalization -- Argentina -- Asia -- Australia -- Austria -- Africa --<br/>Agrarianism -- Ali, Noble Drew (1886-1929) -- American Civil War -- American Conservative Union -- American Enterprise Institute -- American Liberty League -- American Party -- American Revolution -- Anti-Abortion/Pro-Life -- Apartheid -- Argentina -- Aristocracy -- Aryan Nations -- Asia -- Associative State -- Australia -- Austria -- Autarchy -- Bellamy, Edward (1850-1898) -- Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832) -- Bicameralism -- Bill of Rights -- Black Panthers -- Bolshevism -- Brazil -- Breitman, George (1916-1986) -- Bridges, Harry (1901-1990) -- Browder, Earl (1891-1973) -- Ba'athism -- Balance of Power -- Basque and Catalan Separatism -- Bennett, William J. (1943-) -- Bilbo, Theodore G. (1877-1947) -- Black Nationalism -- Black Separatism -- Borah, William E. (1865-1940) -- Brazil -- British National Party -- Bruder Schweigen -- Buchanan, Patrick J. (1938-) -- Buckley, William F., Jr. (1925-) -- Burke, Edmund (1729-1797) -- Bush, George H.W. (1924-) -- Bush, George W. (1946-) -- Campaign Finance -- Canada -- Carmichael, Stokely (1941-1998) -- Carter, James E. (1924-) -- Carville, James (1944-) -- Catholic Worker -- Censorship -- Central America -- Chile -- China -- Christian Democracy -- Church and State Separation -- Civil Liberties -- Civil Rights -- Cleaver, Eldridge (1935-1998) -- Clinton, William J. (1946-) -- Cominform -- Communism -- Communist Party, Soviet -- Communitarianism -- Constitutional Amendments -- Consumer Rights -- Coxey, Jacob (1854-1951) -- Croly, Herbert (1868-1930) -- Cultural Diversity -- Czech Republic -- Canada -- Capitalism -- Cato Institute -- Censorship -- Central America -- Chile -- China -- Christian Coalition -- Christian Identity -- Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965) -- Cold War -- Colonialism -- Conservatism -- Conservative Party, UK -- Coolidge, Calvin (1872-1933) -- Corporatism -- Corsican Separatism -- Coughlin, Charles E. (1891-1979) -- Coulter, Ann H. (1961-) -- Courts and Law -- Czech Republic -- Death Penalty Elimination -- Debs, Eugene V. (1855-1926) -- Democracy -- Democratic Party -- Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) -- Desegregation -- Despotism -- Douglass, Frederick (1818-1895) -- Du Bois, W.E.B. (1868-1963) -- Duclos, Jacques (1896-1975) -- Dunayevskaya, Raya (1910-1987) -- Darwinism -- Despotism -- Dewey, Thomas E. (1902-1971) -- Dos Passos, John (1896-1970) -- Drudge, Matt (1966-) -- Egypt -- Electorate, African American -- Electorate, Hispanic -- Electorate, World Demographics --Engels, Friedrich (1820-1890) -- Environmentalism -- Education -- Egypt -- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1890-1969) -- Electorate, U.S. -- Elitism -- Ethnic Cleansing -- Fabianism -- Feminism -- First Amendment -- First International -- Flynn, Elizabeth Gurley (1890-1964) -- Foster, William Z. (1881-1961) -- Fourierism -- France -- Freedom of Information -- French Revolution -- Friedan, Betty (1921-) -- Fromm, Erich (1900-1980) -- Falangism -- Family First -- Fascism -- Feminism -- Feudalism -- Ford, Gerald R. (1913-) -- Foreign Policy, U.S. -- France -- Fundamentalism -- Gandhi, Mahatma (1869-1948) -- Gay and Lesbian Movements -- Germany -- Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (1860-1935) -- Gitlow, Benjamin (1891-1965) -- Goldman, Emma (1869-1940) -- Gorbachev, Mikhail (1931-) -- Granger Movement -- Greece -- Green Party -- Greenback Party -- Greenpeace -- Guevara, Che (1928-1967) -- Gun Control -- Garvey, Marcus (1887-1940) -- Germany -- Gingrich, Newt (1943-) -- Globalization -- Goldwater, Barry (1909-1998) -- Greece -- Hall, Gus (1910-2000) -- Hammett, Dashiell (1894-1961) -- Harrington, Michael (1928-1989) -- Hayden, Tom (1939-) -- Haywood, William D. (1869-1928) -- Healthcare -- Hillman, Sidney (1887-1946) -- Hillquit, Morris (1869-1933) -- Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679) -- Hollywood Ten -- Hopkins, Harry (1890-1946) -- Human Rights -- Hume, David (1711-1776) -- Humphrey, Hubert H. (1911-1978) -- Hungary -- Harding, Warren G. (1865-1923) -- Healthcare -- Hearst, William Randolph (1863-1951) -- Hegemony -- Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945) -- Hoover, Herbert (1874-1964) -- Hoover, J. Edgar (1895-1972) -- Hungary -- Ideology -- Immigration -- India -- Indonesia -- Industrial Workers of the World -- Iran -- Ireland -- Israel -- Italy -- Ideology -- Immigration Restriction -- Imperialism -- India -- Iran -- Iraq -- Ireland -- Irish Republican Army -- Isolationism -- Israel -- Italy -- Japan -- Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826) -- Johnson, Lyndon B. (1908-1973) -- Japan -- John Birch Society -- Justice -- Kefauver, Estes (1903-1963) -- Kennedy, John F. (1917-1963) -- King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968) -- Korea, North -- Korea, South -- Khomeini, Ruhollah (1900-1989) -- Korea, South -- Ku Klux Klan -- Kuomintang -- La Follette, Robert (1855-1925) -- Labour Party, UK -- Lenin, Vladimir I. (1870-1924) -- Liberal Party, Australia -- Liberal Party, Canada -- Liberal Party, Hong Kong -- Liberal Party, UK -- Liberalism -- Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) -- Lippmann, Walter (1889-1974) -- Lloyd, Henry Demarest (1847-1903) -- Lobbying -- Locke, John (1632-1704) -- Locofocos -- Long, Huey (1893-1935) -- Lovestone, Jay (1897-1990) -- La Guardia, Fiorello H. (1882-1947) -- Laissez-Faire -- Landon, Alfred M. (1887-1987) -- Libertarianism -- Limbaugh, Rush (1951-) -- Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) -- Lind, Michael (1962-) -- Lindbergh, Charles A. (1902-1974) -- Lobbying -- Luce, Henry R. (1898-1967) -- Malcolm X (1925-1965) -- Maoism -- Marcuse, Herbert (1898-1979) -- Market Socialism -- Marx, Karl (1818-1883) -- Marxist Humanism -- Media Bias, Left -- Mexico -- Middle East -- Moore, Michael (1954-) -- Mott, Lucretia (1793-1880) -- Muste, Abraham J. (1885-1967) -- Manifest Destiny -- Martial Law -- McCarthyism -- Media Bias, Right -- Messianic Cults -- Mexico -- Middle East -- Militia Movements -- Mises, Ludwig von (1881-1973) -- Monarchism -- Muslim Brotherhood -- NAACP -- Nader, Ralph (1934-) -- Nearing, Scott (1883-1983) -- New Deal -- New Left -- Niagara Movement -- Nigeria -- National Review -- National Rifle Association -- National Wilderness Institute -- Nationalism -- New Right -- Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) -- Nigeria -- Nixon, Richard M. (1913-1994) -- O'Neill, Thomas P. (1912-1994) -- Orwell, George (1903-1950) -- Opus Dei -- Orientalism -- Palestine Liberation Organization -- Paris Commune -- Paul, Alice (1885-1977) -- Peru -- Poland -- Political Economy -- Politically Correct -- Polls and Pollsters -- Popular Front -- Populism -- Postmodernism -- Praxis Group -- PRI (Mexico) -- Progressive Party -- Protests -- Pakistan -- Pan-Africanism -- Patriotism -- Peronism -- Peru -- Poland -- Polls and Pollsters -- Posse Comitatus -- Prohibitionism -- Protests -- Quebec Separatism -- Rand School of Social Science -- Randolph, A. Philip (1889-1979) -- Reed, John (1887-1920) -- Rochdale Movement -- Roosevelt, Eleanor (1884-1962) -- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (1882-1945) -- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1788) -- Russia, Post-Soviet -- Russian Revolution -- Rand, Ayn (1905-1982) -- Reagan, Ronald (1911-2004) -- Realpolitik -- Religion -- Republican Party -- Roosevelt, Theodore (1858-1919) -- Royalty -- Russia, Post-Soviet -- Sacco and Vanzetti -- Saint-Simonism -- Saudi Arabia -- Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. (1917-) -- Second International -- Sharecroppers' Union -- Shining Path -- Sinclair, Upton (1878-1968) -- Singapore -- Social Democracy -- Social Security -- Socialism -- Socialist Party, U.S. -- Socialist Realism -- Socialist Workers' Party, UK -- Solidarity -- South Africa -- South America -- Southern Tenant Farmers' Union -- Soviet Union -- Spain -- Stalin and Stalinism -- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady (1815-1902) -- Steinem, Gloria (1934-) -- Stevenson, Adlai E. (1900-1965) -- Students for A Democratic Society -- Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee -- Suffragists -- Supreme Court -- Sweden -- Switzerland -- Symbionese Liberation Army -- Syndicalism -- Sabbatarianism -- Saudi Arabia -- Second Amendment -- Segregation -- Shockley, William B. (1910-1989) -- Singapore -- South Africa -- South America -- Soviet Union -- Sowell, Thomas (1930-) -- Spain -- States' Rights -- Supreme Court -- Survivalists -- Sweden -- Switzerland -- Think Tanks -- Third International (Comintern) -- Third-Worldism -- Thomas, Norman M. (1884-1968) -- Thompson, Hunter S. (1937/39-) -- Titoism -- Trotsky, Leon (1879-1940) -- Truman, Harry (1884-1972) -- Turkey -- Taft, Robert A. (1889-1953) -- Taft, William H. (1857-1930) -- Taxes -- Technocracy, Inc. -- Thailand -- Thatcher, Margaret (1925-) -- Theocracy -- Think Tanks -- Totalitarianism -- Turkey -- Uganda -- Ukraine -- Unions -- United Kingdom -- United States -- Uganda -- Ukraine -- Ultramontanism -- Unilateralism -- United Kingdom -- United States -- Ustashe -- Vietnam War -- Voting, Unrestricted -- Vietnam War -- Wallace, Henry A. (1888-1965) -- Washington, George (1732-1799) -- Weathermen -- Welfare and Poverty -- Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924) -- Workers Party -- Workingmen's Party -- Wright, Frances (1795-1852) -- Washington, Booker T. (1856-1915) -- Welfare and Poverty -- White Citizens' Councils -- Will, George F. (1941-) -- Willkie, Wendell (1892-1944) -- Xenophobia -- Yahweh ben Yahweh (1935-) -- Zionism.
650 #0 - SUBJECT
Keyword Right and left (Political science) -- Encyclopedias.
650 #0 - SUBJECT
Keyword Right and left (Political science)
650 #0 - SUBJECT
Keyword Political science -- Encyclopedias.
650 #0 - SUBJECT
Keyword Political science
Personal name Carlisle, Rodney P., ed.
Koha item type Reference Books
Withdrawn status Lost status Damaged status Not for loan Collection Type Home library Current library Shelving location Date acquired Full call number Accession number Date last seen Koha item type
      Not For Loan Reference Collection Central Library, Sikkim University Central Library, Sikkim University Reference 29/08/2016 320.03 CAR/E P13048 23/09/2022 Reference Books
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