Statistical reasoning in psychology and education/ (Record no. 150598)

MARC details
fixed length control field 13840nam a2200217Ia 4500
International Standard Book Number 0471852244
International Standard Book Number 9780471852247
Transcribing agency CUS
Classification number 150.72
Item number MIN/S
Personal name Minium, Edward W.
Title Statistical reasoning in psychology and education/
Statement of responsibility, etc. Edward W. Minium, Bruce M. King, Gordon Bear.
Edition statement 3rd ed.
Place of publication, distribution, etc. New York:
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. John Wiley and Sons,
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 1993.
Extent xiii, 590 p. :
Other physical details ill. ;
Dimensions 26 cm.
Formatted contents note 1.1 Descriptive Statistics<br/>1.2 Inferential Statistics<br/>1.3 Relationship and Prediction<br/>1.4 Our Concern: Applied Statistics<br/>1.5 The Role of Applied Statistics<br/>1.6 Do Statistics Lie?<br/>1.7 Other Concerns about Statistics<br/>Point of Controversy: Are Statistics<br/>Necessary?<br/>1.8 Some Tips on Studying Statistics<br/>1.9 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 2<br/>PRELIMINARY CONCEPTS<br/>2.1 Random Samples<br/>2.2 Variables and Constants<br/>2.3 Scales of Measurement<br/>2.4 Scales of Measurement and Problems<br/>of Statistical Treatment<br/>2.5 Computational Accuracy with<br/>Continuous Variables<br/>2.6 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 3<br/>FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS,<br/>PERCENTIIES, AND<br/>PERCENTILE RANKS<br/><br/>Organizing Qualitative Dau<br/>Grouped Scores<br/>How to Construct a Grouped<br/>Frequency Distribution<br/>Apparent versus Real Limits<br/><br/>The Relative Frequency Distribution<br/>Stem-and-Leaf Displays<br/>The Cumulative Frequency<br/>Distribution<br/>Percentiles and Percentile Ranks<br/>Computing Percentiles from<br/>Grouped Data<br/>3.10 Computation of Percentile Rank<br/>3.11 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 4<br/>GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF<br/>FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS<br/>4.1 Basic Procedures<br/>4.2 The Histogram<br/>4.3 The Frequency Polygon<br/>4.4 Choosing Between a Histogram and<br/>a Polygon<br/>4.5 The Bar Diagram and the Pie Chart<br/>4.6 The Cumulative Percentage Curve<br/>4.7 Factors Affecting the Shape of Graphs<br/>4.8 Characteristics of Frequency<br/>Distributions<br/>4.9 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 5<br/>CENTRAL TENDENCY<br/>5.1 The Mode<br/>5.2 The Median<br/>5.3 The Arithmetic Mean<br/>5.4 Properties of the Mode<br/>5.5 Properties of the Mean<br/>Point of Controversy: Is It Permissible to<br/>Calculate the Mean for Psychological and<br/>Educational Tests?<br/>5.6 Properties of the Median<br/>5.7 Measures of Central Tendency in<br/>Symmetrical and Asymmetrical<br/>Distributions<br/>5-8 The Effects of Score Transformations<br/>5.9 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 6<br/>VARIABILITY<br/><br/>The Range<br/>The Semi-Interquanile Range<br/>Deviation Scores<br/>Deviational Measures: The Variance<br/>Deviational Measures: The Standard<br/>Deviation<br/>Point of Controversy: Calculating the<br/>Sample Variance: Should We<br/>Divide by n or (w — 1)?<br/>6.6 Calculation of the Variance and<br/><br/>Standard Deviation: Raw-Score<br/>Method<br/>Properties of the Range<br/>Properties of the Semi-Interquartile<br/>Range<br/>Properties of the Standard Deviation<br/>6.10 Score Transformations and Measures<br/>of Variability<br/>6.11 Standard Scores (z Scores)<br/>6.12 Measures of Variability and the<br/>Normal Distribution<br/>6.13 Comparing the Means of Two<br/>Distributions<br/>6.14 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 7<br/>the_normal curve<br/>7.1 Historical Aspects of the Normal Curve<br/>The Nature of the Normal Curve<br/>7.3 Standard Scores and the Normal Curve<br/>7.4 The Standard Normal Curve: Finding<br/>Areas When the Score is Known<br/>7.5 The Standard Normal Curve: Finding<br/>Scores When the Area is Known<br/><br/>7.6 The Normal Curve as a Model for<br/>Real Variables<br/>7.7 The Normal Curve as a Model for<br/>Sampling Distributions<br/>Point of Controversy: How Normal Is the<br/>Normal Curve?<br/>7.8 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 8<br/>DERIVED SCORES<br/>8.1 The Need for Derived Scores<br/>8.2 Standard Scores<br/>8.3 Translating Raw Scores to Standard<br/>Scores<br/>8.4 Standard Scores as Linear<br/>Transformations of Raw Scores<br/>8.5 Percentile Scores<br/>8.6 Comparability of Scores<br/>8.7 Normalized Standard Scores<br/>8.8 Combining Measures from Different<br/>Distributions<br/>8.9 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 9<br/>CORRELATION<br/>9.1 Some History<br/>9.2 Graphing Bivariate Distributions:<br/>The Scatter Diagram<br/>9.3 Correlation: A Matter of Direction<br/>9.4 Correlation: A Matter of Degree<br/>9.5 Understanding the Meaning of<br/>Degree of Correlation<br/>9.6 Formulas for Pearson's Coefficient<br/>of Correlation ~<br/>9.7 Calculating rlrom Raw Scores<br/>9.8 Correlation Does Not Establish<br/>Causation<br/>9 9 The Effects of Score Transformations<br/>9.10 Cautions Concerning Correlation<br/>Coefficients<br/>9.11 Other Ways to Measure Association<br/>9.12 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 10<br/>PREDICTION :<br/>10.1 The Problem of Prediction<br/>10.2 The Criterion of Best Fit<br/>Point of Controversy: Least-Squares<br/>Regression versus the Resistant Line<br/>10.3 The Regression Equation:<br/>Standard-Score Form<br/>10.4 The Regression Equation: Raw-Score<br/>Form<br/>10.5 Error of Prediction: The Standard<br/>Error of Estimate<br/>10.6 An Alternative (and Preferred)<br/>Formula for 5^<br/>10.7 Error in Estimating Tfrom X<br/>10.8 Cautions Concerning Estimation of<br/>Predictive Error<br/>10.9 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 11<br/>INTERPRETIVE ASPECTS OF<br/>CORRELATION AND REGRESSION<br/>11.1 Factors Influencing r: Range of<br/>Talent<br/>11.2 The Correlation Coefficient in<br/>Discontinuous Distributions<br/>11.3 Factors Influencing r:<br/>Heterogeneity of Samples<br/>11.4 Interpretation of r: The Regression<br/>Equation I<br/>11.5 Interpretation of r: The Regression<br/>Equation II<br/>11.6 Regression Problems in Research<br/>11.7 An Apparent Paradox in Regression<br/>11.8 Interpretation of r: Proportion of<br/>Variation in Y<br/>Not Associated with Variation in X<br/>11.9 Interpretation of r: Proportion of<br/>Variance in Y<br/>Associated with Variance in X<br/>11.10 Interpretation of r: Proportion of<br/>Correct Placements<br/>11.11 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 12<br/>PROBABILITY<br/>12.1 Defining Probability<br/>12.2 A Mathematical Model of Probability<br/>12.3 Two Theorems in Probability<br/>12.4 An Example of a Probability<br/>Distribution: The Binomial<br/>12.5 Applying the Binomial<br/>12.6 The Frequency Distribution (and<br/>Normal Curve) as a Probability<br/>Distribution<br/>12.7 Are Amazing Coincidences Really<br/>that Amazing?<br/>12.8 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 13<br/>THE BASIS OF<br/>STATISTICAL INFERENCE<br/>13.1 A Problem in Inference: Testing<br/>Hypotheses<br/>13.2 A Problem in Inference: Estimation<br/>13.3 Basic Issues in Inference<br/>13.4 Random Sampling<br/>13.5 Using a Table of Random Numbers<br/>13.6 The Random Sampling Distribution<br/>of the Mean: An Introduction<br/>13.7 Characteristics of the Random<br/>Sampling Distribution of the Mean<br/>13.8 Putting the Sampling Distribution of<br/>the Mean to Use<br/>13.9 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 14<br/>TESTING HYPOTHESES ABOUT<br/>SINGLE MEANS {z and t)<br/>14.1 Testing a Hypothesis About a<br/>Single Mean<br/>14.2 When Do We Retain and When Do<br/>We Reject the Hypothesis?<br/>14.3 Generality of the Procedure for<br/>Hypothesis Testing<br/>14.4 Dr. Frost's Problem: Conclusion<br/>14.5 Review of Assumptions in<br/>Inference about a Single Mean<br/>14.6 Estimating the Standard Error of the<br/>Mean When a is Unknown<br/>14.7 The t Distribution<br/>14.8 Characteristics of Student's<br/>Distribution of t<br/>14.9 Degrees of Freedom and Student's<br/>Distribution of t<br/>14.10 Using Student's Distribution of t<br/>14.11 An Example: Professor Dyett's<br/>Question<br/>14.12 Computing / from Raw Scores<br/>14.13 Directional and Nondirectional<br/>Alternative Hypotheses<br/>14.14 Reading Research Reports in<br/>Behavioral Science<br/>Point of Controversy: The Bootstrap<br/>Method of Statistical Inference<br/>14.15 Problems in Selecting a Random<br/>Sample and in Drawing Conclusions<br/>14.16 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 15<br/>FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS IN<br/>HYPOTHESIS TESTING<br/>15.1 Statement of the Hypothesis<br/>15.2 Choice of H,,: One-Tailed and<br/>Two-Tailed Tests<br/>15.3 The Criterion for Rejecting or<br/>Retaining Hq<br/>15.4 The Statistical Decision<br/>15.5 A Statistically Significant Difference<br/>Versus a Practically Important<br/>Difference<br/>15.6 Errors in Hypothesis Testing<br/>15.7 Levels of Significance Versus<br/>p-Values<br/>15.8 Summary<br/>Point of Controversy: Dichotomous<br/>Significance-testing Decisions<br/>CHAPTER 16<br/>TESTING HYPOTHESES ABOUT THE<br/>DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO<br/>INDEPENDENT MEANS<br/>16.1 The Random Sampling<br/>Distribution of the Difference<br/>Between Two Sample Means<br/>16.2 An Illustration of the Sampling<br/>Distribution of the Difference<br/>Between Means<br/>16.3 Properties of the Sampling<br/>Distribution of the Difference<br/>Between Means<br/>16.4 Determining a Formula for t<br/>16.5 Testing the Hypothesis of No<br/>Difference Between Two<br/>Independent Means: The Dyslexic<br/>Children Experiment<br/>16.6 The Conduct of a One-Tailed Test<br/>16.7 Sample Size in Inference about<br/>Two Means<br/>16.8 Assumptions Associated with<br/>Inference about the Difference<br/>Between Two Independent Means<br/>16.9 The Random-Sampling Model<br/>Versus the Random Assignment<br/>Model<br/>16.10 Random Sampling and Random<br/>Assignment as Experimental<br/>Controls<br/>16.11 The Experiment Versus the In Situ<br/>Study<br/>16.12 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 17<br/>TESTING HYPOTHESES<br/>DIFFERENCE BETWEEN<br/>DEPENDENT MEANS<br/>17.1 Determining a Formula for t<br/>ABOUT THE<br/>TWO<br/>17.2 Degrees of Freedom for Tests of No<br/>Difference Between Dependent<br/>Means<br/>17.3 Testing a Hypothesis about Two<br/>Dependent Means<br/>17.4 An Alternative Approach to the<br/>Problem of Two Dependent Means<br/>17.5 Advantages of the DependentSamples<br/>Design<br/>17.6 Hazards of the Dependent-Samples<br/>Design<br/>17.7 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 18<br/>ESTIMATION OF /i AND l^x-<br/>18.1 Two Ways of Making Estimates<br/>18.2 Interval Estimates of Hx<br/>18.3 Interval Estimates of iix~I^y<br/>18.4 Evaluating an Interval Estimate<br/>18.5 Sample Size Required for Estimates<br/>of Hx2^nd Hx- fir<br/>18.6 The Relation Between Interval<br/>Estimation and Hypothesis Testing<br/>18.7 The Merits of Interval Estimation<br/>18.8 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 19<br/>POWER AND MEASURE<br/>OF EFFECT SIZE<br/>19-1 Type I Error and Type II Error<br/>19.2 The Power of a Test<br/>Point of Controversy: Failure to Publish<br/>"Nonsignificant" Results<br/><br/>Factors Affecting Power:<br/>Discrepancy Between the True<br/>Population Mean and the<br/>Hypothesized Mean (Size of Effect)<br/>Factors Affecting Power: Sample<br/>Size<br/>Factors Affecting Power: Variability<br/>of the Measure and Dependent<br/>Samples<br/>Factors Affecting Power: Level of<br/>Significance (a)<br/>Factors Affecting Power: One-Tailed<br/>Versus Two-Tailed Tests<br/>Summary of Factors Affecting Power<br/>Calculating the Power of a Test<br/>19.10 Effect Size<br/>19.11 Estimating Power and Sample Size<br/>for Tests of Hypotheses about<br/>Means<br/>19.12 Some Implications of Power Curves<br/>19.13 Reporting Inferential Statistics<br/>Point of Controversy: Meta-Analysis<br/>19.14 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 20<br/>ONE-WAY ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE<br/>(AND SOME ALTERNATIVES)<br/>20.1 The Null Hypothesis<br/>20.2 The Logic of One Way Analysis of<br/>Variance: Variation Within and<br/>Between Groups<br/>20.3 Partition of Sums of Squares<br/>20.4 Degrees of Freedom<br/>20.5 Variance Estimates and the F" Ratio<br/>20.6 The Summary Table<br/>20.7 An Example<br/>20.8 Raw Score Formulas for Analysis of<br/>Variance<br/>20.9 Comparison of t and F<br/>20.10 Assumptions Associated with<br/>ANOVA<br/>20.11 ANOVA and Power<br/>20.12 Post Hoc Comparisons<br/>20.13 An Alternative to the FTest:<br/>Planned Comparisons<br/>20.14 How to Construct Planned<br/>Comparisons<br/>20.15 An Alternative for Comparing One<br/>Control Group with Several<br/>Experimental Groups: Dunnett's<br/>Test<br/>Point of Controversy: Analysis of Variance<br/>Versus A Priori Coraparisons<br/>20.16 Analysis of Variance for<br/>Repeated Measures<br/>20.17 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 21<br/>FACTORIAL ANALYSIS<br/>OF VARIANCE:<br/>THE TWO-FACTOR DESIGN<br/>21.1 Main Effects<br/>21.2 Interaction<br/>21.3 The Importance of Interaction<br/>21.4 Partition of the Sum of Squares for<br/>Two-way ANOVA<br/>21.5 Degrees of Freedom<br/>21.6 Variance Estimates and F Tests<br/>21.7 Studying the Outcome of Two-Way<br/>Analysis of Variance<br/>21.8 Planned Comparisons<br/>21.9 Assumptions of the Two-Factor<br/>Design and the Problem of<br/>Unequal Numbers of Scores<br/>21.10 Mixed Two-Factor Within-Subjects<br/>Design<br/>21.11 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 22<br/>INFERENCE ABOUT PEARSON<br/>CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS<br/>22.1 The Random Sampling Distribution<br/>of r<br/>22.2 Testing the Hypothesis that /? = 0<br/>22.3 Fisher's z' Transformation<br/>22.4 Estimating p<br/>22.5 Testing the Hypothesis of No<br/>Difference Between and P2.<br/>Independent Samples<br/>22.6 A Note About Assumptions<br/>22.7 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 23<br/>_CHL:SQ1IARE AND INFERENCE<br/>ABOUT FREQUENCIES<br/>23.1 A Problem in Discrepancy Between<br/>Expected and Observed<br/>Frequencies<br/>23.2 Chi-Square as a Measure of<br/>Discrepancy Between Expected<br/>and Observed Frequencies<br/>23.3 The Logic of the Chi-Square Test<br/>23.4 Interpretation of the Outcome of a<br/>Chi-Square Test<br/>23.5 Different Hypothesized Proportions<br/>in the Test for Goodness of Fit<br/>23.6 Assumptions in the Use of the<br/>Theoretical Distribution of<br/>Chi-Square<br/>23.7 Hypothesis Testing When df= 1<br/>23.8 Two Variables; Contingency Tables<br/>and the Hypothesis of<br/>Independence<br/>23.9 Finding Expected Frequencies in a<br/>Contingency Table<br/>23.10 Calculation of and<br/>Determination of Significance in a<br/>Contingency Table<br/>Point of Controversy: Yates' Correction<br/>for Continuity<br/>23.11 Interval Estimates About<br/>Proportions<br/>23.12 Other Applications of Chi-Square<br/>2313 Summary<br/>CHAPTER 24<br/>SOME (ALMOST)<br/>ASSUMPTION-FREE TESTS<br/>24.1 Randomization Tests<br/>24.2 How to Place Scores in Rank Order<br/>24.3 Test of Location for Two<br/>Independent Groups: The Mann-<br/>Whitney UTest<br/>Point of Controversy: A Comparison of<br/>the t test and Mann-Whitney 17 Test with<br/>Real-World Distributions<br/>24.4 Test of Location Among Several<br/>Independent Groups: The Kruskal-<br/>Wallis Test<br/>24.5 Test of Location for Two Dependent<br/>Groups: The Sign Test<br/>24.6 Test of Location for Two Dependent<br/>Groups: The Wilcoxon Signed-<br/>Ranks Test<br/>24.7 Spearman's Rank-Order Correlation<br/>Coefficient<br/>Point of Controversy: Objectivity and<br/>Subjectivity in Inferential Statistics<br/>24.8 Summary<br/>EPILOGUE;<br/>THE REALM OF STATISTICS<br/>APPENDIX A REVIEW Of BASIC MATHEMATICS<br/>APPENDIX B SUMMATION RULES<br/>APPENDIX C LIST OF SYMBOLS<br/>APPENDIX D ANSWERS TO ODD-NUMBERED<br/>PROBLEMS<br/>APPENDIX E STATISTICAL ANALYSIS BY<br/>COMPUTER<br/>APPENDIX F STATISTICAL TABLES<br/><br/>Areas Under the Normal Curve<br/>Corresponding to Given Values of z<br/>The Binomial Distribution<br/>Random Numbers<br/>Student's t Distribution<br/>The F Distribution<br/>The Studentized Range Statistic<br/>Dunnett's Test: Distribution of t<br/>Statistic in Comparing Several<br/>Treatment Means with One Control<br/>Values of the Correlation<br/>Coefficient Required for Different<br/>Levels of Significance When H^.<br/>p = 0<br/>Values of Fisher's z' for Values of r<br/>The Distribution<br/>Critical One-Tail Values of for<br/>the Mann-Whitney C/Test<br/>Critical Values for the Smaller of<br/>W+ or W- for the Wilcoxon<br/>Signed-Ranks Tests
650 ## - SUBJECT
Keyword Educational statistics
650 ## - SUBJECT
Keyword Psychometrics
Personal name King, Bruce M.
Personal name Bear, Gordon R.
Koha item type General Books
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        Central Library, Sikkim University Central Library, Sikkim University General Book Section 28/08/2016 150.72 MIN/S P05263 13/02/2024 13/02/2024 General Books
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