The social medicine reader /Health policy,markets,and medicine

The social medicine reader /Health policy,markets,and medicine - 2nd ed. - Durham : Duke University Press, 2005. - 3 v. ; 24 cm.

v. 1. Patients, doctors, and illness / edited by Nancy M.P. King ... [et al.] -- v. 2. Social and cultural contributions to health, difference, and inequality / edited by Gail E. Henderson ... [et al.]. -- v. 3. Health policy, markets, and medicine / edited by Jonathan Oberlander ... [et al.].

Preface to the Second Edi tion vii In troduction
Part I The Uninsured,Health Care Costs, and Public Programs
The U.S. Hea lth Care System: On a Road to Nowhere?,
Jonathan Oberlander s
Wanted: A Clearly Articula ted Social Eth ic for American Health Care, Uwe £. Reinhard t 25
From Bismarck to Med icare-A 13ri ef History of Medica l Care Paymen t i n America, Donold L. M adison 3 r
The Sad History of Health Care Cost Con tainment as Told in One Chart, Drew E. Altman and Larry Levit t 67
The U nsurprisi ng Surprise of Renewed Health Care Cost rn flat i on, Henry /. Aaron 70
The Not-So-Sad H istory of Medica re Cost Containment as Told in One Chart, Thomas Bodenheimer 73
Medica id and Me

Part II Managed Care,Markets, and Rationing

Redsidc Man na, Debora h S tone 9 <;

Mu-.t Good H MOS Go Bad; The Com mcrc1:i liza t ion of Prepaid G roup I kah h Care, Hohert IDefending My Life, Cem'Pomsh 1 19
Bu-.iness vs. Medical Ethics· Con Ihe t in Sta ndard s for Managed Care, Wendy I< Manner 128
The Prosmucc, t he Pl.iyhoy, and the Poet . R.iuonin Schemes for Organ Trnnsplamauon, GL'ore I A nno' 1 \O
Et hics of Queuing f01 Corona ry A nery Bypas.., Grnf lin in Canada, /aftw L. Cox 1 ;;8
Rat ioning in Practice· The Case of I n Vilro Feniliza uon,
Sharon R edmayne and Rutlol( J

Part Ill Internationa lPerspectives and EmergingIssues

Reformi ng the Health Care System :The U ni versal Dtlemmn, Uwc E. Rcmlw rHealth Care in Fou r Nations, Tlwmas Hodenheimer
and Kevin Grumbach 199
Keepi ng Qual ny on the Policy Agenda,
Eliznbet h A. McGlynn and H obert H. Hrook 2 w
Wha t 's Ahead for Health I nsurance in the U n iled States!,
Victor U Fuchs 240

Luxury Prima ry Care-Ma rket I n nova tion or Threat
to Access?, Troyen I\. Brennan 246
Correspondence: Response to "Lu xu ry Prima ry Care" L1m1ci ng Health Care for the Old, Darnel Co/Jalw n 260 Scapegoating the Aged: I ntergenerational Equi ty and
Agc-Ba!>cd R:llloni ng, Tfohert H. Hinswc:I< 27

Index to Authors 28)

A bou t the Edi tor<; 287

0822335689 (v. 1 : pbk. : alk. paper) 082233593X (v. 2 : pbk. : alk. paper) 0822335697 (v. 3 : pbk. : alk. paper)

Social medicine.
Social Medicine
Ethics, Clinical
Health Policy
Professional-Patient Relations
Sick Role
Socioeconomic Factors
Terminal Care

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