Computer graphics : from pixels to programmable graphics hardware /

Boreskov, Alexey.

Computer graphics : from pixels to programmable graphics hardware / Alexey Boreskov, Evgeniy Shikin. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2014. - xx, 543 pages, 8 pages of unnumbered color plates : ill. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction: Basic concepts
1.1 Coordinate spaces, transformations .
1.2 Graphics pipeline
1.3 Working with the windowing system
1.4 Colors: Color models . . . .
1.5 Raster algorithms
1.6 Hidden surface removal . .
1.7 Lighting models and shading
Transforms in 2D
2.1 Vectors and matrices . . . .
2.2 Transforms in 2D
2.3 Basic linear transformations
2.3.1 Scale transformation
2.3.2 Reflect transformation
2.3.3 Rotate transformation
2.3.4 Shear transformation
2.3.5 Composite transformations . .
2.4 Homogeneous coordinates
Geometric algorithms in 2D
3.1 Line from two points
3.2 Classification of a point relative to the line
3.3 Classification of a circle relative to the line
3.4 Classification of an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB) rel
ative to the line
3.5 Computing the area of triangle and polygon
3.6 Intersection of two lines
3.7 Intersection of two line segments
3.8 Closest point on the line to the given point
3.9 Distance from point to line segment
3.10 Checking whether the given polygon is convex
3.11 Check whether the point lies inside the given polygon . . .
3.12 Clipping line segment to a convex polygon, Cyrus-Beck algo
3.13 Clipping a polygon: Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm
3.14 Clipping a polygon to a convex polygon
3.15 Barycentric coordinates
4 Transformations in 3D, projections, quaternions
4.1 3D vectors and matrices: Dot and vector (cross) products .
4.2 Linear transformations - scale, reflection, rotation and shear
4.3 Reflection relative to a plane
4.4 Rotation around an arbitrary vector (direction)
4.5 Euler transformation
4.6 Translation, affine transformation and homogeneous coordi
4.7 Rigid-body transformation
4.8 Normal transformation
4.9 Projections
4.9.1 Parallel (orthographic) projection
4.9.2 Perspective projection
4.10 Coordinate systems in 3D, translations between different co
ordinate systems
4.11 Quaternions: Representation of orientation in 3D using
quaternions, quaternion interpolation
5 Basic raster algorithms
5.1 Raster grid, connectivity of raster grid, 4-connectivity and 8-
5.2 Bresenheim's line algorithm .
5.3 Bresenheim's circle algorithm
5.4 Triangle filling
5.5 Flood fill algorithm
6 Color and color models
6.1 CIEXYZ color space ....
6.2 RGB color space
6.3 CMY and CMYK color spaces
6.4 HSV and HSL color spaces .
6.4.1 HSV color model . . .
6.4.2 HSL color model . . .
6.5 Gamma correction
6.6 Yuv and YCbCr color spaces
6.6.1 Y'uv color space . . .
6.6.2 Y'CbCr color space
6.7 Perceptually uniform color spaces, L*u*v* and L''a*b* color
6.8 sRGB color space
7 Basics freeglut and GLEW for OpenGL rendering
7.1 freeglut initialization .
7.2 Window creation . . .
7.3 Processing events . . .
7.4 Using the GLEW library
7.5 Wrapping freeglut in a C-f-+ class
8 Hidden surface removal
8.1 Basic notions
8.1.1 Front-facing and back-facing polygons
8.1.2 Depth complexity
8.1.3 Coherence . .
8.1.4 Occluders . .
8.2 Ray casting
8.3 .z-buffer
8.4 Hierarchical r-buffer
8.5 Priority algorithms .
8.5.1 Painter's algorithm
8.5.2 Using BSP-trees for HSR
8.6 Portals
8.7 Potentially-Visible Sets (PVS), computing PVS via portals
8.8 Hardware occlusion queries and their usage
9 Modern OpenGL: The beginning
9.1 History of OpenGL . . . .
9.2 Main concepts of OpenGL
9.3 Programmable pipeline
9.3.1 Vertex processing .
9.3.2 Rasterization . . .
9.3.3 Fragment processing . .
9.3.4 Per-fragment operations
9.4 Our first OpenGL program . .
9.5 First OpenGL program using C++ classes . . .
9.6 Parameter interpolation . . . .
9.7 Matrix operations
9.8 Rotating the object by mouse .
9.9 Working with meshes
9.10 Working with textures
9.11 Instancing
9.12 Framebuffer object and rendering into a texture
9.13 Point sprite in OpenGL
10 Working with large 2D/3D data sets
10.1 Bounding volumes
10.1.1 Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB)
10.1.2 Sphere
10.1.3 k-DOP
10.1.4 Oriented Bounding Box (OBB)
10.2 Regular grids
10.3 Nested (hierarchical) grids
10.4 Quad-trees and Get-trees
10.5 kD-tree
10.6 Binary Space Partitioning (BSP) tree
10.7 Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH)
10.8 R-trees
10.9 Mixed structures
11 Curves and surfaces: Geometric modeling
11.1 Representation of curves and surfaces . . .
11.2 Elements of differential geometry, tangent space, curvature
11.2.1 Differential geometry of curves .
11.2.2 Differential geometry of surfaces
11.3 Bezier and Hermite curves and surfaces
11.3.1 Bezier curves . .
11.3.2 Hermite curves
11.3.3 Bezier surfaces . .
11.3.4 Hermite surfaces
11.4 Interpolation
11.5 Splines
11.5.1 B-splines
11.5.2 NURBS
11.5.3 Catmull-Rom splines
11.6 Surfaces of revolution . . .
11.7 Subdivision of curves and surfaces
11.7.1 Curve subdivision .
11.7.2 Surface subdivision
12 Basics of animation
12.1 Coordinates interpolation
12.2 Orientation interpolation
12.3 Key-frame animation
12.4 Skeletal animation
12.5 Path following
13 Lighting models
13.1 Diffuse (Lambert) model .
13.2 Phong model
13.3 Bliim-Phong model . . . .
13.4 Ward isotropic model . .
13.5 Miiinaert lighting
13.6 Lommel-Seeliger lighting ,
13.7 Rim lighting
13.8 Distance attenuation . .
13.9 Reflection. Fresnel coefficient and its approximations .
13.10 Strauss lighting model
13.11 Anisotropic lighting
13.11.1 Ward anisotropic model
13.12 Bidirectional Reflection Distribution Function (BRDF)
13.13 Oren-Xayar model
13.14 Cook-Torrance model . . . .
13.15 AshikhmimShirley model . .
13.16 Image-Based Lighting (IBL) .
13.17 Spherical harmonics and their usage for lighting . . . .
14 Advanced OpenGL
14.1 Implementation of lighting models
14.1.1 Lambert model
14.1.2 Phong lighting model . . .
14.1.3 Blinn-Phong lighting model
14.1.4 Strauss lighting model . .
14.1.5 Normalized Phong and Blinn-Phong models .
14.1.6 Oren-Nayar lighting model
14.1.7 Cook-Torrance lighting model . .
14.1.8 Ashikhmin-Shirley lighting model
14.2 Geometry shaders
14.3 Transform feedback
14.4 Multiple Render Targets (MRT)
14.5 Uniform blocks and uniform buffers
14.6 Tessellation .
14.7 OpenGL ES 2
14.8 WebGL . . .
15 GPU image processing
15.1 Sampling, aliasing, filters
15.2 Sepia effect
15.3 Effects based on color transformations .
15.4 Edge detect filters
15.5 Emboss filter
15.6 Blur filters. Gaussian blur, separable filters
15.7 Old-film effect .
15.8 Sharpness filter
15.9 Image denoising. bilateral filter
16 Special effects in OpenGL
16.1 Reflections
16.2 Volumetric/Layereri tog
16.3 Billboards, particle systems, soft particles
16.4 Bumpmapping
16.5 Reflection and refraction, environment mapping .
16.6 Fur rendering .
16.7 Parallax, relief and cone step mapping .
16.8 Sky rendering, Perez all-weather model
16.9 Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
16.10 Modeling depth of field
16.11 High Dynamic Range (HDR) rendering
16.12 Realistic water rendering . .
16.13 Deferred rendering . . .
16.14 Light prepass rendering
16.15 Ambient cubes
16.16 Reflective shadow maps
16.17 Splatting indirect illumination
17 Basics of GPGPU
17.1 What is GPGPU?
17.2 Basics of OpenCL
17.3 Basics of CUDA
17.4 Basics of linear algebra in OpenCL
17.5 OpenCL - OpenGL interoperability
18 Elements of procedural texturing and modeling
18.1 Fractals, Mandelbrot and Julia sets
18.2 Fractal mountains
18.3 L-systems
18.4 Perlin noise, turbulence, fBm
18.5 Modeling marble, water, clouds with Perlin noise
18.6 Cellular textures
19 Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR)
19.1 Cartoon rendering
19.2 Extended cartoon rendering
19.3 Gooch lighting model
19.4 Watercolor rendering

9781439867303 (hardback : acidfree paper)

Computer graphics.
Computer graphics--Mathematics.
COMPUTERS / Computer Graphics.
COMPUTERS / Programming / Games.

006.6 / BOR/C
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