The WTO, subsidies and countervailing measures /

The WTO, subsidies and countervailing measures / World Trade Organization, subsidies and countervailing measures edited by Marc Bacchetta, Michele Ruta - Cheltenham, UK: Northampton, Mass. Edward Elgar Pub., c2011. - xxviii, 918 p. ill., ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

PART I THE ECONOMICS OF SUBSIDIES AND COUNTERVAILING DUTIES A The Economics of Subsidies in Open Economy: Production Subsidies1. Jagdish Bhagwati and V.K. Ramaswami (1963) `Domestic Distortions, Tariffs and the Theory of Optimum Subsidy'2. Harry G. Johnson (1965), `Optimal Trade Intervention in the Presence of Domestic Distortions'B The Economics of Subsidies in Open Economy: Export Subsidies3. James A. Brander and Barbara J. Spencer (1985), `Export Subsidies and International Market Share Rivalry'4. Avinash Dixit (1984), `International Trade Policy for Oligopolistic Industries'5. Jonathan Eaton and Gene M. Grossman (1986), `Optimal Trade and Industrial Policy Under Oligopoly'6. Giovanni Maggi (1996), `Strategic Trade Policies with Endogenous Mode of Competition'7. Gene M. Grossman and Henrik Horn (1988), `Infant-Industry Protection Reconsidered: The Case of Informational Barriers to Entry'8. Kyle Bagwell and Robert W. Staiger (1989), `The Role of Export Subsidies When Product Quality is Unknown'9. Horst Raff and Young-Han Kim (1999), `Optimal Export Policy in the Presence of Informational Barriers to Entry and Imperfect Competition'C The Economics of Subsidies in Open Economy: Subsidies to R&D10. Barbara J. Spencer and James A. Brander (1983), `International R&D Rivalry and Industrial Strategy'11. Kyle Bagwell and Robert W. Staiger (1994), `The Sensitivity of Strategic and Corrective R&D Policy in Oligopolistic Industries'12. Dermot Leahy and J. Peter Neary (1999), `R&D Spillovers and the Case for Industry Policy in an Open Economy'D The Economics of Countervailing Duties: Countervailing Duties When Markets Are Perfect13. Alan O. Sykes (1989), `Countervailing Duty Law: An Economic Perspective'14. Robert C. Feenstra (1986), `Trade Policy with Several Goods and "Market Linkages"'E The Economics of Countervailing Duties: Countervailing Duties with Market Imperfections15. Barbara J. Spencer (1988), `Capital Subsidies and Countervailing Duties in Oligopolistic Industries'16. Barbara J. Spencer (1988), `Countervailing Duty Laws and Subsidies to Imperfectly Competitive Industries'17. David R. Collie (1991), `Export Subsidies and Countervailing Tariffs'18. David R. Collie (1994), `Endogenous Timing in Trade Policy Games: Should Governments Use Countervailing Duties?'19. Larry D. Qiu (1995), `Why Can't Countervailing Duties Deter Export Subsidization?'F Empirical Analysis: The Effects of Subsidies20. Dani Rodrik (1995), `Taking Trade Policy Seriously: Export Subsidization as a Case Study in Policy Effectiveness'21. Douglas A. Irwin and Nina Pavcnik (2004), `Airbus versus Boeing Revisited: International Competition in the Aircraft Market'G Empirical Analysis: The Effects of Countervailing Measures22. J.M. Finger, H. Keith Hall and Douglas R. Nelson (1982), `The Political Economy of Administered Protection'23. Wendy L. Hansen (1990), `The International Trade Commission and the Politics of Protectionism'24. Michael P. Leidy (1997), `Macroeconomic Conditions and Pressures for Protection Under Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws: Empirical Evidence from the United States'25. Michael P. Gallaway, Bruce A. Blonigen and Joseph E. Flynn (1999), `Welfare Costs of the U.S. Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws'PART II LAW AND ECONOMICS OF WTO SUBSIDY AND COUNTERVAILING DISCIPLINES A Institutions and History26. John H. Jackson (1997), `The Perplexities of Subsidies in International Trade'27. Alan O. Sykes (2005), `Subsidies and Countervailing Measures'28. Gilles Gauthier, Erin O'Brien and Susan Spencer (2000), `Deja Vu, or New Beginning for Safeguards and Subsidies Rules in Services Trade?'B The Economics of Subsidy Agreements: Subsidy Agreements29. Kyle Bagwell and Robert W. Staiger (2002), `Agricultural Export Subsidies'30. Dermot Leahy and J. Peter Neary (2009), `Multilateral Subsidy Games'C The Economics of Subsidy Agreements: Subsidy Rules in Trade Agreements31. Kyle Bagwell and Robert W. Staiger (2006), `Will International Rules on Subsidies Disrupt the World Trading System?'32. Henrik Horn, Giovanni Maggi and Robert W. Staiger (2010), `Trade Agreements as Endogenously Incomplete Contracts'D The Economics of Subsidy Agreements: Countervailing Disciplines in Trade Agreements33. Gene M. Grossman and Petros C. Mavroidis (2003), `US - Lead and Bismuth II United States - Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Certain Hot-Rolled Lead and Bismuth Carbon Steel Products Originating in the United Kingdom: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Privatization and the Injury Caused by Non-Recurring Subsidies (WT/DS138; DSR 2000:V, 2595; DSR 2000:VI, 2623)'34. Henrik Horn and Petros C. Mavroidis (2003), `United States - Preliminary Determinations with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada (WT/DS236; DSR 2002:IX, 3597): What Is a Subsidy?'PART III AN ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE ON WTO CASE LAW 35. Merit E. Janow and Robert W. Staiger (2003), `Canada - Dairy Canada - Measures Affecting the Importation of Dairy Products and the Exportation of Milk (WT/DS113; WT/DS103; DSR 1999:V, 2057, DSR 1999:VI, 2097; DSR 2001:XIII, 6829; DSR 2001:XIII, 6865; DSR 2003:I, 213; DSR 2003:I, 255)' 36. Andre Sapir and Joel P. Trachtman (2008), `Subsidization, Price Suppression, and Expertise: Causation and Precision in Upland Cotton'37. Gene M. Grossman and Petros C. Mavroidis (2003), `United States - Countervailing Measures Concerning Certain Products from the European Communities (WTO Doc. WT/DS212/AB/R; DSR 2003:I, 5; DSR 2003:I, 73): Recurring Misunderstanding of Non-Recurring Subsidies'

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