Object-oriented programming with Cā‚Šā‚Š

E, Balagurusamy

Object-oriented programming with Cā‚Šā‚Š Balagurusamy, E - 6th ed. - New Delhi : Mc Graw Hill , 2014. - xviii,543 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes appendix

1. Principles of Object-Oriented Programming
1.1 Software Crisis
1.2 Software Evolution -
1.3 A Look at Procedure-Oriented Programming
1.4 Object-Oriented Programming Paradigm
1.5 Basic Concepts of Object-Oriented Programming
1.6 Benefits of OOP
1.7 Object-Oriented Languages
1.8 Applications of OOP
2. Beginning with C++
2.1 What is C++?
2.2 Applications of C++
2.3 A Simple C++ Program
2.4 More C++ Statements
2.5 An Example with Class
2.6 Structure of C++ Program
2.7 Creating the Source File
2.8 Compiling and Linking
Tokens, Expressions and Control Structures
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Tokens
3.3 Keywords
3.4 Identifiers and Constants
3.5 Basic Data Types
3.6 User-Defined Data Types
3.7 Storage Classes
3.8 Derived Data Types
3.9 Symbolic Constants
3.10 Type Compatibility
3.11 Declaration of Variables
3.12 Dynamic Initialization of Variables
3.13 Reference Variables
3.14 Operators in C++
3.15 Scope Resolution Operator
3.16 Member Dereferencing Operators
3.17 Memory Management Operators
3.18 Manipulators
3.19 Type Cast Operator
3.20 Expressions and Their Types
3.21 Special Assignment Expressions
3.22 Implicit Conversions
3.23 Operator Overloading
3.24 Operator Precedence
3.25 Control Structures
4. Functions In C++
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Main Function
4.3 Function Prototyping
4.4 Call by Reference
4.5 Return by Reference
4.6 Inline Functions
4.7 Default Arguments
4.8 const Arguments
4.9 Recursion
4.10 Function Overloading
4.11 Friend and Virtual Functions
4.12 Math Library Functions
5. Classes and Objects
5.1 Introduction
5.2 C Structures Revisited
5.3 Specifying a Class
5.4 Defining Member Functions
5.5 A C++ Program with Class
5.6 Making an Outside Function Inline
5.7 Nesting of Member Functions
5.8 Private Member Functions
5.9 Arrays within a Class
5.10 Memory Allocation for Objects
5.11 Static Data Members
5.12 Static Member Functions
5.13 Arrays of Objects
5.14 Objects as Function Arguments
5.15 Friendly Functions
5.16 Returning Objects
5.17 const Member Functions
5.18 Pointers to Members
5.19 Local Classes
6. Constructors and Destructors
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Constructors
6.3 Parameterized Constructors
6.4 Multiple Constructors In a Class
6.5 Constructors with Default Arguments
6.6 Dynamic Initialization of Objects
6.7 Copy Constructor
6.8 Dynamic Constructors
6.9 Constructing Two-Dlmenslonal Arrays
6.10 const Objects
6.11 Destructors
7. Operator Overloading and Type Conversions
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Defining Operator < loading
7.3 Overloading Unary Operators
7.4 Overloading Binary Operators
7.5 Overloading Binary Operators Using Friends
7.6 Manipulation of Strings Using Operators
7.7 Some Other Operator Overloading Examples
7.8 Rules for Overloading Operatoi
7.9 Type Conversions 167
Summary 174
Key Terms 174
Review Questions 175
Debugging Exercises 175
Programming Exercises 177
8. Inheritance: Extending Classes
8.1 Introduction 179
8.2 Defining Derived Classes 180
8.3 Single Inheritance 181
8.4 Making a Private Member Inheritable 187
8.5 Multilevel Inheritance 190
8.6 Multiple Inheritance 194
8.7 Hierarchical Inheritance 198
8.8 Hybrid Inheritance 200
8.9 Virtual Base Classes 202
8.10 Abstract Classes 206
8.11 Constructors in Derived Classes 207
8.12 Member Classes: Nesting of Classes 213
Summary 214
Key Terms 215
Review Questions 215
Debugging Exercises 216
Programming Exercises 220
9. Pointers, Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
9.1 Introduction 223
9.2 Pointers 224
9.3 Pointers to Objects 234
9.4 this Pointer 238
9.5 Pointers to Derived Classes 240
9.6 Virtual Functions 243
9.7 Pure Virtual Functions 247
9.8 Virtual Constructors and Destructors 249
Summary 250
Key Terms 251
Review Questions 251
Debugging Exercises 251
Programming Exercises 256
10. Managing Console I/O Operations
10.1 Introduction 257
10.2 C++Streams 257
10.3 C++Stream Classes 258
10.4 Unformatted I/O Operations 259
10.5 Formatted Console I/O Operations 266
10.6 Managing Output with Manipulators
11. Working with Files
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Classes for File Stream Operations
11.3 Opening and Closing a File
11.4 Detecting End-of-File
11.5 More about OpenQ: File Modes
11.6 File Pointers and their Manipulations
11.7 Sequential Input and Output Operations
11.8 Updating a File: Random Acess
11.9 Error Handling During File Operations
11.10 Command-Line Arguments
12. Templates
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Class Templates
12.3 Class Templates with Multiple Parameters
12.4 Function Templates
12.5 Function Templates with Multiple Parameters
12.6 Overloading of Template Functions
12.7 Member Function Templates
12.8 Non-Type Template Arguments ;
13. Exception Handling
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Basics of Exception Handling
13.3 Exception Handling Mechanism
13.4 Throwing Mechanism
13.5 Catching Mechanism
13.6 Rethrowing an Exception
13.7 Specifying Exceptions
13.8 Exceptions in Constructors and Destructors
13.9 Exceptions in Operator Overloaded Functions
14. Introduction to the Standard Template Library
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Components of STL
14.3 Containers
14.4 Algorithms
14.5 Iterators
14.6 Application of Container Classes
14.7 Function Objects
15. Manipulating Strings
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Creating (string) Objects .
15.3 Manipulating String Objects
15.4 Relational Operations
15.5 String Characteristics .
15.6 Accessing Characters in Strings
15.7 Comparing and Swapping .
16. New Features of ANSI C++ Standard
16.1 Introduction
16.2 New Data Types
16.3 New Operators
16.4 Class Implementation
16.5 Namespace Scope ^
16.6 Operator Keywords .
16.7 New Keywords
16.8 New Headers
17. Object-Oriented Systems Development
17.1 Introduction
17.2 Procedure-Oriented Paradigms
17.3 Procedure-Oriented Development Tools
17.4 Object-Oriented Paradigm
17.5 Object-Oriented Notations and Graphs
17.6 Steps in Object-Oriented Analysis
11.7 Steps in Object-Oriented Design
11.8 Implementation
17.9 Prototyping Paradigm

9781259029936 (pb)

Object-oriented Programming (Computer science)
C++ (Computer program language)

005.11 / BAL/O
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