Debating and Defining Borders: Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives

Cooper, Anthony

Debating and Defining Borders: Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives - New York: Routledge, 2020. - 260p.

1. How Do We Theories Borders and Why Should We Do It?: Some Theoretical and Methodological Challenges 2. Borders and Boundaries?: Reflections on Conceptual Distinctions of Borders in Sociological Theory 3. Borderwork and its Contraries: Boundary-making and the re-imagining of borders 4. Dwelling Space versus Geopolitical Space: Reexamining Border Studies in Light of the "Crisis of Borders" 5. Outflanking the Border Wall at La Frontera Part II Philosophy 6. The Bounds of Hospitality 7. Emplaced at the Thresholds of Life: Toward a Phenomenological An-Archeology of Borders and Human Bounding 8. Homeland and Politics of Space 9. Translating as Bordering: An Encounter with the Foreign Saša Hrnjez 10. Limit and Threshold: Knowledge and Ethics in the Making


Politics of Space
Studies and Philosophy
State of Law

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