Collective Choice and Social Welfare


Collective Choice and Social Welfare - India: Penguin Book, 2017. - vii,601p.

1. Introduction
1*. Preference relations
2. Unanimity
2*. Collective choice rules and pareto comparisons
3. Collective rationality
3*. Social welfare functions
4. Choice versus orderings
4*. Social decision functions
5. Values and choice
5*. Anonymity, neutrality and responsiveness
6. Conflicts and dilemmas
6*. The liberal paradox
7. Interpersonal aggregation and comparability
7*. Aggregation quasi-orderings
8. Cardinality with or without comparability
8*. Bargains and social welfare functions
9. Equity and justice
9*. Impersonality and collective quasi-orderings
10. Majority choice and related systems
10*. Restricted preferences and rational choice
11. Theory and practice


Choix collectif
Social choice
Welfare economics

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