Indian Economy 2nd Edition

Srirangam, Sriram

Indian Economy 2nd Edition - Uttar Pradesh: Pearson, 2021. - xvi, Mp.

Economy and economics --
Economic growth and its measures --
Growth and development: Alternative measures --
Planned economic development and niti aayog --
Five trillion dollar economy --
Fiscal policy --
Monetary and credit policy --
Money market and capital market in India: Instruments and dynamics --
Stock market --
Inflation: Concepts, facts and policy --
Taxation --
Banking system in India --
Public sector: Evolution, reforms and performance --
Foreign trade --
Foreign direct investment --
Balance of payments --
Indian agriculture --
-Infrastructure-I --
InfrastructureII --
Poverty: Concepts, data, policy and analysis --
Poverty eradication and randomized controlled trails (RCTS) --
Economic inequality --
Employment, skills and labour in India --
Global financial architecture --
Bretton woods institutions: International monetary fund (IMF) --
Bretton woods institutions; world bank group --
World trade organization (WTO)-I --
WTO and intellectual property rights.


Principles, policies.

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