Brand Bollywood: A New Global Entertainment Order/

Bose, Derek

Brand Bollywood: A New Global Entertainment Order/ Derek Bose - New Delhi: Sage, 2006.

First Day First Show: Perishable Commodity --
Delivery Platforms --
Integrated Solutions --
One Size Fits All: Vanishing Formulas --
Market Research --
Missing Links --
Distribution Is God: Growth Drivers --
Distributors' Dilemma --
Video Boom --
Riding the Air Waves: Tuning In --
Niche Channels --
Digital Migration --
Battle of the Screens: Personal Computers --
Animation and Gaming --
Mobile Telephony --
Let the Music Play On: Signposts --
Partnering Progress --
Music Theft --
Crime and Punishment: Government Intervention --
Borderless Crime --
Content Regulation --
Rise of Consuming Classes: Consumption Patterns --
Technology Effects --
Big Picture --
Reviving Lost Mojo: Shifting Paradigms --
Regulatory Intervention --
Last Mile Environment --
Back to the Future: Portfolio Management --
Global Powerhouse --
Road Map Ahead.


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