Remote sensing of aerosols, clouds, and precipitation/

Islam, TanvirIslam

Remote sensing of aerosols, clouds, and precipitation/ Tanvir Islam - Elsevier, 2018. - 336 p.

Chapter 1 - Passive Remote Sensing of Aerosol Height

Chapter 2 - Vertical Profiling of Aerosol Optical Properties From LIDAR Remote Sensing, Surface Visibility, and Columnar Extinction Measurements

Chapter 3 - Remote Sensing of Aerosols From Space: Retrieval of Properties and Applications

Chapter 4 - Remote Sensing of Heavy Aerosol Pollution Episodes: Smoke and Dust

Chapter 5 - Aerosol and Cloud Bottom Altitude Covariations From Multisensor Spaceborne Measurements

Chapter 6 - Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions Based of Satellite Retrieved Vertical Profiles of Cloud Microstructure

Chapter 7 - Polarimetric Technique for Satellite Remote Sensing of Superthin Clouds

Chapter 8 - Cloud Screening and Property Retrieval for Hyper-Spectral Thermal Infrared Sounders

Chapter 9 - Surface Remote Sensing of Liquid Water Cloud Properties

Chapter 10 - Measuring Precipitation From Space

Chapter 11 - Measurement of Precipitation from Satellite Radiometers (Visible, Infrared, and Microwave): Physical Basis, Methods, and Limitations

Chapter 12 - Development of a Rain/No-Rain Classification Method Over Land for the Microwave Sounder Algorithm

Chapter 13 - Remote Sensing of Precipitation from Airborne and Spaceborne Radar

Chapter 14 - Status of High-Resolution Multisatellite Precipitation Products Across India

Chapter 15 - Real-Time Wind Velocity Retrieval in the Precipitation System Using High-Resolution Operational Multi-radar Network


Atmospheric aerosols
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