Rituals of ethnicity: Thangmi identities between Nepal and India/

Shneiderman, Sara

Rituals of ethnicity: Thangmi identities between Nepal and India/ Sara Shneiderman - Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015. - xvi, 305 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm. - (Contemporary ethnography) .

Of rocks and rivers : being both at once --
Framing, practicing, and performing ethnicity --
Origin myths and myths of originality --
Circular economies of migration, belonging, and citizenship --
Developing associations of ethnicity and class --
Transcendent territory, portable deities, and the problem of indigeneity --
The work of life-cycle rituals and the power of parallel descent --
Resisting the end of a ritual --
Epilogue : Thami ke ho? What is Thami?


Tribes--Government policy
Himalaya Mountains Region
Northeastern India
Emigration and immigration--Political aspects
Ethnicity--Political aspects

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