Botany illustrated: introduction to plants, major groups, flowering plant families/

Glimn-Lacy, Janice

Botany illustrated: introduction to plants, major groups, flowering plant families/ Janice Glimn-Lacy, Peter B. Kaufman - 2nd ed. - New York: Springer, 2006. - xiv, 146 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.

Introduction to plants --
1. Names and terms --
2. Cell structure --
3. Cell organelles --
4. Cell pigments --
5. Cell --
water movement --
6. Cell chromosomes --
7. Cell --
mitosis --
8. Cell types --
9. Tissue systems of the plant body --
10. Tissue --
epidermis --
11. Tissue --
primary vascular system --
12. Root types and modifications --
13. Root tissues --
14. Stem structure --
15. Stem tissues --
16. Stem modifications --
17. Stem --
water transport --
18. Stem --
food transport --
19. Stem --
apical dominance --
20. Stem --
growth movements --
21. Leaf types and arrangement --
22. Leaf tissues --
23. Leaf modifications --
24. Leaf --
photosynthesis --
25. Leaf --
nutrient deficiency symptoms --
26. Flower initiation in response to daylength --
27. Flower structure --
28. Flower structure variations --
29. Flower development --
30. Flower --
meiosis --
31. Flower --
pollen development --
32. Flower -ovule development --
33. Flower pollination by insects --
34. Flower pollination by insects (continued) --
35. Flower pollination by wind --
36. Flower pollination by birds and bats --
37. Flower --
fertilization and embryo development --
38. Fruit --
dry types --
39. Fruit --
fleshy types, compound --
40. Seed structure and germination. Major groups --
41. Major groups ; geologic time scale --
42. Fossils --
43. Fossils (continued) --
44. Blue-greens --
45. Slime molds --
46. Water molds, downy mildews, white rusts ; chytrids and allies --
47. Fungi --
48. Molds, mildews, morels (sac fungi) --
49. Rusts, smuts, jelly fungi (club fungi) --
50. Gill fungi --
51. Gill and pore fungi --
52. Pore, coral and toothed fungi --
53. Puffballs, stinkhorns, bird's-nest fungi --
54. Lichens --
55. Dinoflagellates --
56. Golden algae, yellow-green algae, diatoms --
57. Red algae --
58. Green algae --
59. Brown algae --
60. Brown algae (continued) --
61. Brown algae (continued) --
62. Stoneworts --
63. Liverworts, hornworts, mosses --
64. Whisk ferns --
65. Clubmosses, spikemosses, quillworts --
66. Horsetails --
67. Ferns --
68. Common ferns --
69. Fern leaf development --
70. Water ferns --
71. Cycads --
72. Ginkgo --
73. Conifers --
74. Gnetes --
75. Flowering plant classification --
76. Major land plant communities. Flowering plant families --
Dicotyledons --
77. Magnolia family (Magnoliaceae) --
78. Laurel family (Lauraceae) --
79. Water lily family (Nymphaeaceae) --
80. Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) --
81. Witch hazel family (Hamamelidaceae) --
82. Elm family (Ulmaceae) --
83. Beech family (Fagaceae) --
84. Birch family (Betulaceae) --
85. Cactus family (Cactaceae) --
86. Cactus family (continued) --
87. PInk family (Caryophyllaceae) --
88. Goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae) --
89. Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae) --
90. Mallow family (Malvaceae) --
91. Pitcher-plant family (Sarraceniaceae) --
92. Violet family (Violaceae) --
93. Begonia family (Begoniaceae) --
94. Gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) --
95. Willow family (Salicaceae) --
96. Mustard family (Brassicaceae) --
97. Heath family (Ericaceae) --
98. Saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae) --
99. Rose family (Rosaceae) --
100. Pea family (Fabaceae) --
101. Dogwood family (Cornaceae) --
102. Staff-tree family (Celastraceae) --
103. Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) --
104. Grape family (Vitaceae) --
105. Maple family (Aceraceae) --
106. Cashew family (Anacardiaceae) --
107. Rue family (Rutaceae) --
108. Geranium family (Geraniaceae). 109. Carrot family (Apiaceae) --
110. Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae) --
111. Nightshade family (Solanaceae) --
112. Morning glory family (Convolvulaceae) --
113. Mint family (Lamiaceae) --
114. Olive family (Oleaceae) --
115. Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae) --
116. Gesneria family (Gesneriaceae) --
117. Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae) --
118. Teasel family (Dipsacaceae) --
119. Aster family (Asteraceae) --
Monocotyledons --
120. Water-plantain family (Alismataceae) --
121. Spiderwort family (Commelinaceae) --
122. Sedge family (Cyperaceae) --
123. Grass family (Poaceae) --
124. Arrowroot family (Marantaceae) --
125. Palm family (Arecaceae) --
126. Palm family (continued) --
127. Arum family (Araceae) --
128. Lily family (Liliaceae) --
129. Iris family (Iridaceae) --
130. Orchid family (Orchidaceae) --
131. Bibliography --
133. Glossary of word roots, metric equivalents --
135. Index.


Plant physiology
Plant anatomy
Life sciences

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