Fluvial meanders and their sedimentary products in the rock record /

Fluvial meanders and their sedimentary products in the rock record / edited by Massimiliano Ghinassi (Università degli Studi di Padova), Luca Colombera (School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK), Nigel P. Mountney (School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK), Arnold Jan H. Reesink (Lancing College, UK). - Sedimentologists: Wiley, 2019 - 592 p. HB

Copyrighted by International Association of Sedimentologists.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Intro; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; List of contributors; Acknowledgements; Sedimentology of meandering river deposits: advances and challenges; INTRODUCTION; ESTABLISHED MODELS AND FORTHCOMING WORKS; Channel-bend growth and related point-bar facies distribution; Mechanisms of meander-bend cutoff; Meandering river channels and vegetation cover; Geometries of meander-belt sedimentary bodies; A note on anthropogenic influences; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; REFERENCES; Controls on the depositional architecture of fluvial point-bar elements in a coastal-plain succession; INTRODUCTION. GEOLOGICAL SETTINGMETHODS; Quantitative analysis; RESULTS; Type I; Type II; Type III; Type IV; Distribution of point-bar element types; DISCUSSION; Controlling Factors in the Neslen Formation; Comparison of the Neslen Formation to other similar depositional systems; CONCLUSIONS; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; REFERENCES; Toggling between expansion and translation: The generation of a muddy-normal point bar with an earthquake imprint; INTRODUCTION; Point-bar processes and types; Location, palaeogeography and stratigraphy; METHODS; RESULTS. Architectural elements binding the muddy-normal lateral-accretion elementThe muddy lateral accretion element; DISCUSSION; Depositional controls on mud and sand accretion sets in the muddy normal point bar; Toggling between expansion and translation --
the origin of the muddy-normal point bar; Evidence for a large syndepositional earthquake and possible implications; Relation to petroleum and reservoir potential; CONCLUSION; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; REFERENCES; Planform sinuosity of Proterozoic rivers: A craton to channel-reach perspective; INTRODUCTION; RATIONALE AND METHODS. FLOW DIVERGENCE IN MODERN RIVERSTHE PROTEROZOIC FLUVIAL RECORD OF LAURENTIA; Ellice Formation, Elu Basin, Nunavut (Canada); Bay of Stoer Formation, Stoer Group, Scotland (UK); Applecross Formation, Torridon Group, Scotland (UK); Nelson Head Formation, Amundsen Basin, Northwest Territories (Canada); Kuujjua Formation, Amundsen Basin, Northwest Territories (Canada); DISCUSSION; Current knowledge gaps and the ongoing debate on pre-vegetation fluvial style; Pre-vegetation planform sinuosity: the overriding role of discharge modulation; Local factors: channel hydrographs and bank stability. CONCLUSIONSACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; REFERENCES; The shortage of geological evidence for pre-vegetation meandering rivers; INTRODUCTION; Interpreting pre-vegetation channel planforms; Were there pre-vegetation meandering rivers? Inductive reasoning; Were there pre-vegetation meandering rivers? Deductive reasoning; Were there pre-vegetation meandering rivers? Abductive reasoning; Were there pre-vegetation meandering rivers? A unified approach; PRE-VEGETATION CMFM STRATA; The Neoproterozoic Allt-na-Béiste Member, NW Scotland; Interpretation of the Allt-na-Béiste Member LA-IHS; CONCLUSIONS.


Sedimentary rocks.
Meandering rivers.

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