The foundations of Buddhism /

Gethin, Rupert

The foundations of Buddhism / Rupert Gethin - New York: OUP, 1998. - xvi, 333 p. PB

1. The Buddha: The Story of the Awakened One ; 2. The Word of the Buddha: Buddhist Scriptures and Schools ; 3. Four Truths: The Disease, the Cause, the Cure, the Medicine ; 4. The Buddhist Community: Monks, Nuns, and Lay Followers ; 5. The Buddhist Cosmos: The Thrice Thousandfold World ; 6. No self: Personal Continuity and Dependent Arising ; 7. The Buddhis Path: The Way of Calm and Insight ; 8. The Abhidharma: The Higher Teaching ; 9. The Mahayana: The Great Vehicle ; 10. Evolving Traditions of Buddhism


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