Feminism postmodernism/

Feminism postmodernism/ edited by Linda J.Nicholson - London: Routledge, 2016. - ix, 348 p. HB

Introduction ----
Part I. Feminism as against epistemology? 1. Social criticism without philosophy: an encounter between feminism and postmodernism / Nancy Fraser and Linda J. Nicholson --
2. Postmodernism and gender relations in feminist theory / Jane Flax --
3. Dilemmas of difference: feminism, modernity, and postmodernism / Christine Di Stefano --
4. Feminism, science, and the anti-enlightenment critiques / Sandra Harding --
5. Epistemologies of postmodernism: a rejoinder to Jean-François Lyotard / Seyla Benhabib ----
Part II. The politics of location. 6. Feminism, postmodernism, and gender-scepticism / Susan Bordo --
7. Foucault on power: a theory for women? / Nancy Hartsock --
8. Travels in the postmodern: making sense of the local / Elspeth Probyn --
9. A manifesto for cyborgs: science, technology, and socialist feminism in the 1980s / Donna Haraway --
10. Mapping the postmodern / Andreas Huyssen ----
Part III. Identity and differentiation. 11. A feminist theory of social differentiation / Anna Yeatman --
12. The ideal of community and the politics of difference / Iris Marion Young --
13. Gender trouble, feminist theory, and psychoanalytic discourse


Feminist theory. Postmodernism.

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