Personal peacefulness : psychological perspectives/

Personal peacefulness : psychological perspectives/ edited by Gregory k. Sims, Linden L. Nelson, Mindy R. Puopolo - New York: Springer, 2014. - 285 p HB

Introduction to Personal Peacefuloess: Psychological Perspectives...
Gregory K. Sims. Linden L. Nelson and Mindy R. Pnopolo
Peacefulness as a Personality Trait.
Linden L. Nelson
Peacefulness as Nonviolent Dispositions.
Daniel M. Mayton 11
Peaceful Personality: Psychological Dynamics and Core Factors.
Linden L. Nelson
Serenity and Inner Peace: Positive Perspectives.
Dale R. Floody
The Role of Attachment and Affect Regulation In the
Development and Maintenance of Personal Peacefulness.,
Mindy R. Pnopolo
Engaging Personal Peace: Micro and Macro Facets of
Needs, Emotions and Mindfulness.
Barbara Tint and Maiy Zinkin
Towards a Theoretical Model of Personal Peacefulness
Gregory K. Sims
Engaged Peaceful Caring of a Personal Nature:
Applications In Behalf of Social Justice
Gregory K. Sims
10 The Role of Conflict Resolution in Personal Peacefulness
Susan Heitler
11 Personal Peacefulness: Expanding the Scope and
Application of Peace Psychology.
Linden L. Nelson. Mindy R. Ptiopolo and Gregoiy K. Sims


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