Understanding emotional development: providing insight into human lives/

Wilson, Robert Lewis

Understanding emotional development: providing insight into human lives/ Robert Lewis Wilson, Rachel Wilson - London: Routledge, 2015. - 274 p.

1 The importance of emotion
Emotion and psychology
Emotion, learning and decision making
Emotion and personal success
Emotions, social relationships and development
Emotion and moral behaviour
Emotional development in adverse circumstances
2 What is emotion?
What then is emotion?
Elements of emotion
The relationship between these elements of emotion
Variation in emotion
Understanding emotion
The neurology of emotion
Theories of emotion
Basic and secondary emotions
3 The hasis of development
Early neurological development
Implications for child development?
4 Emotional development in infancy
Dependency needs
Dependency, care and the earliest emotional expressions
The growth and importance of awareness
Emotions in the first year of life
Dual coding of mental events: positive and negative emotions
Early bases for emotional development
The usual course of emotional development in the first year
When things go right
When things go wrong
The first year summarised
5 Emotional development in toddlerhood
The sense of self
The reciprocal relationship
The secondary self-conscious emotions
The ontogeny of emotion in toddlerhood
The importance of love
When things go right
When things go wrong
The early years summarised
6 Dependency^ attachment and temperament
Dependency as a key concept
Attachment and dependency needs
Attachment as a key to development
Temperament and attachment
Overview of psychological dynamics
7 Parenting, care and the development of
secondary emotions
The nature of parenting
When parenting is not good-enough
Intergenerotional influences on parenting
Parenting styles
Is parenting important in child development?
Summary of parenting and emotional development
A cautionary note
8 Emotional development in early and
middle childhood
Early childhood: the pre-school stage
Middle childhood .
When things go wrong in early and middle childhood
9 Oppositional behaviour, aggression and
anxious behaviour
Oppositional behaviour
10 Emotional deveiopment in adolescence
The importance of adolescence in emotional development
How adolescents feel about themselves
Adolescent brains, risky behaviour and addiction
Adolescence and dependency
Adolescence and emotional development
When things go wrong: adolescents from adversity
11 Understanding children in sociai/emotional
Interpretation of emotional development
A classification of children with social/emotional difficulty
Making inferences
The case of Jake Smith
The case of Jo Lee
Further cose studies
The case of Michael
The case of Nik
The cose of Eve
Concluding thoughts


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